More Support of Israel from The Liberal Democrats


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

U.S. Senator seeks to cut aid to elite IDF units operating in West Bank and Gaza

Senator Patrick Leahy claims Shayetet 13 unit, undercover Duvdevan unit, and the Israel Air Force Shaldag unit are involved in human rights violations in occupied territories.

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy is promoting a bill to suspend U.S. assistance to three elite Israel Defense Forces units, alleging they are involved in human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Leahy, a Democrat and senior member of the U.S. Senate, wants assistance withheld from the Israel Navy's Shayetet 13 unit, the undercover Duvdevan unit and the Israel Air Force's Shaldag unit
Defense Minister Ehud Barak, a long-time friend of Leahy's, met with him in Washington two weeks ago to try to persuade him to withdraw the initiative.

According to a senior Israeli official in Jerusalem, Leahy began promoting the legislation in recent months after he was approached by voters in his home state of Vermont.

A few months ago, a group of pro-Palestinian protesters staged a rally across from Leahy's office, demanding that he denounce the killing by Shayetet 13 commandos of nine Turkish activists who were part of the flotilla to Gaza last May.

Leahy, who heads the Senate Appropriations Committee's sub-committee on foreign operations, was the principle sponsor of a 1997 bill prohibiting the United States from providing military assistance or funding to foreign military units suspected of human rights abuses or war crimes. The law also stipulates that the U.S. Defense Department screen foreign officers and soldiers who come to the United States for training for this purpose.

Leahy wants the new clause to become a part of the U.S. foreign assistance legislation for 2012, placing restrictions on military assistance to Israel, particularly to those three units.

Leahy says these units are responsible for harming innocent Palestinian civilians and that no system of investigation is in place to ensure that their members are not committing human rights violations. According to Leahy's proposal, U.S. military assistance to Israel would be subject to the same restrictions that apply to countries such as Egypt, Pakistan and Jordan
I was kind of hoping to get a response from my liberal Jewish friends on this.
Now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.

There will be more patriotic Americans like Senator Leahy.

Who have come to the forefront and acknowledge that the United States can no longer financially or militarily support the fascist and apartheid state of Israel.

Supporting Israel is morally unjust and hopefully will become legislatively criminal to do so. :cool:
Now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.

There will be more patriotic Americans like Senator Leahy.

Who have come to the forefront and acknowledge that the United States can no longer financially or militarily support the fascist and apartheid state of Israel.

Supporting Israel is morally unjust and hopefully will become legislatively criminal to do so. :cool:

Yeah they're coming out in droves Sunni boy:doubt:..Although generally liberal democrats have more sympathies with the Arabs then conservative Republicans. The only reason more don't come out like this is because most of the American people are on the right side and side with our ally Israel:cool:
The main reason that more politicians do not come out and blast Israel for its racist and apartheid policies is the political and financial cloud of AIPAC :doubt:

As I said that is why the Dems don't do it more often. Conservatives side with Israel on principal that’s the difference Sunni boy.
given the budget situation, and israel's - we'll just say questionable - record, why is it exactly that we need to support their 'elite IDF units' operating in the west bank?

seems to me that money is better spent elsewhere. anywhere elsewhere really.
I am a Republican and a fiscal conservative.

Many of my non-Muslim republican friends are starting to wake up and see that Israel is nothing but a financial drain.

And is the main point of contention with our Arab friends and the world community.

Is the United States support of Israel does nothing to enhance our security.

In fact it only makes us more prone to attack.

I have convinced many of them that Israel is not our 51st State and there is nothing in the Constitution about protecting any foreign nation and that includes the apartheid Zionist controlled nation of Israel.
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Now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.

There will be more patriotic Americans like Senator Leahy.

Who have come to the forefront and acknowledge that the United States can no longer financially or militarily support the fascist and apartheid state of Israel.

Supporting Israel is morally unjust and hopefully will become legislatively criminal to do so. :cool:
are you trying to say that Israel is more oppressive than the sharia law abiding ,islamic shit holes in the region!!go back to hell you no good islamic radical!!!when we vote the NIC out in 2012 we will once again stand behind Israel...screw you and the godless left wing traitors that support and enable your shity ass!!!
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I am a Republican and a fiscal conservative.

