Moore Meltdown on CNN

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
It was funny to watch Michael Moore meltdown on the Clinton News Network

I saw some of that on CNN, and Moore did not like being "fact checked." He should be fat checked. Where does a gigantic obese guy who looks like he is begging for early disease get off telling us about what medical system is going to be used to deal with his self-inflicted diabetes or heart attack? Show at least a microscopic amount of self-control before lecturing us.
I saw some of that on CNN, and Moore did not like being "fact checked." He should be fat checked. Where does a gigantic obese guy who looks like he is begging for early disease get off telling us about what medical system is going to be used to deal with his self-inflicted diabetes or heart attack? Show at least a microscopic amount of self-control before lecturing us.

The way he smears the US health care system - I do hope he does not have a heart attack in the US
He kicked their asses you fools

While Moore may have kicked their asses, which is true if you look at the exchange in the context of a schoolyard fight, he did not necessarily when the debate nor did he further his cause. He came across as angry, spiteful, rude, unproffesional and nasty, especially when he made it a point to mispronounce Gupta's name after pronouncing it correctly several times during the interview, that was down right disrespectful. All the while, Wolf Blitzer remained calm, thoughtful, and respectful. No amount of smiling and chuckling on the part of Moore at the end of the interview could erase the image of his attack on Blitzer and the media in general.

Gupta is a respected and accomplished doctor and reporter, performing surgery while embedded with the troops during the first days and months of the war. He panned "Sicko," oh, so sad. He called Moore on some incosistancies and questionable numbers, too bad. If Michael doesn't like it, perhaps he should just retire, I hear some of his investments are in pharmaceutical and medical companies, I'm sure he could live quite nicely on those alone. He wouldn't even need any of the money from his movie evicerating the very same companies he's invested in. Hell, he's making money at both ends of the issue.

Bottom line, Michael Moore needs to get over himself. He's not as important to the country as he thinks he is.
While Moore may have kicked their asses, which is true if you look at the exchange in the context of a schoolyard fight, he did not necessarily when the debate nor did he further his cause. He came across as angry, spiteful, rude, unproffesional and nasty, especially when he made it a point to mispronounce Gupta's name after pronouncing it correctly several times during the interview, that was down right disrespectful. All the while, Wolf Blitzer remained calm, thoughtful, and respectful. No amount of smiling and chuckling on the part of Moore at the end of the interview could erase the image of his attack on Blitzer and the media in general.

Gupta is a respected and accomplished doctor and reporter, performing surgery while embedded with the troops during the first days and months of the war. He panned "Sicko," oh, so sad. He called Moore on some incosistancies and questionable numbers, too bad. If Michael doesn't like it, perhaps he should just retire, I hear some of his investments are in pharmaceutical and medical companies, I'm sure he could live quite nicely on those alone. He wouldn't even need any of the money from his movie evicerating the very same companies he's invested in. Hell, he's making money at both ends of the issue.

Bootom line, Michael Moore needs to get over himself. He's not as important to the country as he thinks he is.

Anyone who disagrees with a liberal is an enemy of the state
He is the type of republican that the Republican Party in government and the church has hijacked.

Take off the blinders.

I was initially on board with Paul, but his somewhat isolationist views and some of his other ideas hit me as a bit too extreme. I'm not completely running away from him, but I am watching and listening. He may convince me yet. Even though I don't think he has a chance to win the nomination.
I was initially on board with Paul, but his somewhat isolationist views and some of his other ideas hit me as a bit too extreme. I'm not completely running away from him, but I am watching and listening. He may convince me yet.

It wil not be long before McDone and Paul are on the outside looking in

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