More evidence of OWS Anti-semitism. Holocaust Denier Feted at Occupy Boston


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
You didn't see this at any Tea Party rally, though liberals sure tried to lie the Tea Party was racist and violent and all lot of other ridiculous slurs.

Norman Finkelstein, one of America’s leading anti-Semites in the academic world, was invited to speak at Occupy Boston for the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series. Mr. Finkelstein is on the lecture circuit and having gone to many universities. He, apparently, decided he might as well see the drop outs camping out at Occupy Boston. Like them, he, too, has rejected serious study. He has been fired from numerous positions for his substandard scholarship and fondness for conspiracy theories.

Finkelstein is the author of The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (2003), which argues that the Holocaust and its remembrance is and “has been used to justify criminal policies of the Israeli state and U.S. support for these policies.” As he argues in his book, the Israelis are Nazis.
“The Zionists indeed learnt well from the Nazis. So well that it seems that their morally repugnant treatment of the Palestinians, and their attempts to destroy Palestinian society within Israel and the occupied territories, reveals them as basically Nazis with beards and black hats.”
Finkelstein is also a fan of Hezbollah, writing that the terrorist, anti-Semitic organization represents “hope” for the Middle East.

Now He is apparently finishing a pamphlet on Gandhi and the Occupy movement and believes that the Palestinians, who elected the terrorist, anti-Semitic group, Hamas, are Gandhi’s inheritors.

» Holocaust Denier Norman Finkelstein Feted at #OccupyBoston - Big Government

And here he is "live" and in color on youtube speaking his filth to the Occupy Boston crowd (2 videos)

[ame=""]Norman Finkelstein at Occupy Boston: Video 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Norman Finkelstein at Occupy Boston: Video 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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You really dont understand that they let everyone speak do you?

Yes the Tea party controled its messaging very tightly.

Its how you can tell the OWS is ground swell instead of corprate swill
poor deluded tps...

here's a hint for the terminally stupid.... anti-semitism exists at both extremes of the political spectrum... that's why a moderate society is a safe one (something certain rightwingnut neocon idiots don't understand).

The right has been leveling accusations of anti-semitism against the Occupy Wall Street protests because a few people have been spotted carrying anti-semitic signs. They having conveniently overlooked the fact that their own Tea Party movement had issues with racism and with anti-semitism. Here are some links to news stories and blogs discussing some of these instances of anti-semitic signs and behavior:

-A poster inviting people to a tea party rally which depicts tax money disappearing into a funnel with a Jewish Star of David on it

Adam Holland: Ron Paul Tea Party Anti-Semitism
You really dont understand that they let everyone speak do you?

Yes the Tea party controled its messaging very tightly.

Its how you can tell the OWS is ground swell instead of corprate swill


And don't give me they let every one speak.

Remember when the Civil Rights John Lewis tried to speak and they wouldn't let him talk????????

[ame=]Occupy Atlanta Turns Away John Lewis - YouTube[/ame]
poor deluded tps...

here's a hint for the terminally stupid.... anti-semitism exists at both extremes of the political spectrum... that's why a moderate society is a safe one (something certain rightwingnut neocon idiots don't understand).

The right has been leveling accusations of anti-semitism against the Occupy Wall Street protests because a few people have been spotted carrying anti-semitic signs. They having conveniently overlooked the fact that their own Tea Party movement had issues with racism and with anti-semitism. Here are some links to news stories and blogs discussing some of these instances of anti-semitic signs and behavior:

-A poster inviting people to a tea party rally which depicts tax money disappearing into a funnel with a Jewish Star of David on it

Adam Holland: Ron Paul Tea Party Anti-Semitism

Poor DELUDED Jillian!

Ron Paul is NOT the leader of the Tea Party. He has tried to hijack the Tea Party but he is NOT the leader of the Tea Party.

AND IF YOU PAID ATTENTION you would know I have LOUDLY VOICED my opposition to Ron Paul because he is an anti-semite AND I AM TEA PARTY.

Five posts full of evidence that Ron Paul is a racist.

So, nice try. Just because the Ron Paul bots claim he's the leader of the Tea Party doesn't make it so.

There are a LOT of people in the Tea Party, yet Ron paul has NEVER won a single primary (and I doubt he will this time).

There's a reason for that.

So Nice try on the deflection.
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No fool , I dont need to DEFEND every person they allow to speak.

The tea party is contriled by the corprate masters.

its why tea party people have so many facts wrong.
No fool , I dont need to DEFEND every person they allow to speak.

