Moral Equivalancy: Radicals in America and Radicals In The Muslim World


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Imam Rauf wants to draw comparisons between those who protest the building of the Ground Zero mosque and suicide bombers.

There is no comparison people. Yet some think there is.

Your thoughts?
The Department of Homeland Defense seems to be more concerned about "Homegrown Terrorists" instead of threats on our borders and foreigners coming into this country for the purpose of killing Americans. They hide their focus by using examples like the Christmas crotch bomber and the Times Square bomber.

Their real target is folks like Timothy McVeigh. This is why they released a terrorist watch list that included returning Iraqi war veterans as possible suspects. They fear angry gun-toten Bible-bangers more then suicide bombers.

What we're seeing today is an implied victimization of Muslims. The aggressor is now the oppressed and the victim the oppressor. While those of us who were victimized are evil for our lack of tolerance, the aggressor is now the victim and the one showing tolerance. Yet when a crazy pastor decides not to burn Korans under one condition, that a proposed mosque not be built at ground zero, he is rejected....told that the mosque will be built no matter what. Who's really being insensitive now???????
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Imam Rauf wants to draw comparisons between those who protest the building of the Ground Zero mosque and suicide bombers.

There is no comparison people. Yet some think there is.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are the imam is a slippery pile of steaming pig shit. Lying cock sucker ought to have his ass kicked.
Imam Rauf wants to draw comparisons between those who protest the building of the Ground Zero mosque and suicide bombers.

There is no comparison people. Yet some think there is.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are the imam is a slippery pile of steaming pig shit. Lying cock sucker ought to have his ass kicked.

The Imam communicated a threat. If the mosque isn't built, if they are forced to move....all of those peaceful muslims around the world that seem to destroy, burn, kill, and generally act like L A thugs celebrating another Lakers win will crawl out of the woodwork and begin another wave of destruction.

The implication is clear. Do what we want or you will suffer.

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This Imam is a piece of shit. He's soft-spoken and he chooses his words carefully. But the secret behind this guy is that he is not much different from someone like Osama Bin Laden. He believes the same things. The US is partly if not completely at fault for 9/11. He is no more understanding of the sorrow of the relatives then the crazies that flew those planes into those buildings. It took a crazy pastor in Florida to make this clear.....but you won't hear about this. The MSM won't cover the negotiations that are taking place behind the scenes. You will not hear what this Imam is saying behind closed doors when the cameras are off.
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The Department of Homeland Defense seems to be more concerned about "Homegrown Terrorists" instead of threats on our borders and foreigners coming into this country for the purpose of killing Americans. They hide their focus by using examples like the Christmas crotch bomber and the Times Square bomber.

Their real target is folks like Timothy McVeigh. This is why they released a terrorist watch list that included returning Iraqi war veterans as possible suspects. They fear angry gun-toten Bible-bangers more then suicide bombers.

What we're seeing today is an implied victimization of Muslims. The aggressor is now the oppressed and the victim the oppressor. While those of us who were victimized are evil for our lack of tolerance, the aggressor is now the victim and the one showing tolerance. Yet when a crazy pastor decides not to burn Korans under one condition, that a proposed mosque not be built at ground zero, he is rejected....told that the mosque will be built no matter what. Who's really being insensitive now???????

Mudwhistle, You and I could not agree more.

YOU GOTTA GO TO THE THREAD by Actsnoblemartin entitled: "This is exactly what I was thinking about, but didn't know how to say".

If there isn't ANY video, you've ever seen....or will see...YOU ABSOLUTELY FUCKING MUST SEE: "Youtube, enemy within." And, the second video: "Youtube, freedom is my religion".

You will then realize that the most important book you should read is: "MUSLIM MAFIA.
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This Imam is a piece of shit. He's soft-spoken and he chooses his words carefully. But the secret behind this guy is that he is not much different from someone like Osama Bin Laden. He believes the same things. The US is partly if not completely at fault for 9/11. He is no more understanding of the sorrow of the relatives then the crazies that flew those planes into those buildings. It took a crazy pastor in Florida to make this clear.....but you won't hear about this. The MSM won't cover the negotiations that are taking place behind the scenes. You will not hear what this Imam is saying behind closed doors when the cameras are off.

SO, if we don't share your Islamophobia, then we are fools.

You are a fucking ignorant moron.

Home grown terrorists have been a bigger threat than external terrorists. Realistically, why not defend against both?
This Imam is a piece of shit. He's soft-spoken and he chooses his words carefully. But the secret behind this guy is that he is not much different from someone like Osama Bin Laden. He believes the same things. The US is partly if not completely at fault for 9/11. He is no more understanding of the sorrow of the relatives then the crazies that flew those planes into those buildings. It took a crazy pastor in Florida to make this clear.....but you won't hear about this. The MSM won't cover the negotiations that are taking place behind the scenes. You will not hear what this Imam is saying behind closed doors when the cameras are off.

SO, if we don't share your Islamophobia, then we are fools.

You are a fucking ignorant moron.

Typical response from some pissant that can't win on the issues.

I've been in the Middle East, studied the language under Muslim instructors, and they've let me know personally how they're thinking. You probably get all your info from CNN.
Imam Rauf wants to draw comparisons between those who protest the building of the Ground Zero mosque and suicide bombers.

