More 'Whites Becoming Minority' Bullshit


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

WASHINGTON — After years of speculation, estimates and projections, the Census Bureau has made it official: White births are no longer a majority in the United States.

Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 49.6 percent of all births in the 12-month period that ended last July, according to Census Bureau data made public on Thursday, while minorities — including Hispanics, blacks, Asians and those of mixed race — reached 50.4 percent, representing a majority for the first time in the country’s history.

Notice the slight-of-hand they use when the title of the article and its first paragraph refer to simply 'Whites' and then they specify further 'Nonhispanic whites'. Again, what the hell is it about speaking Spanish that makes you not white?

Say a guy is born in Italy and is white. He moves to Argentina and learns Spanish, teaches it to his kids, and his son migrates to the US where he is considered not white by the US Census. Only they DO consider him white (white hispanic) but they just never count him as white because he speaks Spanish (white does not include hipanic whites according to the Census Bureau). Even Mestizos are white, and in our culture we have never considered mixed Amerindian and European to be Mestizzo or less for racist bullshit reasons. ( see explanation below).

Does the Census Bureau's double speak make any fucking sense?

The press is trying to hype this 'whites becoming a minority' story line to sell advertisning and hysterical lying bullshit like this sells. (It got me to read the article anyway.)

Whites are still 80% of this countries population, and if you break it down by ethnic heritage you get all kinds of weird ass shit. But speaking Irish does not put you into the category of 'Irish speaking white' and no one counts whites leaving out the Irish.

So why do they do this with Hispanics?

The lefties want hispanics to think of themselves as a different race so that they can make them feel isolated and hostile to the broader white ethnicities and thus keep them on their leftwing plantation system a little longer.

But it is a lie. Hispanics are whites and the only people that have ever consider them to be nonwhite were the most extreme racist morons over the last century.

This is just one more example of why racial categorization is ambiguous, malable and conveys too little information about its members to be of any rational use. All it is good for is demoguogery and agitation propaganda for neoMarxist liars.

Example of Prominent US families with Amerindian heritage:
Pocahontas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -

Descendants of many First Families of Virginia trace their roots to Pocahontas and Chief Powhatan, including such notable individuals as Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, wife of Woodrow Wilson; George Wythe Randolph; Admiral Richard Byrd; Virginia Governor Harry Flood Byrd; fashion-designer and socialite Pauline de Rothschild; former First Lady Nancy Reagan; actor Glenn Strange; and astronomer and mathematician Percival Lowell. Her "blood" was introduced to the Randolph family of Virginia..
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All joking aside, Ringel does have a point, in the American context, at least. Whether or not it's down to biased, infair reporting in the media, when someone says Hispanic in the U.S. - as opposed to in Europe - it conjures up images of Mestizos, not Iberian whites, who bear much more of a resemblance to Saxon, Celtic and Nordic whites. It's a bit of a minefield, racially speaking, but it's worth remembering.
Yup, in the US we tend to visualize Hispanics as the darker skinned mixed race, yet that sub-group only makes up a certain (albeit large) percentage of all Hispanics which does include Iberians, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation transplanted northern Europeans, those of African descent, Asian, Asian mix, etc.
Since when were all Hispanics white? :eusa_eh:

The majority self-identify as white, the rest are mostly a mix of Amerindian and caucasian and, for some reason, that racial mix has long been considered 'white enough'.

Almost all hispanics in the US have some caucasian in them. Some nationalities (Chile and Argentina for example) that are considered hispanic are almost 100% caucasian and as white as any European nation.

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