More irregular contributions for Clinton


Oct 2, 2007
You know, she knows the world is looking, and she just doesn't care.

"The release came in the days after the Los Angeles Times and, subsequently, the New York Post, reported on irregularities in the contributions Clinton received from scores of donors in Chinatown. Several identifying themselves as "cooker" or "dishwasher" had donated $1,000 to the Clinton campaign. Other donors came from addresses where, upon closer inspection, they could not be located.

Prior to the published reports, the Clinton campaign had returned $7,000 in contributions from Chinatown donors when the campaign was unable to verify the identities of the donors. When the L.A. Times story broke, the campaign questioned whether reporters were drawing on the donors' ethnic backgrounds when examining the contributions. "
I sometimes wonder if any conservative, anywhere, can go through a day not thinking about the Clintons?
I sometimes wonder if any conservative, anywhere, can go through a day not thinking about the Clintons?

LOL, so true.

But there's the flip side where democrats cream over the Clintons. I suspect it's because our country was in such great shape after he left office from which I'm understand was about being in the right place at the right time. I'll never forgive Clinton for NAFTA though.

But AllieBabe has a point. I remember seeing on the news a few months back about how she wouldn't release information regarding financial records and what have you. I found it ironic because she was saying stuff that was in contradiction of those she supposedly opposes. Saying how they're job was to keep stuff like that secret and what have you. I'll do a little research into exactly what it was so we all get a better idea of what I'm talking was a while ago.

It's stuff like this that has me as apathetic as I am about politics.

btw, I edited this post to add the link to what I was talking about.
You guys don't seriously think she's the only one, do you?

Who do you think does these kinds of things for these candidates? The corporations that are buying her, and all the other corporate-backed candidates, who just happen to be the one's that get shoved down our throats each and every day pn TV.

AllieBaba said:
You know, she knows the world is looking, and she just doesn't care.

They ALL know.

Matter of fact, look them up. I advise everyone to check your candidate. Don't be afraid of what you might find...go look for christ's sake. Notice how all the front-runners make at least half of their money in donations over $2,000. That's not from a grassroots effort...that's corporate wealth at work.

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