More "Change" from BHO

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
Obama's AG pick.

Confirming Fears by The Editors on National Review Online

In 1999, over the objections of the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons, and prosecuting attorneys, Holder supported Clinton’s commutation of the sentences of 16 FALN conspirators. These pardons — of terrorists who even Holder has conceded had not expressed any remorse — were issued in the months after al-Qaeda’s 1998 U.S. embassy bombings, when the Clinton administration was pretending to be the scourge of terrorism. The commutations were nakedly political, obviously designed by Clinton to assist his wife’s impending Senate campaign by appealing to New York’s substantial Puerto Rican vote.

Equally noxious were the stealthy pardons of Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans — Weather Underground terrorists associated with Obama’s friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn — issued on the same day as the Rich pardon. Rosenberg and Evans had been serving decades-long sentences for bombings targeting American government facilities. With Holder again helping to circumvent the pardon process and to evade objections from prosecutors, the terrorists’ jail terms were commuted just weeks after the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole.

Nothing like an AG who is tough on terrorists eh?

it seems "change" means recycling Slick Willie's lackeys.
I believe that the reason BHO is gobbling up Clinton retreads is that he (BHO) simply doesn't have enough experience to pick a cabinet. He's under a time crunch. By picking Clinton retreads most will sail thru confirmation hearings. But, picking an unknown will allow the R's to question them and challenge his experience/judgement. This way he can claim that each person has already survived a vetting and has experience in DC.
Let me think...anyone that has worked in government recently either worked for Dubya, Clinton, or President Bush. Do you actually think he's going to take Dubya's lackeys?:eusa_eh:

Tell me how is the chosen one, the agent of change we can believe in, the savior by "mandate" going to bring "real change" to Washington by appointing nothing but Clinton era hacks to his cabinet?
Obama's AG pick.

Confirming Fears by The Editors on National Review Online

In 1999, over the objections of the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons, and prosecuting attorneys, Holder supported Clinton’s commutation of the sentences of 16 FALN conspirators. These pardons — of terrorists who even Holder has conceded had not expressed any remorse — were issued in the months after al-Qaeda’s 1998 U.S. embassy bombings, when the Clinton administration was pretending to be the scourge of terrorism. The commutations were nakedly political, obviously designed by Clinton to assist his wife’s impending Senate campaign by appealing to New York’s substantial Puerto Rican vote.

Equally noxious were the stealthy pardons of Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans — Weather Underground terrorists associated with Obama’s friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn — issued on the same day as the Rich pardon. Rosenberg and Evans had been serving decades-long sentences for bombings targeting American government facilities. With Holder again helping to circumvent the pardon process and to evade objections from prosecutors, the terrorists’ jail terms were commuted just weeks after the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole.

Nothing like an AG who is tough on terrorists eh?

it seems "change" means recycling Slick Willie's lackeys.

Obama is not all out being tough on terrorists. Remember? he was good buddies with one. :eusa_shhh:

The National Review doesn't approve of Obama's appointments!!!

What a shock!
Tell me how is the chosen one, the agent of change we can believe in, the savior by "mandate" going to bring "real change" to Washington by appointing nothing but Clinton era hacks to his cabinet?

God forbid we go back to the days of Clinton appointees running the government!!!

The 1990s were horrible, and the government was so poorly run!
Damn, was the government ever poorly run in the 1990s. The Market went from 3000 to 11,000. The budget was nearly balanced. We actually payed a little on the deficit. We had nearly full employment. No wars based on lies. The whole of military deaths from hostile action less than 100 for an eight year period. The people who attacked the World Trade Center in jail for the rest of their natural lives in a short period after the attack. And we can show how Bush ended all this incompetance. Just look at how great the market is doing today!
Obama went from an unknown to President Elect in 20 months on his organizational skills and abilities to seize the moment. You have objections to the people he choses for his cabinet? That is fine, and your espression of them is fine. But, if they are successful in solving problems, then guess who looks the fool. Kind of like all the people saying how savvy and competant ol' Bushie was.
Damn, was the government ever poorly run in the 1990s. The Market went from 3000 to 11,000. The budget was nearly balanced. We actually payed a little on the deficit. We had nearly full employment. No wars based on lies. The whole of military deaths from hostile action less than 100 for an eight year period. The people who attacked the World Trade Center in jail for the rest of their natural lives in a short period after the attack. And we can show how Bush ended all this incompetance. Just look at how great the market is doing today!

