More of the "Civil Discourse" from leftists! Liberals are the original hypocrites


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

John "Sly" Sylvester, morning host on Madison's WTDY, isn't doing anything to advance the argument that vitriol is a product of the Right and liberals engage in more civil discourse than conservatives.

On Monday, Sylvester was ruthless in his attack on Wisconsin's Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch. He was jaw-droppingly cruel and offensive and insensitive

I am not going to repeat this pukes comments. You can read them if you choose here:

FREEDOM EDEN: Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

Once again, it becomes plain all the calls from the left for "civil discourse" is just an obvious attempt to shut up any criticism from the right.

It doesn't stop liberals, HAVE YOU NOTICED?????? :lol::lol::lol:

I KNOW liberals are going to tell us that is only ONE liberal and it does not respresent all liberals (UNLIKE their claims that SARAH PALIN OR RUSH LIMBAUGH REPRESENT ALL CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!), but along with the Congressman calling Republicans Nazis, and the Democrats calling Republicans that want to repeal Obama care guilty of "DISCRIMINATION" (in other words that they are BIGOTS/RACISTS), you pretty well have an established pattern.

This little ploy by liberals to shut up conservatives has fallen apart, and it's because of liberals own hypocrisy.

Too funny!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

John "Sly" Sylvester, morning host on Madison's WTDY, isn't doing anything to advance the argument that vitriol is a product of the Right and liberals engage in more civil discourse than conservatives.

On Monday, Sylvester was ruthless in his attack on Wisconsin's Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch. He was jaw-droppingly cruel and offensive and insensitive

I am not going to repeat this pukes comments. You can read them if you choose here:

FREEDOM EDEN: Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

Once again, it becomes plain all the calls from the left for "civil discourse" is just an obvious attempt to shut up any criticism from the right.

It doesn't stop liberals, HAVE YOU NOTICED?????? :lol::lol::lol:

I KNOW liberals are going to tell us that is only ONE liberal and it does not respresent all liberals (UNLIKE their claims that SARAH PALIN OR RUSH LIMBAUGH REPRESENT ALL CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!), but along with the Congressman calling Republicans Nazis, and the Democrats calling Republicans that want to repeal Obama care guilty of "DISCRIMINATION" (in other words that they are BIGOTS/RACISTS), you pretty well have an established pattern.

This little ploy by liberals to shut up conservatives has fallen apart, and it's because of liberals own hypocrisy.

Too funny!


You and some of your brethren havent slowed down yet. See how it works?

Oh and I dont support this mans actions.
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Yeah this guy is an idiot who should be scorned for his remarks and will be.

Now remember the only civility you can change is your own.

If you want others to be civil try being civil yourself first.
More of the "Civil Discourse" from leftists! Liberals are the original hypocrites
You 'Baggers surely-do have a strange way o' dealing with your guilt.



Sly sounds like he wants to be the next Howard Stern for sure.

But don't think the right is backing off either.

Beck said of Cohen, "but does he know that Goebbels learned his tactics from the progressives?"

Later, Beck compared Obama aide Cass Sunstein's so-called "Nudge" theory to the so-called "progressive" tactics that he said formed the basis of Goebbel's thinking. "Progressive tactics are Nazi tactics," Beck said. "Nazi tactics are progressive tactics."

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Pundits Don't Make Nazi References (VIDEO)
"Civil Discourse" rhetoric coming from the Left/Democrats is a joke. These are cretins who routinely viciously attack Palin & Bush's children for God's sake. Or label people "Worst Person in the World." It's all just Bullshit. They used an awful tragedy for cheap political gain. That's really what their "Civil Discourse" rhetoric was all about. And anyone wth common sense knows this. Just watch NBC or head over to the HuffPo and see how civil the Left/Democrats are. Just another scam. End of story.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

John "Sly" Sylvester, morning host on Madison's WTDY, isn't doing anything to advance the argument that vitriol is a product of the Right and liberals engage in more civil discourse than conservatives.

On Monday, Sylvester was ruthless in his attack on Wisconsin's Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch. He was jaw-droppingly cruel and offensive and insensitive

I am not going to repeat this pukes comments. You can read them if you choose here:

FREEDOM EDEN: Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

Once again, it becomes plain all the calls from the left for "civil discourse" is just an obvious attempt to shut up any criticism from the right.

It doesn't stop liberals, HAVE YOU NOTICED?????? :lol::lol::lol:

I KNOW liberals are going to tell us that is only ONE liberal and it does not respresent all liberals (UNLIKE their claims that SARAH PALIN OR RUSH LIMBAUGH REPRESENT ALL CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!), but along with the Congressman calling Republicans Nazis, and the Democrats calling Republicans that want to repeal Obama care guilty of "DISCRIMINATION" (in other words that they are BIGOTS/RACISTS), you pretty well have an established pattern.

This little ploy by liberals to shut up conservatives has fallen apart, and it's because of liberals own hypocrisy.

Too funny!


You and some of your brethren havent slowed down yet. See how it works?

Oh and I dont support this mans actions.

Oh look! A liberal is whining that conservatives fight back!

Oh boo freaking hoo!

Liberals tripped over themselves in the blood after the shooting, rushing to microphones to blame Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and just anyone that ever even SAID Tea Party for the Tuscon shooting.

And when conservatives point out how HYPOCRITICAL liberals are on this, demanding that conservatives stop criticizing liberals, er I mean stop "violent rhetoric", BUT liberals are just as vitrolic as ever, look who WHINES?

