More From the Religion of Peace

TheOne said:
Actually, it was when you called me a "liar".

You did lie. Sympathizing with their cause is worse.

Not important though. Good luck with your "crusade".

Who said I was on a "crusade"?

Lets just lookup what the definition is:

Main Entry: 1cru·sade
Pronunciation: krü-'sAd
Function: noun
Etymology: blend of Middle French croisade & Spanish cruzada; both ultimately from Latin cruc-, crux cross
1 capitalized : any of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to win the Holy Land from the Muslims
2 : a remedial enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm would be claiming that muslims HAVE taken over "the holy land".

-Whatever THAT might be.


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