Many of my non-Muslim republican friends are starting to wake up and see that Israel is nothing but a financial drain.

And is the main point of contention with our Arab friends and the world community.

Is the United States support of Israel does nothing to enhance our security.

In fact it only makes us more prone to attack.

I have convinced many of them that Israel is not our 51st State and there is nothing in the Constitution about protecting any foreign nation and that includes the apartheid Zionist controlled nation of Israel.
Shiity Man is a liar!!!he is as conservative as a gay office party at an abortion clinic!!!
I am a Republican and a fiscal conservative.

Many of my non-Muslim republican friends are starting to wake up and see that Israel is nothing but a financial drain.

And is the main point of contention with our Arab friends and the world community.

Is the United States support of Israel does nothing to enhance our security.

In fact it only makes us more prone to attack.

I have convinced many of them that Israel is not our 51st State and there is nothing in the Constitution about protecting any foreign nation and that includes the apartheid Zionist controlled nation of Israel.

:doubt:I'm sure you and your friends discuss and debate your ideas on solving "the Jewish problem "

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:
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Now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.

There will be more patriotic Americans like Senator Leahy.

Who have come to the forefront and acknowledge that the United States can no longer financially or militarily support the fascist and apartheid state of Israel.

Supporting Israel is morally unjust and hopefully will become legislatively criminal to do so. :cool:
are you trying to say that Israel is more oppressive than the sharia law abiding ,islamic shit holes in the region!!go back to hell you no good islamic radical!!!when we vote the NIC out in 2012 we will once again stand behind Israel...screw you and the godless left wing traitors that support and enable your shity ass!!!

You mad, bro?

suffice it to say, Israel is absolutely more oppressive than the UNITES STATES when it comes to validated ethnic segregation and state base Jim Cohen favoritism.

is this where you scream antisemite and cry martyr?
I am a Republican and a fiscal conservative.

Many of my non-Muslim republican friends are starting to wake up and see that Israel is nothing but a financial drain.

And is the main point of contention with our Arab friends and the world community.

Is the United States support of Israel does nothing to enhance our security.

In fact it only makes us more prone to attack.

I have convinced many of them that Israel is not our 51st State and there is nothing in the Constitution about protecting any foreign nation and that includes the apartheid Zionist controlled nation of Israel.
Shiity Man is a liar!!!he is as conservative as a gay office party at an abortion clinic!!!

Real intelligent analysis there on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Oh no wait that was just mindless bashing my bad.

Anyway, both the Palestinians and the Israelis have been screwing each other over for years. BOTH SIDES have commit human rights violations, and guess what? The United States continues to pour more money into that godforsaken area, which probably will still be in the same geopolitical quagmire fifty freaking years from now.

For us to give Israel leeway when it comes to human rights is completely morally unjustifiable. ALL nations have to respect the basic tenants of human dignity, otherwise the world will be more opressive than it already is. I'm not saying the Palestinians are better or more moral -- if anything, they are much worse (Hamas, anyone?)

Leahy is right. Not only can we no longer afford screwing around in the Middle East, but all nations should ultimately be held to the same scrutiny on human rights issues.
Now the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.

There will be more patriotic Americans like Senator Leahy.

Who have come to the forefront and acknowledge that the United States can no longer financially or militarily support the fascist and apartheid state of Israel.

Supporting Israel is morally unjust and hopefully will become legislatively criminal to do so. :cool:

Yeah they're coming out in droves Sunni boy:doubt:..Although generally liberal democrats have more sympathies with the Arabs then conservative Republicans. The only reason more don't come out like this is because most of the American people are on the right side and side with our ally Israel:cool:

Most conservatives, but not all. Ron Paul would side with Senator Leahy.
I am a Republican and a fiscal conservative.

Many of my non-Muslim republican friends are starting to wake up and see that Israel is nothing but a financial drain.

And is the main point of contention with our Arab friends and the world community.

Is the United States support of Israel does nothing to enhance our security.

In fact it only makes us more prone to attack.

