More of Russian Dossier confirmed

Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Russian Bots stole voter information and were able to target large segments of voters.

And Repubs continue to bow to the Orange Benefict Arnold.'

Second paragraph.
"So far, no single piece of evidence has been made public proving that the Trump campaign joined with Russia to steal the US presidency - nothing."

Well, that makes me curious why you bothered to start this thread.

Or did you read past the first paragraph...or even the headline?
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Russian Bots stole voter information and were able to target large segments of voters.

And Repubs continue to bow to the Orange Benefict Arnold.'

"But sources I know and trust have told me"

No shit, really, sources said?

There it is folks, the smoking gun.

Fake news.

Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Russian Bots stole voter information and were able to target large segments of voters.

And Repubs continue to bow to the Orange Benefict Arnold.'

Second paragraph.
"So far, no single piece of evidence has been made public proving that the Trump campaign joined with Russia to steal the US presidency - nothing."

Well, that makes me curious why you bothered to start this thread.

Or did you read past the first paragraph...or even the headline?

The noose us tightening around his Orange Triple Chin...
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Russian Bots stole voter information and were able to target large segments of voters.

And Repubs continue to bow to the Orange Benefict Arnold.'

Second paragraph.
"So far, no single piece of evidence has been made public proving that the Trump campaign joined with Russia to steal the US presidency - nothing."

Well, that makes me curious why you bothered to start this thread.

Or did you read past the first paragraph...or even the headline?

The noose us tightening around his Orange Triple Chin...


more like a bolo tie
Curious - Obama himself declared that foreign nations are ALWAYS trying to hack our systems and effect our government, to include elections; yet neither the media nor the Democrats have ever blamed a candidate for the actions of those nations. It was only after the worst candidate to ever run for President - a Democrats - lost that this happened.

Meanwhile, while the Democrats continue to dig for some connection between Trump and Russia, the Democrats show no interest in pursuing any details about the connections Hillary, the Clintons, and those around her had with the Russians:

The Clinton Foundation received a huge donation from a prominent Russian involved in the US Uranium purchase which Hillary was loosely but influentially involved in...

Bill Clinton was working for Putin Ex-KGB pals, making $50k a pop for 'giving speeches'...

Hillary's campaign manager's company board members consisted of 1/3rd prominent Russian businessmen who had intimate connections to/with the KREMLIN...

And Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank AND the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

WHY are Democrats looking so hard to find evidence of US-Russian interaction / influence on the right (and have not produced any after 9 months of multiple investigations by the FBI and NSA) but so much has already been PROVEN in Hillary's own circle that they show no desire to investigate?

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Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Russian Bots stole voter information and were able to target large segments of voters.

And Repubs continue to bow to the Orange Benefict Arnold.'

Although a lot of this may indeed be true, the thing you may be forgetting, is that both the Democrats and Republicans were all doing this with metadata. We live in a free society, none of this is illegal.

If you knew anything about the indepth intricacies about how political science, statistics, social networking, media analysis, and how all of this works, none of this would come as a surprise. It really wouldn't.

All during the campaign season, I kept on saying, voting is meaningless. How people perceive the election is determined for them. The major shifts in voting is known before the election even occurs. In many cases, the voting registrations, and when and where polls are kept opened is manipulated to get the vote counts they desire.

The elites choose the rulers. Even this BBC article makes it seem like there is some significant difference between the goals of the American elites, and the Russian elites; there isn't. They are both funded by the same organizations, and have common goals.

If it weren't the Republicans in power screwing everyone over, it would be the Democrats in power screwing everyone over.

Trump is just doing the same things that Hillary would be doing. DJT is being purposely made to look like the bad guy for a reason, known for those you can't see the play being put on for what it is. Capitalism needs to be demonized in order to bring in socialism.

Hillary's people were connected to this just as much as Trump's were.
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Russian Bots stole voter information and were able to target large segments of voters.

And Repubs continue to bow to the Orange Benefict Arnold.'

"So far, no single piece of evidence has been made public proving that the Trump campaign joined with Russia to steal the US presidency - nothing."

You keep ignoring the American people and wasting time on this. We'll start a new Progressive Party to replace you.
According to the article, the very fact that no evidence has been found is conclusive proof that the allegations are in fact true.

Russia was able to download the voter registration rolls for the entire United States and target white women.

Did you know, some young girls saw Trump in a clearing in the woods. He was worshipping the devil and made a satanic pact if he should win the election.

The last time I saw this much crap, the McMartin family was accused of child molestation.
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Russian Bots stole voter information and were able to target large segments of voters.

And Repubs continue to bow to the Orange Benefict Arnold.'

Although a lot of this may indeed be true, the thing you may be forgetting, is that both the Democrats and Republicans were all doing this with metadata. We live in a free society, none of this is illegal.

If you knew anything about the indepth intricacies about how political science, statistics, social networking, media analysis, and how all of this works, none of this would come as a surprise. It really wouldn't.

All during the campaign season, I kept on saying, voting is meaningless. How people perceive the election is determined for them. The major shifts in voting is known before the election even occurs. In many cases, the voting registrations, and when and where polls are kept opened is manipulated to get the vote counts they desire.

The elites choose the rulers. Even this BBC article makes it seem like there is some significant difference between the goals of the American elites, and the Russian elites; there isn't. They are both funded by the same organizations, and have common goals.

If it weren't the Republicans in power screwing everyone over, it would be the Democrats in power screwing everyone over.

Trump is just doing the same things that Hillary would be doing. DJT is being purposely made to look like the bad guy for a reason, known for those you can't see the play being put on for what it is. Capitalism needs to be demonized in order to bring in socialism.

Hillary's people were connected to this just as much as Trump's were.
The Bilderbergs' come to mind....
Good grief who gives a shit about this Russia crap. This Russian nonsense is way down the list of priorities, we have far more important problems in this country to be working on.

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