More Jews Leave "Israel"!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
Good news;

Jews find home again in Russia, Citing Economic Hardships and Threat of Terrorism (Russia)

More leave Israel for Moscow, spurred by economic opportunity and a decline of anti-Semitism.

Mikhail Gurevich emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1991, seeking freedom and a better life in Israel. Today he is a successful Internet publisher, TV show host and information technology consultant - back home in Moscow.

"I wanted to have a good job, develop myself, and do the things I'm doing now, but found I couldn't do them in Israel,"

Often with mixed motives and identity angst, some former Soviet Jews who rushed for the exit as the USSR crumbled are trickling back to Russia. About 50,000 have made the move in recent years, with numbers rising sharply during the Putin era.

Some cite disappointments with life in Israel, economic hardship, and the threat of terrorism since the second intifada began three years ago. Others, like Gurevich, stress the opportunities that have opened up as post-Soviet Russia has stabilized, merged with the world market, and entered a period of rapid economic progress.

There were no prospects here in the 1980s and '90s, only fear, crime, and chaos. Israel looked great by comparison," says Mr. Kogan. "But they went there, found they don't speak the language, can't get a job and they're considered to be Russians rather than Jews. At the same time, life in Russia has improved."
Jews find home again in Russia / The Christian Science Monitor -

even Falachas want to leave:
Should Jews leave Israel? - On Line Opinion - 19/1/2009

The US, Israel and Australia were all strong enough to chase the people living there from their land. The Australian Aborigines and the American Indians pose no threat to the continued existence of those countries. However, Israel may not be strong enough to survive a war of continued attrition. With the Palestinians and their Arab allies against them eventually they'll probably lose. The numbers are against them. If they survive as a nation it will be at the price of becoming a garrison state like Sparta. Such a state can maintain humanitarian values with great difficulty.

Our Jewish past is largely a tragedy, and the state of Israel is a continuation of that tragedy.

The Dreyfus' trial of 1894 aroused in Herzl the realisation that there was no place in much of the world for a Jew to have the rights that all humans should have. Captain Alfred Dreyfus, the only Jewish person in the French Army General Staff, had been charged with spying for Germany. Jews were second class citizens even in civilised France which had promoted the “Rights of Man”.
Good news;

Jews find home again in Russia, Citing Economic Hardships and Threat of Terrorism (Russia)

More leave Israel for Moscow, spurred by economic opportunity and a decline of anti-Semitism.

Mikhail Gurevich emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1991, seeking freedom and a better life in Israel. Today he is a successful Internet publisher, TV show host and information technology consultant - back home in Moscow.

"I wanted to have a good job, develop myself, and do the things I'm doing now, but found I couldn't do them in Israel,"

Often with mixed motives and identity angst, some former Soviet Jews who rushed for the exit as the USSR crumbled are trickling back to Russia. About 50,000 have made the move in recent years, with numbers rising sharply during the Putin era.

Some cite disappointments with life in Israel, economic hardship, and the threat of terrorism since the second intifada began three years ago. Others, like Gurevich, stress the opportunities that have opened up as post-Soviet Russia has stabilized, merged with the world market, and entered a period of rapid economic progress.

There were no prospects here in the 1980s and '90s, only fear, crime, and chaos. Israel looked great by comparison," says Mr. Kogan. "But they went there, found they don't speak the language, can't get a job and they're considered to be Russians rather than Jews. At the same time, life in Russia has improved."
Jews find home again in Russia / The Christian Science Monitor -

even Falachas want to leave:

Let's hope someday liberal journalists will feel safe in Russia.

The record says that if Russian journalists extract and divulge information inconvenient to the interests of certain people, there's a very good chance thugs will be hired to kill, or seriously disable, them. The people who perpetrate the thuggery probably won't be apprehended. It's entirely possible the authorities won't even seriously look for them. Should a suspect all but inadvertently come to trial, the chances of acquittal are pretty good. Russian journalists can be murdered with impunity. Statistics put together by international monitoring organizations, such as the International Federation of Journalists, are (understandably) all over the place. Maybe 200 journalists, some with a considerable profile, have been murdered since about 1993. Perhaps the real figure is more like 300, or worse. Perhaps it's a little less. What isn't in dispute is that being a serious journalist in Russia is an acutely dangerous way to make a living. People will shoot you, bomb you into shreds or smash every bone in your body for no reason other than that they believe you could reveal something they don't want revealed. It's known that Kashin, for example, had been probing into a controversial new road through a Moscow suburb which was, and probably is, shrouded in local government corruption allegations.

