More Proof Libs Led Astray!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Recall all the reliable Democrat voters denied 'Death Panels'???

....And that ObamaCare means rationing healthcare?

Well,'s another chance for you to deny reality:

1. "Beyond Obamacare...WE need death panels.

2. ...unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.

3. the pantheon of toxic issues — the famous “third rails” of American politics — none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceutical.

4. In 2009, Sarah Palin’s rant about death panels even forced elimination from the bill of a provision to offer end-of-life consultations.

5. Meanwhile, Mr. Obama’s hopes for sustained cost containment are pinned on a to-be-determined mix of squeezing reimbursements, embracing a selection of the creative ideas that have spewed forth from health care policy wonks and scouring the globe for innovations.

6. To Mr. Obama’s credit, his plan has more teeth than Mr. Ryan’s; if his Independent Payment Advisory Board comes up with savings, Congress must accept either them or vote for an equivalent package. The problem is, the advisory board can’t propose reducing benefits (a k a rationing) or raising fees (another form of rationing), without which the spending target looms impossibly large.

7. ...with the elderly population growing rapidly, even if cost increases for each beneficiary can be contained, Medicare would still claim a rising share of the American economy.

8. ...reducing the cost of treating people in the last year of life, which consumes more than a quarter of the program’s budget.

9. No one wants to lose an aging parent. And with price out of the equation, it’s natural for patients and their families to try every treatment, regardless of expense or efficacy. But that imposes an enormous societal cost...

10. Take Britain, which provides universal coverage with spending at proportionately almost half of American levels. Its National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence uses a complex quality-adjusted life year system to put an explicit value (up to about $48,000 per year) on a treatment’s ability to extend life."

Sadly....the Right was right again.

The fools just got in line and swallowed the lies.....

So, Democrat Representative Alan Grayson was correct :" The Republican healthcare plan plan was "don't get sick" and, if you do, "die quickly"? ...

He just named the wrong party.
Gee this is an opinion piece by STEVEN RATTNER, nothing he says is in Obamacare. There still are no death panels in Obamacare like there are in GOP insurance company for profit care.
Try again.
Gee this is an opinion piece by STEVEN RATTNER, nothing he says is in Obamacare. There still are no death panels in Obamacare like there are in GOP insurance company for profit care.
Try again.

1. Of course you know that Rattner is an associate of Obama.

And that what he is 'opining' is exactly what we on the Right said ObamaCare would be about: death panels and rationing.

2. And, to maintain one's Leftist creds, one must continue to pretend that death panels and rationing isn't exactly the mechanism of ObamaCare.

3. From the OP: Take Britain, which provides universal coverage with spending at proportionately almost half of American levels. Its National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence uses a complex quality-adjusted life year system to put an explicit value (up to about $48,000 per year) on a treatment’s ability to extend life."

4. "President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE)."
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now | The Daily Caller

But....since Leftist Janissaries are more like iron filings in a magnetic field than thinking human'll just continue willful ignorance.
Gee this is an opinion piece by STEVEN RATTNER, nothing he says is in Obamacare. There still are no death panels in Obamacare like there are in GOP insurance company for profit care.
Try again.

1. Of course you know that Rattner is an associate of Obama.

And that what he is 'opining' is exactly what we on the Right said ObamaCare would be about: death panels and rationing.

2. And, to maintain one's Leftist creds, one must continue to pretend that death panels and rationing isn't exactly the mechanism of ObamaCare.

3. From the OP: Take Britain, which provides universal coverage with spending at proportionately almost half of American levels. Its National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence uses a complex quality-adjusted life year system to put an explicit value (up to about $48,000 per year) on a treatment’s ability to extend life."

4. "President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE)."
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now | The Daily Caller

But....since Leftist Janissaries are more like iron filings in a magnetic field than thinking human'll just continue willful ignorance.
So it's back to guilt by association. He was Obama's Car Czar. Obamacare has nothing to do with cars. Rattner has nothing to do with Obamacare. Neither does Great Briton.
Try again.
Gee this is an opinion piece by STEVEN RATTNER, nothing he says is in Obamacare. There still are no death panels in Obamacare like there are in GOP insurance company for profit care.
Try again.

1. Of course you know that Rattner is an associate of Obama.

And that what he is 'opining' is exactly what we on the Right said ObamaCare would be about: death panels and rationing.

2. And, to maintain one's Leftist creds, one must continue to pretend that death panels and rationing isn't exactly the mechanism of ObamaCare.

3. From the OP: Take Britain, which provides universal coverage with spending at proportionately almost half of American levels. Its National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence uses a complex quality-adjusted life year system to put an explicit value (up to about $48,000 per year) on a treatment’s ability to extend life."

4. "President Obama's nominee for director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government health care programs, is Dr. Donald Berwick, an outspoken admirer of the British National Health Service and its rationing arm, the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE)."
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now | The Daily Caller

But....since Leftist Janissaries are more like iron filings in a magnetic field than thinking human'll just continue willful ignorance.
So it's back to guilt by association. He was Obama's Car Czar. Obamacare has nothing to do with cars. Rattner has nothing to do with Obamacare. Neither does Great Briton.
Try again.

1. "... guilt by association." OMG.
Can't you think at all???

2. " Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican..."

3. Rattner was a part of the Obama administration.

Rattner is an inveterate Liberal Democrat (is that redundant?).

Why would an inveterate Liberal Democrat admit the importance of death panels and rationing to collectivist policy if it were not true?

4. Why did Obama pick Berwick, a proponent of death panels and rationing???

5. "The one thing the NHS is good at is saving money. After all, it is far cheaper to let the sick die than to provide care, says Tanner.
At the forefront of this cost-based rationing is NICE. It acts as a comparative effectiveness tool for NHS, comparing various treatments and determining whether the benefits the patient receives, such as prolonged life, are cost efficient for the government.

Dr. Berwick wants to bring NICE-style rationing to this country. "It's not a question of whether we will ration care," he said in a magazine interview for Biotechnology Healthcare, "It is whether we will ration with our eyes open."

Maybe those worries about death panels weren't so crazy after all, says Tanner."
Source: Michael Tanner, "'Death panels' were an overblown claim -- until now," Daily Caller, May 27, 2010.
For text:
‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now | The Daily Caller
Thread fail.

That can only mean that your already knew that the aim of the Democrat 'healthcare' plan included death panels and rationing of healthcare resources to whom soever their bureaucrats deem worthy of living.
As opposed to the Republican 'healthcare' plan that includes death panels and rationing of healthcare resources by the insurance company bureaucrats to maximize profits for the shareholders where nobody's worthiness is greater than profit.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's Republican death panel claims second life

Death panels in Arizona

Arizona Republicans, led by Governor Jan Brewer, are sentencing innocent citizens to death.

Gov. Grim Reaper and the fallen angels of the Republican-controlled Legislature do not like being called a death panel.

But that is what they are.

If elected officials make budget decisions that determine whether sick people live or die - and they choose the latter - they are a death panel.


No one knows "death panels" like Republicans. They started them. "Real" death panels. The "real deal".

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