The tea party is contriled by the corprate masters.

its why tea party people have so many facts wrong.

Well here you are LYING AGAIN.

I already proved they DON'T let everyone speak, like a civil rights leader.

But all you have are lies and smears, and since they didn't work the first time, you will just double down and try them again.

And would you like to see Occupy's CORPORATE SPONSOR??????

George Soros Funds Occupy Wall Street - HUMAN EVENTS

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poor deluded tps...

here's a hint for the terminally stupid.... anti-semitism exists at both extremes of the political spectrum... that's why a moderate society is a safe one (something certain rightwingnut neocon idiots don't understand).

The right has been leveling accusations of anti-semitism against the Occupy Wall Street protests because a few people have been spotted carrying anti-semitic signs. They having conveniently overlooked the fact that their own Tea Party movement had issues with racism and with anti-semitism. Here are some links to news stories and blogs discussing some of these instances of anti-semitic signs and behavior:

-A poster inviting people to a tea party rally which depicts tax money disappearing into a funnel with a Jewish Star of David on it

Adam Holland: Ron Paul Tea Party Anti-Semitism

Notice that there's no pic of the claimed poster. That's because it never existed. If it did exist, it would have been plastered all over the internet and the Obama propaganda organs (network news). The only "problem" that the TEA Party has with racism and anti-Semitism are the totally unfounded accusations of Democrat politicians and liberal journalists.

On the other hand, evidence of anti-Semitism in the OWS movement is massive. There are countless videos on YouTube documenting the fact.
poor deluded tps...

here's a hint for the terminally stupid.... anti-semitism exists at both extremes of the political spectrum... that's why a moderate society is a safe one (something certain rightwingnut neocon idiots don't understand).

The right has been leveling accusations of anti-semitism against the Occupy Wall Street protests because a few people have been spotted carrying anti-semitic signs. They having conveniently overlooked the fact that their own Tea Party movement had issues with racism and with anti-semitism. Here are some links to news stories and blogs discussing some of these instances of anti-semitic signs and behavior:

-A poster inviting people to a tea party rally which depicts tax money disappearing into a funnel with a Jewish Star of David on it

Adam Holland: Ron Paul Tea Party Anti-Semitism

Notice that there's no pic of the claimed poster. That's because it never existed. If it did exist, it would have been plastered all over the internet and the Obama propaganda organs (network news). The only "problem" that the TEA Party has with racism and anti-Semitism are the totally unfounded accusations of Democrat politicians and liberal journalists.

On the other hand, evidence of anti-Semitism in the OWS movement is massive. There are countless videos on YouTube documenting the fact.

Peddlers of the ridiculous claim that Ron Paul is a white supremacist have unwittingly exposed themselves as Israeli propagandists.
Look at the people at The New Republic and their ties to pro-Israeli lobbies. This is a coordinated effort to bring Paul down to preserve their billions in funding, and to help along the Israeli firster candidates.

Besides, if Ron is anti-semetic, how come the Mises Institute publishes his books (Ludwig Von Mises was a Jew), or why did Milton Friedman endorse him for Congress? And why was his past campaign manager (Blumert) and economic advisor (Rothbard) Jews?

STFU, with this BS, and pay attention to the real issues this nation faces, that Dr. Paul brings to light.
Peddlers of the ridiculous claim that Ron Paul is a white supremacist have unwittingly exposed themselves as Israeli propagandists.
Look at the people at The New Republic and their ties to pro-Israeli lobbies. This is a coordinated effort to bring Paul down to preserve their billions in funding, and to help along the Israeli firster candidates.

Besides, if Ron is anti-semetic, how come the Mises Institute publishes his books (Ludwig Von Mises was a Jew), or why did Milton Friedman endorse him for Congress? And why was his past campaign manager (Blumert) and economic advisor (Rothbard) Jews?

STFU, with this BS, and pay attention to the real issues this nation faces, that Dr. Paul brings to light.

Do you get this???????????????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

He's telling us those against Ron Paul are part of a JEWISH ZIONIST CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!


I didn't know I was Jewish! Glad I found this out in time.

I better take down that Christian avatar of mine now that I know I'm some JEWISH ZIONIST!

Hey! Dumb Dumb! You want to explain the five posts of evidence I have that Ron Paul IS a racist?

Or is this all part of that "Jewish cabal" against Ron Paul?

Take a hike, kook!


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