More people getting help for Mental illness.

There are only a very few cases with children where it is valid or actually needed, most cases are just an unrecognized form of child abuse.
You know, I hate to admit a conspiracy theory is actually viable ... but this could be, the only problem is, as I say, someone is clearly getting something for it so it's not really a conspiracy, more like a con game.
More Americans taking drugs for mental illness

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Many more Americans have been using prescription drugs to treat mental illness since 1996, in part because of expanded insurance coverage and greater familiarity with the drugs among primary care doctors, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.

basicaly because of greed and advertising

They said 73 percent more adults and 50 percent more children are using drugs to treat mental illness than in 1996.

pure madness a direct result of misleading disinformation advertising and pay offs

Among adults over 65, use of so-called psychotropic drugs -- which include antidepressants, antipsychotics and Alzheimer's medicines -- doubled between 1996 and 2006.

"What we generally find is there has been an increase in access to care for all populations," said Sherry Glied of Columbia University in New York, whose study appears in the journal Health Affairs.

"Mental health has become much more a part of mainstream medical care," Glied said in a telephone interview.

In 2006, they said 16 percent of adults 65 and older had some form of mental health diagnosis.

pure nonsense ...according to the dsm 5 every one has a mental illness

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of ... - Google Book Search
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One nice thing about script blockers is I don't have to see idiots you tube posts.

I mean Eots can not even bother to type anything, he does no thinking for himself, letting his delusions run rampant and using others words and pictures with absolutely no comment from himself.
One nice thing about script blockers is I don't have to see idiots you tube posts.

I mean Eots can not even bother to type anything, he does no thinking for himself, letting his delusions run rampant and using others words and pictures with absolutely no comment from himself.

yes its good to bury your head in the sand and call this bullshit good news,,,
I think a report from a major news source of a record settlement for criminal charges of fraud for willfully drugging children and elderly purely for profit speaks volumes about your little happy news clip and how much we should trust it ..but for some ignorance is feel free to remain that way

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