More funny stuff from BHO

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
and by funny i mean terrifying.

We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said.

"That's not leadership. That's not going to happen," he added.

really? we need the world's permission to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer? who is going to monitor my thermostat????

oh wait the great state of CA is working on that

the requirement for what is called a "programmable communicating thermostat" or PCT. Every new home and every change to existing homes' central heating and air conditioning systems will required to be fitted with a PCT beginning next year following the issuance of the revision. Each PCT will be fitted with a "non-removable " FM receiver that will allow the power authorities to increase your air conditioning temperature setpoint or decrease your heater temperature setpoint to any value they chose.

what's next government issued caloric intake counters?

this is the change we can believe in?????
Wacko. Wacko. Wacko. Wacko.

It was actually scarier than that. He went on to say something about keeping it 72 degrees regardless of where you the tundra or in the desert. So I guess the poor slobs who live in the desert are going to have to maintain their thermostats at 102 degrees, and the ice cubes in the tundra at about 40 degrees.

Hell, make them live in igloos, and require them to wear the same clothing the locals wear. While you're at it, make everybody live in environmentally appropriate homes. That's yurts in certain parts of the world, igloos in others, and a stick with part of your coat in others.

And so long as there are people starving in China we have to eat all the food on our plates. Well, actually, so long as there are people starving in Africa we aren't allowed to eat very much, either. Food rationing for all. We'll get vouchers like the Jews did at the beginning of the Holocaust. And everybody will have to walk. No more driving yourself anywhere...and checkpoints to make sure everyone is compliant.

BTW...don't even THINK of owning a gun. Guns are out the door...please report to the nearest armed compound and turn in all of your guns and sign a sheet, so he'll have names of all those who have in the past supported gun ownership.

Thank goodness he's not winning the presidential election.
What's really scary, Allie, is that BHO shows his globalist, ask the world for permission, socialist beliefs and no one cares.

All they hear is that he is going to give them health care, money for college and that he will raise taxes on the rich and they all follow him like he's the pied piper.

this guy is some kind of internationalist, one world government proponent and nobody sees it.

those who do see it are dismissed as racists, or right wing nut jobs

this is the stuff of nightmares man

I wonder what the founders would think of this guy
Seems there is another globalist running for president. Could it be that you are the ones out of touch with reality? The earth isn't flat by the way.

"McCain vows to fight global warming

CONCORD, N.H. -- In his final push for a primary victory, Senator John McCain arrived here this afternoon and made a pitch that might have surprised voters: He cast himself as the environmentalist of the presidential campaign.

"I will clean up the planet," McCain said. "I will make global warming a priority.""
Clearly a quote taken out of context. Obama was making the point that America needs to lead by example. Only a fool would believe that Obama wants to take away SUV's and 16oz steaks.
Clearly a quote taken out of context. Obama was making the point that America needs to lead by example. Only a fool would believe that Obama wants to take away SUV's and 16oz steaks.

clearly everything obama says is taken out of context at least if you ask an obama disciple

add to that CA's proposed building codes where big brother sets your thermostat and we are on the brink of a very slippery slope my friends
What's really scary, Allie, is that BHO shows his globalist, ask the world for permission, socialist beliefs and no one cares.

All they hear is that he is going to give them health care, money for college and that he will raise taxes on the rich and they all follow him like he's the pied piper.

this guy is some kind of internationalist, one world government proponent and nobody sees it.

those who do see it are dismissed as racists, or right wing nut jobs

this is the stuff of nightmares man

I wonder what the founders would think of this guy

I see it, never fear. And I think the majority of Americans see it.
It's just the stupid superdelegates who either don't see it, or like it.
And the far left wackos, who are all for it.
Seems there is another globalist running for president. Could it be that you are the ones out of touch with reality? The earth isn't flat by the way.

"McCain vows to fight global warming

CONCORD, N.H. -- In his final push for a primary victory, Senator John McCain arrived here this afternoon and made a pitch that might have surprised voters: He cast himself as the environmentalist of the presidential campaign.

"I will clean up the planet," McCain said. "I will make global warming a priority.""

I don't see global warming idiocy as a direct threat to freedom.
Clearly a quote taken out of context. Obama was making the point that America needs to lead by example. Only a fool would believe that Obama wants to take away SUV's and 16oz steaks.

sure he does and he doesn't do the pledge of allegiance

and his wife hates american

ya know what i heard obama eats little children for dinner...

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