I have convinced many of them that Israel is not our 51st State and there is nothing in the Constitution about protecting any foreign nation and that includes the apartheid Zionist controlled nation of Israel.
Shiity Man is a liar!!!he is as conservative as a gay office party at an abortion clinic!!!

Real intelligent analysis there on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Oh no wait that was just mindless bashing my bad.

Anyway, both the Palestinians and the Israelis have been screwing each other over for years. BOTH SIDES have commit human rights violations, and guess what? The United States continues to pour more money into that godforsaken area, which probably will still be in the same geopolitical quagmire fifty freaking years from now.

For us to give Israel leeway when it comes to human rights is completely morally unjustifiable. ALL nations have to respect the basic tenants of human dignity, otherwise the world will be more opressive than it already is. I'm not saying the Palestinians are better or more moral -- if anything, they are much worse (Hamas, anyone?)

Leahy is right. Not only can we no longer afford screwing around in the Middle East, but all nations should ultimately be held to the same scrutiny on human rights issues.

Wow, a real self-serving comment there about ALL nations have to respect basic tenants of human dignity, blah blah blah. So will YOU be leading the charge in the UN to condemn nearly every single MUSLIM nation of the Middle East and several African ones, right? I'd start with Jordan myself -a nation that refuses to give citizenship to anyone of Palestinian descent born inside their borders -in spite of the fact they have people who are the 4th and 5th and 6th generation to be born there -yet denied citizenship. Along with being denied access to full economic participation the country. They are DELIBERATELY kept poverty stricken, isolated and segregated from society and DELIBERATELY kept as miserable as possible. Why? Because a happy, content and affluent Palestinian population is far less likely to be manipulated and kept in a constant rage by being told Israel is to blame for their misery. It is why so many Muslim nations have no problem donating weapons and arms to Palestinians -but are incredibly stingy when it comes to those things that would actually improve the quality of life for Palestinians.

So you want the US to do its part by standing aside so Muslims can finish what Hitler attempted to do? Let's get real on this one, ok?

What would happen if Palestinians and their terrorist supporters stopped attacking Israel for good? No make believe answers on this one -what do you think Israel would really do if it knew it would never be attacked again?

What would happen if Israel stopped defending itself from these attacks?

Only one would bring peace -the other only a horrific bloodbath. The idea that a country the size of New Jersey is the cause of all the problems of the Middle East and really the entire WORLD itself -is an evil, lying ass fantasy. Oh sure, life would be good for billions the world over if there were just no Israel? Get real -WAR is the normal state for Muslim countries -peace is the aberration. Nor do Muslims want peace. They want war, they want blood, they want conquest -which is why you can't name three ongoing conflicts in the world where Muslim extremism isn't the root cause. Not Jews at the root cause -MUSLIMS -fighting EVERYONE else and on every continent! Their religion demands they take GLOBAL power -THEIRS is the ONLY religion that really does have a game plan for it. Not Jews, not Christians, not Buddhists, not Shintoists, not Wiccans. So who is the REAL threat on this planet?

Who would be more likely to survive? A Muslim living in Israel? Or a non-Muslim living in Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Somalia and on and on and on. Get real.

The reason some prefer a bloodbath for Israelis hasn't got a damn thing to do with any faux outrage about how Palestinians are treated by Israel. Not when these same people are silent about the fact Muslims themselves go out of their way to make sure Palestinians are kept miserable - a content people cannot be used as a weapon. Not when the same people are DEAD SILENT about the horrific treatment of Jews -in fact any and all non-Muslims - in nearly every Muslim country on the planet. Where was your outrage when Saddam Hussein rounded up nearly the entire Jewish Iraqi population and hung them in the public square? Oh, internal problem, not your concern, right? Ever bothered to check what has happened to the Jewish populations of these Muslim countries which has only significantly declined or totally disappeared? And they didn't emigrate either. So where are they? What? Oh not a concern and lets make sure Israeli Jews meet the same fate? Where is your outrage when Christians are gunned down coming out of church in places like Pakistan or Egypt? Oh, internal problem again, right? Not your concern either?