Murder most foul in the new Russia
Russia is fucked..................

It's in the earlierst and most primative stages of capital formation.

Mostly what has happened is its formerly Communist elite have privatized the resources of the nation.

Now of course, they're all good capitalists.
Russia is fucked..................

It's in the earlierst and most primative stages of capital formation.

Mostly what has happened is its formerly Communist elite have privatized the resources of the nation.

Now of course, they're all good capitalists.

Russia is one of the more conservatives countries on the planet. In the late 80's there was a power struggle between more liberal forces of change led by Gorbachev and conservative groups like Pamyat and self professed Stalinists. It's pretty clear who won.
Good news;

Jews find home again in Russia, Citing Economic Hardships and Threat of Terrorism (Russia)

More leave Israel for Moscow, spurred by economic opportunity and a decline of anti-Semitism.

Mikhail Gurevich emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1991, seeking freedom and a better life in Israel. Today he is a successful Internet publisher, TV show host and information technology consultant - back home in Moscow.

"I wanted to have a good job, develop myself, and do the things I'm doing now, but found I couldn't do them in Israel,"

Often with mixed motives and identity angst, some former Soviet Jews who rushed for the exit as the USSR crumbled are trickling back to Russia. About 50,000 have made the move in recent years, with numbers rising sharply during the Putin era.

Some cite disappointments with life in Israel, economic hardship, and the threat of terrorism since the second intifada began three years ago. Others, like Gurevich, stress the opportunities that have opened up as post-Soviet Russia has stabilized, merged with the world market, and entered a period of rapid economic progress.

There were no prospects here in the 1980s and '90s, only fear, crime, and chaos. Israel looked great by comparison," says Mr. Kogan. "But they went there, found they don't speak the language, can't get a job and they're considered to be Russians rather than Jews. At the same time, life in Russia has improved."
Jews find home again in Russia / The Christian Science Monitor -

even Falachas want to leave:

I heard that Israelis had an interest in investing in Algeria. Put in some indoor plumbing, import toilet paper, teach the locals how to use silverware, and they are pretty much set. ;)
What ever country the zionist parasites choose to infect.

That country is doomed. :(

1.5 billion failed, backward jihadists is a lot of parasites. Nobody seems to respect you.

Winston Churchill...
We owe to the Jews in the Christian revelation a system of ethics which, even if it were entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all wisdom and learning put together.

Some people like Jews and some do not, but no thoughtful `person' can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world

The coming into being of a Jewish state in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand or even three thousand years" "This is an event in world history
[ame=] Israel: A History (9780688123635): Martin Gilbert: Books[/ame]

US President John Adams...
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

[ame=] The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books[/ame]
What ever country the zionist parasites choose to infect.

That country is doomed. :(

Muslim parasites commit genocide in Darfur...

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.
Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

Israel is the only country to provide safe haven for Darfur refugees.

Here, Darfur refugees proudly wave Israeli flag and boast of Israeli democracy...
What ever country the zionist parasites choose to infect.

That country is doomed. :(

Your pedophile Muhammad was a parasitic child molester.

Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.
[ame=] The Life of Muhammad (9780196360331): I. Ishaq, A. Guillaume: Books[/ame]
What ever country the zionist parasites choose to infect.

That country is doomed. :(

Moses Rules.

allah sucks.

Warren Buffett, Multi-Billion Dollar Purchase of Successful Israeli Company...
Israel is exceptional. I can give you an absolute, unequivocal answer. You can go around the world and it's very impressive to see a country of 7 million create a business like this, I haven't seen anything like this in the US.

When you think about it, if you compare Israel (now) to 1948, it's very, very impressive. It's a remarkable place

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