More economic Good News: US can make 40% profit off of Citigroup stock sales


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Treasury could reap 40% profit in sale of some Citigroup stock -

WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department said Monday that its first sales of Citigroup stock (C) will cover up to 1.5 billion shares.
That would amount to about 20% of the 7.7 billion shares of Citigroup common stock the government owns.

It received the shares as compensation for the financial support it extended to the bank during the height of the financial crisis.

In a statement Monday, Treasury said it plans to proceed with the sales of the Citigroup common stock "in an orderly fashion under a pre-arranged trading plan with Morgan Stanley, Treasury's sales agent."

Treasury did not disclose in its brief announcement exactly when the stock sales would begin or how long the sales would last.

Treasury said Morgan Stanley has authority to make the sales "under certain parameters" and Treasury expected to give the company the authority to sell additional shares after the initial 1.5 billion shares had been sold.

The sales should earn a tidy profit for the government, which bought the common stock in the summer of 2009 at $3.25 a share. Citigroup closed Friday at $4.86 a share.
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Tarp worked and now the people who spewed the hate all over one of the few good things Bush did have no way to defend their stupidity about it for months.

Now if Paulson had done it correctly and put stipulations on the cash LIKE having to loan it to Americans and not giving big pocket lining bonuses it would have worked even better.

We are all keynseans now.

If Tarp had not happened how much money would the fed have been on the lime for in insured deposits?

Tarp had to happen and every sane person knows it.

TOOO BAD the right refuses to accept it was their failed economic ideas of unfettered markets the caused the NEED for Tarp in the first place.
Tarp worked and now the people who spewed the hate all over one of the few good things Bush did have no way to defend their stupidity about it for months.

Now if Paulson had done it correctly and put stipulations on the cash LIKE having to loan it to Americans and not giving big pocket lining bonuses it would have worked even better.

We are all keynseans now.

If Tarp had not happened how much money would the fed have been on the lime for in insured deposits?

Tarp had to happen and every sane person knows it.

TOOO BAD the right refuses to accept it was their failed economic ideas of unfettered markets the caused the NEED for Tarp in the first place.

Porkulus didn't work, liar...

Economists say the stimulus didn't help - Apr. 26, 2010
There is nothing called porkulus

Tarp is what we were talking about fool
So, the government to enacts regulations which drive down the price of a company's stock and then said government performs a financial takeover/seizure/loan on that company. Add a bit of economic and legislative voodoo, and voila, the government manipulates the stock price.

Why is this good?
do y0ou really think it was the gov who tanked the stock?

jesus these people are becomeing delousional
There is nothing called porkulus

Tarp is what we were talking about fool

Call it what you want...

You still don't know shit, which is amazing for such an asshole like you...


Why dont you go watch some more TV and find a new phoney assed hero to worship.

your ideas failed and dfucked everything up.

Get some new ideas that wont crash the world economy for the second time in one lifetime.
So, the government to enacts regulations which drive down the price of a company's stock and then said government performs a financial takeover/seizure/loan on that company. Add a bit of economic and legislative voodoo, and voila, the government manipulates the stock price.

Why is this good?

LOL Its not.

TM will see it as a victory for TARP, Barry Boy and the Dem party. LOL

On. I forgot. Bush will get part of the credit as well. LOL
There is nothing called porkulus

Tarp is what we were talking about fool

Call it what you want...

You still don't know shit, which is amazing for such an asshole like you...


Why dont you go watch some more TV and find a new phoney assed hero to worship.

your ideas failed and dfucked everything up.

Get some new ideas that wont crash the world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

How about you address your lying and not concentrate on my television viewing habits?
Call it what you want...

You still don't know shit, which is amazing for such an asshole like you...


Why dont you go watch some more TV and find a new phoney assed hero to worship.

your ideas failed and dfucked everything up.

Get some new ideas that wont crash the world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

How about you address your lying and not concentrate on my television viewing habits?

If you dont want people to comment then quit displaying the church of house all over your every post.

wheres the lie BTW
So, the government to enacts regulations which drive down the price of a company's stock and then said government performs a financial takeover/seizure/loan on that company. Add a bit of economic and legislative voodoo, and voila, the government manipulates the stock price.

Why is this good?

LOL Its not.

TM will see it as a victory for TARP, Barry Boy and the Dem party. LOL

On. I forgot. Bush will get part of the credit as well. LOL

Why is it you think ist all about Bush?

Bush did a couple of things right.

I dont know why but he did.

He gave aid to africa for aids, he did tarp ( could have been done sooo much better) and he tried to do immigration.

All of those things did not get much backing from the right.

Funny how you guys always backed the stupid shit he did but not back the stuff that was good
Right...I'll give odds that the money recouped will be spent, rather than used to retire the debt printing it up out of thin air created.

Any takers?



And the repubs in congress will be whining for their share of it.


No, I don't think so.

The original legislation required that TARP repayments be used to reduce the deficit. The GOP appears pretty unified that that provision be honored.
Didn't say anything about repubs.

But thanks for playing...Johnny has a case of Bardahl for you as a parting gift.

NO of course you would not say anything negative about repubs;) But the truth exists anyway.

For someone who never claims to have supported Bush...
Didn't say anything about repubs.

But thanks for playing...Johnny has a case of Bardahl for you as a parting gift.

NO of course you would not say anything negative about repubs;) But the truth exists anyway.

For someone who never claims to have supported Bush...

The evidence is to the contrary of what you claim:

Washington, Jun 12, 2009 - In a letter sent to the White House today, House Republican Leaders urged the President to protect taxpayers and clarify whether the $68 billion in returned Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds is being used to reduce the debt as the President promised this week. Last week, two Treasury Department nominees issued statements that seem to contradict the President.

Republicans wrote, “As supporters of legislation to ensure that these TARP repayments pay down our enormous national debt and not be recycled by Treasury for other uses, we strongly urge that all such funds be immediately used to pay down the national debt and help restore lost confidence among American taxpayers.”

Thirty-five House Republicans, including Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN), Conference Vice-Chairman Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA), Conference Secretary John Carter (R-TX), NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX), Chief Deputy Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Rules Committee Ranking Republican David Dreier (R-CA), and Financial Services Committee Ranking Republican Spencer Bachus (R-AL), signed the letter to the President.

House Republicans Call on President to Protect Taxpayers, Ensure TARP Repayments Pay Down Deficit | Republican Leader John Boehner

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