Think no one notices that people like you aren't squealing about how Israel treats their OWN Arab Muslim Israeli citizens -because they aren't the ones complaining -they have the same rights as any other Israeli and in fact account for more than 1/5th of the Israeli population and is still growing! Its not their own citizens who have vowed to destroy Israel who are complaining about how Israel treats them -but their avowed and self-declared ENEMY. Do you demand any other intended murder victim be nicer to their killer and make their job easier? The constant demand that Jews commit suicide on demand will never end. You same hypocrites squeal if Palestinian civilians are accidentally killed -but dead silent about the fact the other side deliberately targets JEWISH civilians for murder routinely. Oh, THEIR MURDERS are ok with you, right? You want to pretend that in unequal conflicts one side fights their military and the other side just kills civilians instead? You people act like its normal to target civilians as the usual response to unequal conflicts. But it isn't. Killing civilians does not deprive the enemy of ONE weapon or soldier so it is not only an inhumane act, it is one that has no legitimate military purpose! Do you REALLY want to return to a mentality that during war civilians and soldiers alike are fair game? Or just if its Jews. How about the fact the Geneva Conventions specifically say if those carrying out the war hide among civilians, they do NOT gain the protection of civilians -but instead only deprive those civilians of protection because they turned them into legitimate military targets? Did you even KNOW that? That is in there in order to discourage combatants from hiding among civilians in the first place. But instead of screeching at those who do that -you demand Israel give combatants civilian protections because they are hiding among them -the very thing the Conventions say they should NOT receive! But it makes it easier for them to launch missiles from a school yard and then act all outraged when Israel strikes back at the launch site -and school kids get killed as a result. Pretend that is Israel's fault instead of those who deliberately chose that school yard HOPING children would be killed so their deaths could be used as a political tool to try and get others to denounce Israel. And with people like you who lack morals and critical thinking skills -it works. A major reward which guarantees they will continue doing it.

They target Jewish civilians because they are JEWS, they make no secret of the fact they want JEWS dead -not just Israelis to forfeit their nation, land and homes but for Jews to lose their lives. And people like you never object to the murder of THOSE civilians because they are JEWS. People around the world spent centuries trying to get our species to progress beyond the acts of an animal and accept the reality that targeting civilians for murder as part of a conflict -is NOT acceptable because it is inhumane, inhuman, degrading to the killers and debases our entire species. Then along come assholes like you giving certain groups permission to slaughter civilians either directly or indirectly through your silence that sets our species back a thousand years -and the only rational explanation for why you could possibly find it acceptable for Muslims to target Jewish men, women and children for mass murder whether it is by blindly lobbing a bomb at their homes or having someone board a bus full of kids in order to blow them up -is for no other reason BUT they are Jewish. YOU are sympathetic to those who would do that which reveals the true nature of your soul as well. And once you give permission to one group to do it, EVERY group anywhere in the world believes their grievances justify THEM doing it as well -and to anyone.

Hey, if its such an effective military tactic and if you really believe it is a justified tactic for ANYONE -then I suggest all nations should disband their armies and just send out roving bands of thugs to slaughter any unsuspecting man, woman and child who crosses their path! If its acceptable to do this to Israeli ones, then it is justifiable and acceptable for anyone to do it to ANYONE.

I figured out something a long time ago -anti-Semites are nothing but sociopaths and NEED others to validate it by encouraging others to join them and wallow in it as well. Evil doesn't become less evil just because you get more to commit it. It only increases the horror of that evil. Its like pretending if Jeffrey Dahmer had everyone in his apartment building help him kill, carve up, cook and eat his victims we would think it wasn't such a terrible crime as when he did it by himself. In reality the horror is only magnified exponentially with the addition of each person who joins in. Same is true of the anti-semitic filth that plagues this planet.

All of this is typical liberal bs. When the rest of those godforsaken Muslim hellholes first lift their own standards up to where Israel is now, when the world demands of all the rest what it demands of Israel now - then you can start demanding Israel raise theirs again. Until then you amoral fuckers are only fueling the flames.

