More Attractive: Natural Look or Enhanced?


Jan 30, 2011
New England
Our society today judges people largely on their appearance. We as individuals also tend to make broad, sweeping decisions about who we want to be like, to associate ourselves with, be in a relationship with, etc.... based on appearance.

Which brings me to my question.... What sort of appearance do you find more attractive? Is it the Natural Look or the Enhanced Look? Now let me explain what I mean by each before you respond.

For me, the Natural Look refers to someone who does not go out of their way to significantly change, alter, or enhance their appearance through the use of chemicals, cosmetics, special clothing, or other means. These are generally the women wearing little to no makeup, who aren't wearing the push-up bras and 5" heels; and the guys who aren't at the gym for three hours every day working on their six-pack abs and "guns", who don't have a $50 hairstyle and wouldn't know what a manicure entails.

On the other hand you have the Enhanced Look. These are the men and women for whom everything is about their appearance. They spend obscene amounts of time at the gym to lose the 3-4 "vanity" pounds or to ensure they have the perfect abs. The guys who look like fashion models with the hair all done up, and the ladies who have to add an extra cup size to their bust with a push-up bra and 3" to their height with heels just to go get a half gallon of milk at the corner store. The people who won't allow anyone to see them in the morning until they'e "put their face on", or primped themselves fully.
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For me personally, I tend to prefer the Natural Look in a woman and it's what I try to exude myself. That doesn't mean I don't try to look decently put-together, or that I want a relationship with a woman who doesn't take care of herself; but I think that a lot of this primping, polishing, and enhancing of every possible attribute creates a situation where you don't really get to know the real person.

I've never been a fan of the Tammy Faye Baker look. A little lipstick and maybe some mascara if we're going out somewhere nice. I have always been slightly nauseated by female body builders. They just look unnatural to me. Likewise, if a woman needs 5" heels and a bra padded two sizes beyond her normal bust to make herself feel attractive, she's probably not going to have the personality or attitudes that I'm looking for in a potential relationship partner. Don't even get me started on those individuals who've had boob jobs, face lifts, or other elective plastic surgeries.

Now, I will admit that there are two "enhancements" that I do enjoy seeing on a woman.... A pair of moderate height heels, and I'm a sucker for a corset (in its proper atmosphere).
For me personally, I tend to prefer the Natural Look in a woman and it's what I try to exude myself. That doesn't mean I don't try to look decently put-together, or that I want a relationship with a woman who doesn't take care of herself; but I think that a lot of this primping, polishing, and enhancing of every possible attribute creates a situation where you don't really get to know the real person.

I've never been a fan of the Tammy Faye Baker look. A little lipstick and maybe some mascara if we're going out somewhere nice. I have always been slightly nauseated by female body builders. They just look unnatural to me. Likewise, if a woman needs 5" heels and a bra padded two sizes beyond her normal bust to make herself feel attractive, she's probably not going to have the personality or attitudes that I'm looking for in a potential relationship partner. Don't even get me started on those individuals who've had boob jobs, face lifts, or other elective plastic surgeries.

Now, I will admit that there are two "enhancements" that I do enjoy seeing on a woman.... A pair of moderate height heels, and I'm a sucker for a corset (in its proper atmosphere).

Yeah but if I meet a good looking woman who I'm clicking with I'm not going to let a pair of fake boobs stop me.
I like beautiful people.

I don't really care how they get that way.

Some of us are born beautiful, some of us work on it.

Beauty is something we are programmmed to like, folks.

It's one of natures main drivers for changing the human genome.

One of the basic things that people find beautiful is physicial symmetry espcially in the face.

Now how does that improve the species?

Fairly simply...facial symmetry is indicative of a person who does not have other physical (hidden) problems.

Another thing we seem programmed to like is a well proportioned body.

Again, such correct proportions of the body inform us that the person is phycially healthy.

Healthy people tend to breed healthy children.

We can object to people who find phyical beauty attractive.

We can call them "lookists" and decry them as being shallow and vane, but from a purely objective perspective they are simply responding to their genetic programming.
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I like beautiful people.

I don't really care how they get that way.

Some of us are born beautiful, some of us work on it.

Beauty is something we are programmmed to like, folks.

It's one of natures main drivers for changing the human genome.

One of the basic things that people find beautiful is physicial symmetry espcially in the face.

Now how does that improve the species?

Fairly simply...facial symmetry is indicative of a person who does not have other physical (hidden) problems.