"NO FAIR conservatives! You were supposed to be cowed by us and shut up. Isn't it bad enough you kicked our butts last election, but you have to it again?"

Yeah, that's what this "you won't drop it" is about. Libs wanted to smear, smear, smear and wanted us to just keep quiet.

But we aren't keeping quiet! We are going to nail liberals on this obvious smear and their obvious hypocrisy. Boo freaking hoo.

i am not going to repeat this pukes comments. You can read them if you choose here:

freedom eden: Rebecca kleefisch and "sly" sylvester - wtdy

once again, it becomes plain all the calls from the left for "civil discourse" is just an obvious attempt to shut up any criticism from the right.

It doesn't stop liberals, have you noticed?????? :lol::lol::lol:

I know liberals are going to tell us that is only one liberal and it does not respresent all liberals (unlike their claims that sarah palin or rush limbaugh represent all conservatives!!!!!!), but along with the congressman calling republicans nazis, and the democrats calling republicans that want to repeal obama care guilty of "discrimination" (in other words that they are bigots/racists), you pretty well have an established pattern.

This little ploy by liberals to shut up conservatives has fallen apart, and it's because of liberals own hypocrisy.

Too funny!


you and some of your brethren havent slowed down yet. See how it works?

Oh and i dont support this mans actions.

oh look! A liberal is whining that conservatives fight back!

Oh boo freaking hoo!

Liberals tripped over themselves in the blood after the shooting, rushing to microphones to blame sarah palin, rush limbaugh, and just anyone that ever even said tea party for the tuscon shooting.

And when conservatives point out how hypocritical liberals are on this, demanding that conservatives stop criticizing liberals, er i mean stop "violent rhetoric", but liberals are just as vitrolic as ever, look who whines?

"no fair conservatives! You were supposed to be cowed by us and shut up. Isn't it bad enough you kicked our butts last election, but you have to it again?"

yeah, that's what this "you won't drop it" is about. Libs wanted to smear, smear, smear and wanted us to just keep quiet.

But we aren't keeping quiet! We are going to nail liberals on this obvious smear and their obvious hypocrisy. Boo freaking hoo.


Yeah this guy is an idiot who should be scorned for his remarks and will be.

Now remember the only civility you can change is your own.

If you want others to be civil try being civil yourself first.

This said by the hypocrite that claimed we were all trying to commit violence against her?

I will never fear you


spit on

get your damned guns

I will NEVER fear you.

This is a country built on democracy and you will never win elections with your fucking terror.

Talk about paranoid delusions of grandeur AND hypocrisy.

NOW you are going to preach about civility??????

More of the "Civil Discourse" from leftists! Liberals are the original hypocrites
You 'Baggers surely-do have a strange way o' dealing with your guilt.​



You libs have a hilarious way of projecting your own!

I like the David Letterman top 10 that said, wide screen tvs were the invented to so we can see Olbermann's huge head! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Sly sounds like he wants to be the next Howard Stern for sure.

But don't think the right is backing off either.

Beck said of Cohen, "but does he know that Goebbels learned his tactics from the progressives?"

Later, Beck compared Obama aide Cass Sunstein's so-called "Nudge" theory to the so-called "progressive" tactics that he said formed the basis of Goebbel's thinking. "Progressive tactics are Nazi tactics," Beck said. "Nazi tactics are progressive tactics."

Megyn Kelly: Fox News Pundits Don't Make Nazi References (VIDEO)

Which means, boo freaking hoo. The smear didn't work, and free speech goes merrily on.

This little ploy by liberals to shut up conservatives has fallen apart, and it's because of liberals own hypocrisy.

Too funny!


As you can see, and prolly agree, there will be no civility. :lol:

Nor has there been since the world politics was invented.

The only reason to call for it, is when you are LOSING the debates (as Democrats have been since they forced Obamacare on the nation) and your only chance of winning is stoppuing the winning side from talking.

"Civil Discourse" rhetoric coming from the Left/Democrats is just code for..."Shut up and don't ever criticize Democrats." I call Bullshit for sure.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

John "Sly" Sylvester, morning host on Madison's WTDY, isn't doing anything to advance the argument that vitriol is a product of the Right and liberals engage in more civil discourse than conservatives.

On Monday, Sylvester was ruthless in his attack on Wisconsin's Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch. He was jaw-droppingly cruel and offensive and insensitive

I am not going to repeat this pukes comments. You can read them if you choose here:

FREEDOM EDEN: Rebecca Kleefisch and "Sly" Sylvester - WTDY

Once again, it becomes plain all the calls from the left for "civil discourse" is just an obvious attempt to shut up any criticism from the right.

It doesn't stop liberals, HAVE YOU NOTICED?????? :lol::lol::lol:

I KNOW liberals are going to tell us that is only ONE liberal and it does not respresent all liberals (UNLIKE their claims that SARAH PALIN OR RUSH LIMBAUGH REPRESENT ALL CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!), but along with the Congressman calling Republicans Nazis, and the Democrats calling Republicans that want to repeal Obama care guilty of "DISCRIMINATION" (in other words that they are BIGOTS/RACISTS), you pretty well have an established pattern.

This little ploy by liberals to shut up conservatives has fallen apart, and it's because of liberals own hypocrisy.

Too funny!


You and some of your brethren havent slowed down yet. See how it works?

Oh and I dont support this mans actions.

bull carp, show some "un cilillity" by TPS

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