As for the asshole who wants to put Jews on some island surrounded by gunboats to prevent their escape -I think maybe Muslims would do better with that fate. Starting with any Muslim who would support such an idea regarding Jews. Only a skin crawling MAGGOT who is only posing as a human being would even suggest that. And the fact you did suggest it tells us all plenty about your hideous and inhumane nature and the religion that spawned you.
So to sum up your long delusional and pathetic post.

Jews, Zionists, Israel = perfect and good

Anyone who doesn't agree = evil and bad
you can lie and deny liberal,but facts are stubborn things are a friend of the enemy and a traitor to this country!!!and in 2012 you and losers like you will prove it to the world...all liberals are scum!!
So to sum up your long delusional and pathetic post.

Jews, Zionists, Israel = perfect and good

Anyone who doesn't agree = evil and bad
you can lie and deny liberal,but facts are stubborn things are a friend of the enemy and a traitor to this country!!!and in 2012 you and losers like you will prove it to the world...all liberals are scum!!

he's a 'friend of the enemy'?

'traitor to this country'?

because he doesn't like our policies towards israel?
Shiity Man is a liar!!!he is as conservative as a gay office party at an abortion clinic!!!

Real intelligent analysis there on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Oh no wait that was just mindless bashing my bad.

Anyway, both the Palestinians and the Israelis have been screwing each other over for years. BOTH SIDES have commit human rights violations, and guess what? The United States continues to pour more money into that godforsaken area, which probably will still be in the same geopolitical quagmire fifty freaking years from now.

For us to give Israel leeway when it comes to human rights is completely morally unjustifiable. ALL nations have to respect the basic tenants of human dignity, otherwise the world will be more opressive than it already is. I'm not saying the Palestinians are better or more moral -- if anything, they are much worse (Hamas, anyone?)

Leahy is right. Not only can we no longer afford screwing around in the Middle East, but all nations should ultimately be held to the same scrutiny on human rights issues.

Wow, a real self-serving comment there about ALL nations have to respect basic tenants of human dignity, blah blah blah. So will YOU be leading the charge in the UN to condemn nearly every single MUSLIM nation of the Middle East and several African ones, right?

Nice implying that I think Muslim theocracies should get a free pass when it comes to human rights violations. I don't.

I'd start with Jordan myself -a nation that refuses to give citizenship to anyone of Palestinian descent born inside their borders -in spite of the fact they have people who are the 4th and 5th and 6th generation to be born there -yet denied citizenship. Along with being denied access to full economic participation the country. They are DELIBERATELY kept poverty stricken, isolated and segregated from society and DELIBERATELY kept as miserable as possible. Why? Because a happy, content and affluent Palestinian population is far less likely to be manipulated and kept in a constant rage by being told Israel is to blame for their misery. It is why so many Muslim nations have no problem donating weapons and arms to Palestinians -but are incredibly stingy when it comes to those things that would actually improve the quality of life for Palestinians.

So you want the US to do its part by standing aside so Muslims can finish what Hitler attempted to do? Let's get real on this one, ok?

I never advocated revoking the US alliance with Israel. Only that PERHAPS we stop giving Israel a blank check if certain elements are going out of their way to abuse human rights.

What would happen if Palestinians and their terrorist supporters stopped attacking Israel for good? No make believe answers on this one -what do you think Israel would really do if it knew it would never be attacked again?

...Live in peace, obviously?

What would happen if Israel stopped defending itself from these attacks?

It would get destroyed, obviously. Only I never implied that Israel should "stop defending itself." Only that it should not be committing human rights abuses when in conflict and the US should NOT give a blank check to a nation in which certain elements may commit human rights abuses. Such should hold true for ALL NATIONS.

Only one would bring peace -the other only a horrific bloodbath. The idea that a country the size of New Jersey is the cause of all the problems of the Middle East and really the entire WORLD itself -is an evil, lying ass fantasy.

Great way to put words in my mouth. I never said or implied this, only that all sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict INCLUDING THE ISRAELIS AND PALESTINIANS have their hands dirty.

Oh sure, life would be good for billions the world over if there were just no Israel? Get real -WAR is the normal state for Muslim countries -peace is the aberration.

Again, straw man argument. I never said Israel was an illegitimate state -- it is not, and it has a right to exist. As for "war" being the "normal state" for Muslim nations, Malaysia, Brunei, and the UAE disagree with you. They aren't paradigms of human rights, but they aren't constantly at war either.

