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From your article needs a correction. I will e-mail CNN that one idiot professes to know for sure just who was behind the bombings of 1983.
Why does Larkinn continue to defend and apologize for Hezbollah after so many sources and a Federal Court case insist that Hezbollah murdered the Marines? What can have gone so horribly wrong with Larkinn that he defends and apologizes for an organization that has been found legally guilty of perpetrating mass murder? What defect in Larkinn allows him to show such disrespect for the memory of the murdered Marines that he would defend and apologize for their killers?

Here's two more of the dozens of citations from which one may choose that identify Hezbollah as responsible for the mass murder of US Marines in Beirut in 1983:

In Beirut, the landing of a small force of 40 U.S. marines marked the first time American military personnel had been deployed in Lebanon since their withdrawal after a Hezbollah suicide bomb attack killed 241 marines in 1983.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Friday blamed Iran for the 1983 terrorist bombing that killed 241 U.S. Marines in Beirut and said Tehran would have to pay damages to survivors and relatives.

U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth said the suicide truck bombing was carried out by the terrorist group Hezbollah with the approval and funding of senior Iranian officials.

"Based on the evidence presented by the expert witnesses at trial, the court finds that it is beyond question that Hezbollah and its agents received massive material and technical support from the Iranian government," Lamberth wrote.
Why does Larkinn continue to defend and apologize for Hezbollah after so many sources and a Federal Court case insist that Hezbollah murdered the Marines? What can have gone so horribly wrong with Larkinn that he defends and apologizes for an organization that has been found legally guilty of perpetrating mass murder? What defect in Larkinn allows him to show such disrespect for the memory of the murdered Marines that he would defend and apologize for their killers?

Here's two more of the dozens of citations from which one may choose that identify Hezbollah as responsible for the mass murder of US Marines in Beirut in 1983:

God...we've gone over this around 20 times now. Repeating the same bullshit claims does not make them true.

Oh...and now I'm disrespecting the marines by questioning who killed them? You are the kind of people who make unsubstantiated rumors be taken as truth by insisting on them forever because you can't bear to question what you think is true.

I showed articles that question it. Therefore it is obvious that who did it is in doubt, and I am justified in withholding belief on this particular issue. You obviously have some dogmatic and ideological reason for believing Hezbollah did it. Well I prefer to look for the truth and not base my beliefs on bullshit like that. I'll keep in mind how intellectually dishonest you are.
Why does Larkinn continue to defend and apologize for Hezbollah after so many sources and a Federal Court case insist that Hezbollah murdered the Marines? What can have gone so horribly wrong with Larkinn that he defends and apologizes for an organization that has been found legally guilty of perpetrating mass murder? What defect in Larkinn allows him to show such disrespect for the memory of the murdered Marines that he would defend and apologize for their killers?

Here's two more of the dozens of citations from which one may choose that identify Hezbollah as responsible for the mass murder of US Marines in Beirut in 1983:

Does being a liberal count?

Pres Peanut Carter feels the same way about the terrorist group

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