More Obama Double-Speak!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Remember last week..........Obama announces pay freeze for all Federal Employee's for two years??!!!!

Remember??!!!!! about you're a total BS artist............

Federal employees will recieve 2.5 billion in raises!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::blowup:

Federal pay freeze plan wouldn't stop raises
By STEPHEN LOSEY | Last Updated: December 6, 2010

President Obama spoke of the need for sacrifice last week when he announced a two-year pay freeze for federal employees.

But feds won't be too terribly deprived in 2011 and 2012. Despite the freeze, some 1.1 million employees will receive more than $2.5 billion in raises during that period.

Congress is expected to approve Obama's proposal, which cancels only cost-of-living adjustments for two years. Regularly scheduled step increases for the 1.4 million General Schedule employees — who make up two-thirds of the civilian work force — will continue. The size of those increases ranges from 2.6 percent to 3.3 percent and by law kick in every one, two or three years, depending on an employee's time in grade.

John Gage, national president of the American Federation of Government Employees, called Obama's plan "wrongheaded" and driven by politics. But he said the news that step increases will not be affected takes some of the sting out of the decision.

"They're doing this as a symbol, but it's the wrong type of symbol to take it out on working people making basic wages," Gage said.

But Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, called the retention of step increases a hole in Obama's plan. He also said the administration should freeze hiring and reduce the federal payroll from $447 billion to $400 billion.

Federal pay freeze plan wouldn't stop raises -
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I hate his dishonest ass more and more and more and more. If that's even possible.
I hate his dishonest ass more and more and more and more. If that's even possible.

You're watching a modern day Wizard of Oz in action.............he was flawless for while, I must admit. Bamboozled the majority. Old news now though...........

I don't think he fooled as many as you may think. I think the goal was to elect a black man. A demonRat said as much here on this board just the other day.

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