Nor do Muslims want peace. They want war, they want blood, they want conquest -which is why you can't name three ongoing conflicts in the world where Muslim extremism isn't the root cause. Not Jews at the root cause -MUSLIMS -fighting EVERYONE else and on every continent! Their religion demands they take GLOBAL power -THEIRS is the ONLY religion that really does have a game plan for it. Not Jews, not Christians, not Buddhists, not Shintoists, not Wiccans. So who is the REAL threat on this planet?

If such is true, I want Koran passages plz proving such. By the way, EVERY RELIGION (espcially Christianity in the Middle Ages) attempted to militarily spread their religion at one point. Does that mean every Christian is a dangerous menace? No, obviously. It means some nuts misinterpreted a holy text. Same applies to Muslims.

Have you ever talked to a Muslim person? Just curious.

Who would be more likely to survive? A Muslim living in Israel? Or a non-Muslim living in Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Somalia and on and on and on. Get real.

Again, shoving words in my mouth.

The reason some prefer a bloodbath for Israelis hasn't got a damn thing to do with any faux outrage about how Palestinians are treated by Israel. Not when these same people are silent about the fact Muslims themselves go out of their way to make sure Palestinians are kept miserable - a content people cannot be used as a weapon. Not when the same people are DEAD SILENT about the horrific treatment of Jews -in fact any and all non-Muslims - in nearly every Muslim country on the planet.

The frig? I don't give Muslim theocracies a free pass when it comes to abridging inalienable rights. But the topic does not discuss the rights abridgments in Muslim nations, so to reference such would be off topic. The topic is about ISRAELI abridgments of human rights and the possibility that the US might cut off some aid.

Where was your outrage when Saddam Hussein rounded up nearly the entire Jewish Iraqi population and hung them in the public square? Oh, internal problem, not your concern, right?


Ever bothered to check what has happened to the Jewish populations of these Muslim countries which has only significantly declined or totally disappeared? And they didn't emigrate either. So where are they? What? Oh not a concern and lets make sure Israeli Jews meet the same fate? Where is your outrage when Christians are gunned down coming out of church in places like Pakistan or Egypt? Oh, internal problem again, right? Not your concern either?

Wrong. Great straw man arguments tho. Of course since I find some problems with the Israeli government, I must be some closeted totalitarian nut rite?

Think no one notices that people like you aren't squealing about how Israel treats their OWN Arab Muslim Israeli citizens -because they aren't the ones complaining -they have the same rights as any other Israeli and in fact account for more than 1/5th of the Israeli population and is still growing! Its not their own citizens who have vowed to destroy Israel who are complaining about how Israel treats them -but their avowed and self-declared ENEMY. Do you demand any other intended murder victim be nicer to their killer and make their job easier? The constant demand that Jews commit suicide on demand will never end. You same hypocrites squeal if Palestinian civilians are accidentally killed -but dead silent about the fact the other side deliberately targets JEWISH civilians for murder routinely. Oh, THEIR MURDERS are ok with you, right?

DID. YOU. NOT. READ. MY. POST. I openly said the Palestinians were far less moral in how they fought then the Israelis were. I even mentioned Hamas as an example. Right there, in the statement you quoted.

You want to pretend that in unequal conflicts one side fights their military and the other side just kills civilians instead? You people act like its normal to target civilians as the usual response to unequal conflicts. But it isn't. Killing civilians does not deprive the enemy of ONE weapon or soldier so it is not only an inhumane act, it is one that has no legitimate military purpose! Do you REALLY want to return to a mentality that during war civilians and soldiers alike are fair game? Or just if its Jews. How about the fact the Geneva Conventions specifically say if those carrying out the war hide among civilians, they do NOT gain the protection of civilians -but instead only deprive those civilians of protection because they turned them into legitimate military targets? Did you even KNOW that? That is in there in order to discourage combatants from hiding among civilians in the first place. But instead of screeching at those who do that -you demand Israel give combatants civilian protections because they are hiding among them -the very thing the Conventions say they should NOT receive! But it makes it easier for them to launch missiles from a school yard and then act all outraged when Israel strikes back at the launch site -and school kids get killed as a result. Pretend that is Israel's fault instead of those who deliberately chose that school yard HOPING children would be killed so their deaths could be used as a political tool to try and get others to denounce Israel. And with people like you who lack morals and critical thinking skills -it works. A major reward which guarantees they will continue doing it.