Another thing we seem programmed to like is a well proportioned body.

Again, such correct proportions of the body inform us that the person is phycially healthy.

Healthy people tend to breed healthy children.

We can object to people who find phyical beauty attractive.

We can call them "lookists" and decry them as being shallow and vane, but from a purely objective perspective they are simply responding to their genetic programming.

Much of this is true. However beauty and health are not one in the same. Natural or enhanced.
Yeah but if I meet a good looking woman who I'm clicking with I'm not going to let a pair of fake boobs stop me.

See, to me that would just be a deal-breaker. Then again looks to me have always been somewhat secondary to personality and attitude, and the plastic surgery (assuming it's elective) just throws a big red flag up in my mind about whether they are the sort of person I'm going to be compatible with.
How come most men say they want a natural woman, but women are still getting fake boobs, fake asses, face lifts, botox etc by the boatload? somebody must like enhanced women otherwise they would not be doing it.
How come most men say they want a natural woman, but women are still getting fake boobs, fake asses, face lifts, botox etc by the boatload? somebody must like enhanced women otherwise they would not be doing it.

Interestingly, I had a conversation about that very thing with a female friend of mine this past weekend. Her take on it is that most of it is a personal image issue. Regardless of what her boyfriend, husband, etc... tells her, most modern women have a low opinion of their personal body image. That's why the cosmetics industry and all of these other enhancement aids are so popular. Now obviously there are guys out there who like the "enhanced" look, but I don't think they're as common as some people would suggest.
How come most men say they want a natural woman, but women are still getting fake boobs, fake asses, face lifts, botox etc by the boatload? somebody must like enhanced women otherwise they would not be doing it.

Interestingly, I had a conversation about that very thing with a female friend of mine this past weekend. Her take on it is that most of it is a personal image issue. Regardless of what her boyfriend, husband, etc... tells her, most modern women have a low opinion of their personal body image. That's why the cosmetics industry and all of these other enhancement aids are so popular. Now obviously there are guys out there who like the "enhanced" look, but I don't think they're as common as some people would suggest.

Thats what I thought, most men I have talked to say they prefer the natural look, so it looks like women are having these alterations done for themselves.
Thats what I thought, most men I have talked to say they prefer the natural look, so it looks like women are having these alterations done for themselves.

I would guess it's a combination of factors, H_G. For a lot of them I would guess it's being done for personal reasons, but in many cases I wouldn't doubt that they think it's what the guy in their life wants them to do as well. In some cases it probably is what the guy wants too. Either way I think it's a little silly, but it's not my body so who am I to say what's right or wrong for them.

I've gotta get a couple new photos taken and send them to you. I think you'd like the new look I've been sporting the last month or so. A bit more modern and stylish without being over the top.
Thats what I thought, most men I have talked to say they prefer the natural look, so it looks like women are having these alterations done for themselves.

I would guess it's a combination of factors, H_G. For a lot of them I would guess it's being done for personal reasons, but in many cases I wouldn't doubt that they think it's what the guy in their life wants them to do as well. In some cases it probably is what the guy wants too. Either way I think it's a little silly, but it's not my body so who am I to say what's right or wrong for them.

I've gotta get a couple new photos taken and send them to you. I think you'd like the new look I've been sporting the last month or so. A bit more modern and stylish without being over the top.

Well I know one young lady when I was in the Air Force who got her breasts enhanced because she said it would boost her social life, she used to party all the time even during the weekend. She didn't have a boyfriend and she was doing this completely for herself, her breasts were already a decent C Cup but I think she went up to a D or bigger, so I suspect there are women who do it for that reason as well, for the attention and for more guys to buy them drinks at the bar. I look forward to those pics bro :thup:
The natural look hands down. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is confident in the looks that God gave her.

This is absolutely true.
And one thing that women do not understand.
As men, we are simple creatures, we are not complicated.
We are attracted to women of various sizes and looks.

As men we talk about sex a lot, we are what we are. And one topic that men ask each other is "who was the girl/woman you had the best sex with?"
Many women would be surprised at the answers given. As an example for me, hands down the best sex I had in my life was with a "thick" girl when I was in my early 20's. She was what I guess I would call "lightly heavy set".
She was extremely confident in her looks, she had a very pretty face, her body was less than perfect - but I really didn't care. That confidence and healthy sex appetite was waaaaaaay more important than the fact she wasn't perfect.
Natural of course :)


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