Let's not forget how the military was gutted. Then we defined the word "is". Ms. Lewinsky got her fifteen minutes of fame. Taxes were higher.

Obama went from an unknown to President Elect in 20 months on his organizational skills and abilities to seize the moment. You have objections to the people he choses for his cabinet? That is fine, and your espression of them is fine. But, if they are successful in solving problems, then guess who looks the fool. Kind of like all the people saying how savvy and competant ol' Bushie was.

I have no issue with him or his political skills. I have maintained all along that he is a pol, nothing more. He's proved it with the Biden pick, and continues to prove it with his cabinet picks. Since I have to live with his decisions I hope that he ends up doing a good job.

As to GW, history will end up judging him more fairly than the current generation of liberals, democrats, or libertarians.
Damn, was the government ever poorly run in the 1990s. The Market went from 3000 to 11,000. The budget was nearly balanced. We actually payed a little on the deficit. We had nearly full employment. No wars based on lies. The whole of military deaths from hostile action less than 100 for an eight year period. The people who attacked the World Trade Center in jail for the rest of their natural lives in a short period after the attack. And we can show how Bush ended all this incompetance. Just look at how great the market is doing today!

How soon we forget.

You do realize that sub prime lending was ramped up under Clinton and that Clinton deregulated banks and insurance companies thereby erasing the traditional line between banks insurance companies and investment firms which in large part contributed to today's mess don't you?
We are just paying for it now

You do realize that Clinton only looked good at the end of his second term because he was surfing the stock bubble that popped right after he left office.

And you still don't answer the question.

How is recycling the Clinton era changing Washington? To me it proves that BHO had not thought about what he was actually going to do if he won. now lo and behold he won and he is appointing nothing but political hacks.

There is nothing "new" here folks.
If the Clinton "retreads" weren't bad enough.... here's what Obama does when he starts thinking for himself. :lol::lol::lol:

Pritzker Is Frontrunner for Commerce

By Shailagh Murray and Matthew Mosk
Hotel heiress Penny Pritzker, who commanded Barack Obama's record-shattering fundraising operation, has emerged as the frontrunner to become Commerce Secretary, the first campaign insider and "Friend of Barack" to surface as a Cabinet pick.

Sources close to Obama said Pritzker is conducting an extensive review of her vast financial holdings and weighing whether she can disentangle herself to the extent necessary to meet Obama's strict standards for service in his administration. Assuming she can, Obama sources said, the job is hers.

Commerce is not a high priority slot at the moment, but ever since the election, Obama advisers have worried about the "business as usual" appearances of giving Pritzker a job tinged by cronyism. Most Commerce secretaries in recent decades were major donors for the presidents they served, the type of old-style practice that Obama has pledged to purge.

Pritzker Is Frontrunner for Commerce | 44 |

But there's MORE. Apparently, Pritzker brings her own unique accomplishments... as a "Predatory Subprime Pioneer"! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Pritzker, Predatory Subprime Pioneer, Still On Obama Team | Loan Modification & Home Loan News
yep! in particular I remember the lefty chant "No more Clintons" as they tossed em under that bus...:lol:

The National Review doesn't approve of Obama's appointments!!!

What a shock!

neither does the nation
go figure, huh?

"Quick! Name the veteran Department of Justice insider who, shortly after the USA Patriot Act was signed into law and at a point when the Bush administration was proposing to further erode barriers to governmental abuses, argued that dissenters should not be tolerated?

Who invoked September 11, explicitly referencing "the World Trade Center aflame," in calling for the firing of any "petty bureaucrat" who might suggest that proper procedures be followed and that the separation of powers be respected?

John Ashcroft? No.

Alberto Gonzales? No.

It was Eric Holder, the man who has reportedly been selected by President-elect Barack Obama to serve as the next Attorney General of the United States."

The Trouble With Eric Holder

meet the new boss.....

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