More absolute bullcrap from Obama.

He says the Republicans are preventing the health care bill from being passed. Lets review shall we? 265 House members and 59 votes in the Senate with several more Republican RHINOS willing to vote with the Dems. How again are the Republicans doing ANYTHING? By the way? The Democrats have not even written a bill in the Senate.

Takes 60 votes to break a filibuster.

He further claims it is politics. Ignoring the fact most people are opposed to the bill presented and the fact no one is talking about tort reform or cutting the legs out from under scrotum seeking Lawyers that make up what "unborn babies" think and feel.

People aren't opposed to the items in the bill. They're opposed because of all the scare stories.


The Democrats have several RHINO's that will vote with them. If they actually had a bill and one that was reasonable.

While I am familiar with the acronym RINO, can you tell me what RHINO stands for, Gunny?

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