More Daily MSNBC Lies


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Yesterday on 'The Pizza face' Andrea Mitchell's daily Trump-hate fest Kristine Welker claimed THREE times "President Trump has been in office for weeks".
Pizza face of course didn't correct Welker.
On Chris Alisa's MSNBC show his quest claimed: "Hundreds of millions of people voted". SUUUURE THEY DID ASSHOLE!!!
MSNBC's Katie Kunt called the Mexican President: the Prime Minister of Mexico".
Yesterday on MSNBC a radical lib guest said: "If Trump builds the wall people won't be able to buy food for their kids".
MSNBC and CNN have now become the official opposition party against President Trump.
Yesterday on 'The Pizza face' Andrea Mitchell's daily Trump-hate fest Kristine Welker claimed THREE times "President Trump has been in office for weeks".

Well, hehe, she kinda has a point. He acted pretty effectively presidential after being nominated, greatly overshadowing The-Dumbshit-Who-Will-No-Longer-Be-Named in his last days.


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