I never advocated using civillians as shields and am highly opposed to Hamas doing such. So you pulled this out of your but basically.

They target Jewish civilians because they are JEWS, they make no secret of the fact they want JEWS dead -not just Israelis to forfeit their nation, land and homes but for Jews to lose their lives. And people like you never object to the murder of THOSE civilians because they are JEWS. People around the world spent centuries trying to get our species to progress beyond the acts of an animal and accept the reality that targeting civilians for murder as part of a conflict -is NOT acceptable because it is inhumane, inhuman, degrading to the killers and debases our entire species. Then along come assholes like you giving certain groups permission to slaughter civilians either directly or indirectly through your silence that sets our species back a thousand years -and the only rational explanation for why you could possibly find it acceptable for Muslims to target Jewish men, women and children for mass murder whether it is by blindly lobbing a bomb at their homes or having someone board a bus full of kids in order to blow them up -is for no other reason BUT they are Jewish. YOU are sympathetic to those who would do that which reveals the true nature of your soul as well. And once you give permission to one group to do it, EVERY group anywhere in the world believes their grievances justify THEM doing it as well -and to anyone.

Where the fuck did I say I was sympathetic to Hamas? I condemned them in the post you quoted! To pretend that the conflict is in black and white terms is ridiculous

Hey, if its such an effective military tactic and if you really believe it is a justified tactic for ANYONE -then I suggest all nations should disband their armies and just send out roving bands of thugs to slaughter any unsuspecting man, woman and child who crosses their path! If its acceptable to do this to Israeli ones, then it is justifiable and acceptable for anyone to do it to ANYONE.

Strawman. Please tell me were I supported bombing civilians.

I figured out something a long time ago -anti-Semites are nothing but sociopaths and NEED others to validate it by encouraging others to join them and wallow in it as well. Evil doesn't become less evil just because you get more to commit it. It only increases the horror of that evil. Its like pretending if Jeffrey Dahmer had everyone in his apartment building help him kill, carve up, cook and eat his victims we would think it wasn't such a terrible crime as when he did it by himself. In reality the horror is only magnified exponentially with the addition of each person who joins in. Same is true of the anti-semitic filth that plagues this planet.

This is just complete distortion of what I said and obviously some sort of ridiculous campaign to make me look like a neo-fascist. The distortions in this statement are ridiculious.

All of this is typical liberal bs. When the rest of those godforsaken Muslim hellholes first lift their own standards up to where Israel is now, when the world demands of all the rest what it demands of Israel now - then you can start demanding Israel raise theirs again. Until then you amoral fuckers are only fueling the flames.

As for the asshole who wants to put Jews on some island surrounded by gunboats to prevent their escape -I think maybe Muslims would do better with that fate. Starting with any Muslim who would support such an idea regarding Jews. Only a skin crawling MAGGOT who is only posing as a human being would even suggest that. And the fact you did suggest it tells us all plenty about your hideous and inhumane nature and the religion that spawned you.

Where the fuck did this come from? I'm not Muslim, and think that ALL nations, including Muslim ones, should be subject to the same scrutiny on issues of rights. You lost be with the gunboats analogy -- I NEVER said that the US should revoke its alliance with Israel. We wouldn't let them get taken over. And we shouldn't.


Did you even read my post? I expressly said that the Palestinians were not an innocent party, so for you to claim I'm some sort of anti-Semite is absolutely ridiculous. Great strawman arguments though. None of the slander you tried to say about me is true tho. Read EVERY part of my posts next time, k?

Oh, and three conflicts in the world where Muslim extremism is not the root cause:

1.) The conflict between the Indian government and Naxalite fighters
2.) Tribal warfare in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
3.) Conflict between the Republic of Columbia and leftist terrorist group FARC

gg no re
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