More Liberal Anti-Sematism On Display - Not An E-Mail This Time


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Valerie Plame bashed for tweet linking 'America's Jews' to wars, then apologizes

'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'

Evidently you can't fix 'stupid' ... or liberal racism, sexism, homophobia, or Anti-Sematism...

Take away their e-mail, they just TWEET it on their PHONES...

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I guess not. Perhaps I did it wrong???

Anyway, Valerie would fit right in here with all of bigoted, libtard, anti-Semites. They'll be here in 3...2...1...
Liberals are anti semites ? Are you implying cons are not ?! Lol! The GOP is the home of Jew haters !
Valerie Plame bashed for tweet linking 'America's Jews' to wars, then apologizes

'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'

Evidently you can't fix 'stupid' ... or liberal racism, sexism, homophobia, or Anti-Sematism...

Take away their e-mail, they just TWEET it on their PHONES...

What did she apologize for?
Valerie Plame bashed for tweet linking 'America's Jews' to wars, then apologizes

'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'

Evidently you can't fix 'stupid' ... or liberal racism, sexism, homophobia, or Anti-Sematism...

Take away their e-mail, they just TWEET it on their PHONES...


Wow. You've single handedly exposed hypocrisy extolled by liberals. Unbelievable. Never thought such a thing was possible. You must be some sort of superhero. We should erect statues in your honor...
Don't fight boys. There is plenty of anti-semitism to go round on both sides of the policitcal spectrum. :biggrin:
Why is it anti-semitic to take issue with the pro-Israel lobby?
Where is the pro-Israel lobby being mentioned here:
'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'
Why is it anti-semitic to take issue with the pro-Israel lobby?
Where is the pro-Israel lobby being mentioned here:
'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'

American Jews dominate the lobby that steers American policy towards the national interests of Israel... going to war with Iraq, for example.
Valerie Plame bashed for tweet linking 'America's Jews' to wars, then apologizes

'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'

Evidently you can't fix 'stupid' ... or liberal racism, sexism, homophobia, or Anti-Sematism...

Take away their e-mail, they just TWEET it on their PHONES...


Wow. You've single handedly exposed hypocrisy extolled by liberals. Unbelievable. Never thought such a thing was possible. You must be some sort of superhero. We should erect statues in your honor...
No statue...snowflakes HATE statues - causes them to become extremely violent.

Why is it anti-semitic to take issue with the pro-Israel lobby?
Where is the pro-Israel lobby being mentioned here:
'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'

American Jews dominate the lobby that steers American policy towards the national interests of Israel... going to war with Iraq, for example.
Liberals crap on Jews / Israel all the time, but they keep voting Democrat, God knows why. Barry even interfered in Israel's election, using our tax dollars to do so, trying to oust Netanyahu.
Yes keep repeating

"Jews will not replace us"
"Jews will not replace us"
"Jews will not replace us"

Fucking goddamn liberals........

I am sure snowflakes / liberals, if asked, could come up with some argument / fairytale as to how Jews FORCED Barry to drag the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-authorized wars in Libya and Syria to help Al Qaeda and ISIS take over their own countries...

Why is it anti-semitic to take issue with the pro-Israel lobby?
Where is the pro-Israel lobby being mentioned here:
'Former CIA officer Valerie Plame apologized Thursday afternoon after facing an avalanche of criticism on social media for tweeting an article that blames “America’s Jews” for the country’s wars.'

American Jews dominate the lobby that steers American policy towards the national interests of Israel... going to war with Iraq, for example.
Liberals crap on Jews / Israel all the time, but they keep voting Democrat, God knows why. Barry even interfered in Israel's election, using our tax dollars to do so, trying to oust Netanyahu.
Nothing like seeing a sitting President "Obama Bin Lying" trying to Hack Israel's Election and using Taxpayer's Money to do it.
It's neat that the website the article came from is run by a conservative.

Ron Unz - Wikipedia

From the link, this is odd:

Newspapers referred to Unz's candidacy as a Revenge of the Nerds and often quoted his claim of a 214 IQ

Must have taken a super, totally ligit online IQ test.

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