There is no comparison people. Yet some think there is.

Your thoughts?

It's the typical moral relativism used to smear Americans. In a similar vein, little grandmas going to tea parties are called terrorists.

Home grown terrorists have been a bigger threat than external terrorists. Realistically, why not defend against both?

Not if you go by body count.

Yes ....defend against both.

Problem is Obama can't name the threat which means he can't identify it.

He loves Islam yet he hates more then half of America.

He can't be trusted to defend us from a threat he deep down feels is right to attack us.
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Imam Rauf wants to draw comparisons between those who protest the building of the Ground Zero mosque and suicide bombers.

There is no comparison people. Yet some think there is.

Your thoughts?

There is no comparison.

One is merely misguided, the other badly misled or batshit insane.

"Misguided" ?

Only if you are an Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoid.

However, the "batshit insane" part is accurate.....which makes you an Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoid with a nanogram of rationality.

Toroshit, you still have a long way to go.
Imam Rauf wants to draw comparisons between those who protest the building of the Ground Zero mosque and suicide bombers.

There is no comparison people. Yet some think there is.

Your thoughts?

There is no comparison.

One is merely misguided, the other badly misled or batshit insane.

"Misguided" ?

Only if you are an Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoid.

However, the "batshit insane" part is accurate.....which makes you an Obamarrhoidal LIEberrhoid with a nanogram of rationality.

Toroshit, you still have a long way to go.

"Batshit insane" is also a perfect description of Gaytrauma.

Home grown terrorists have been a bigger threat than external terrorists. Realistically, why not defend against both?

Historically, external terrorists have killed more people than home grown terrorists.

This is one of the rare occasions where Boguswinger is correct.......but not the way HE thinks.

Boguswinger and I agree completely that whereas in historical terms this might be a moot question, i.e., Genghiz Khan rampaging thru a large part of this planet wiped out countries as bug spray wipes out insects and therefore as an EXTERNAL ENEMY he was indisputably the poster boy for the External Enemy being the more dangerous enemy than an Internal one.

But, in so far as the other side of the story is concerned, and that directly applies to our nation....Boguswinger and I agree to a point.

Here is Marcus Tulius Cicero's take on this issue:

Marcus Tullius Cicero's Quote:

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

Now, where Boguswinger and I will disagree COMPLETELY is that in PRESENT DAY AMERICA.....LIEberrhoids are the ENEMY WITHIN.....and the MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges (one of which is Boguswinger) are BY FAR more dangerous than Al Queda.....or even ISLAM (armed with nukes) in the near future.

Why ?

Answer: Eventually Islam like Fascsim (but a helluva lot more INSIDIOUSLY DANGEROUS) will be defeated by World rationality.

But, if MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges get another term.....then Obami Salaami's so-called (still relatively innocuous) "SOCIALISM" will be established as FULL BLOWN COMMUNISM......and THAT is a helluva lot more dangerous proposition than Al Queda, or even ISLAM armed with nukes to be gotten rid of.
Now, where Boguswinger and I will disagree COMPLETELY is that in PRESENT DAY AMERICA.....LIEberrhoids are the ENEMY WITHIN.....and the MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges (one of which is Boguswinger) are BY FAR more dangerous than Al Queda.....or even ISLAM (armed with nukes) in the near future.

Why ?

Answer: Eventually Islam like Fascsim (but a helluva lot more INSIDIOUSLY DANGEROUS) will be defeated by World rationality.

But, if MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges get another term.....then Obami Salaami's so-called (still relatively innocuous) "SOCIALISM" will be established as FULL BLOWN COMMUNISM......and THAT is a helluva lot more dangerous proposition than Al Queda, or even ISLAM armed with nukes to be gotten rid of.

Now, where Boguswinger and I will disagree COMPLETELY is that in PRESENT DAY AMERICA.....LIEberrhoids are the ENEMY WITHIN.....and the MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges (one of which is Boguswinger) are BY FAR more dangerous than Al Queda.....or even ISLAM (armed with nukes) in the near future.

Why ?

Answer: Eventually Islam like Fascsim (but a helluva lot more INSIDIOUSLY DANGEROUS) will be defeated by World rationality.

But, if MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges get another term.....then Obami Salaami's so-called (still relatively innocuous) "SOCIALISM" will be established as FULL BLOWN COMMUNISM......and THAT is a helluva lot more dangerous proposition than Al Queda, or even ISLAM armed with nukes to be gotten rid of.


That sums up my opinion.
Now, where Boguswinger and I will disagree COMPLETELY is that in PRESENT DAY AMERICA.....LIEberrhoids are the ENEMY WITHIN.....and the MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges (one of which is Boguswinger) are BY FAR more dangerous than Al Queda.....or even ISLAM (armed with nukes) in the near future.

Why ?

Answer: Eventually Islam like Fascsim (but a helluva lot more INSIDIOUSLY DANGEROUS) will be defeated by World rationality.

But, if MARXIST Obami Salaami, and his Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooges get another term.....then Obami Salaami's so-called (still relatively innocuous) "SOCIALISM" will be established as FULL BLOWN COMMUNISM......and THAT is a helluva lot more dangerous proposition than Al Queda, or even ISLAM armed with nukes to be gotten rid of.


The predictable reaction of an Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd fool like Toroshit.

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