Moderation Powers

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Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
There should be a way on this forum to appeal moderation decisions. Take for example a thread being moved to Political Satire that was indeed fact and not satire. And then mysteriously posts start to get deleted... A mod should at least message the person and explain their actions. There is definitely a lot of partisan decisions being made on this forum.
There should be a way on this forum to appeal moderation decisions. Take for example a thread being moved to Political Satire that was indeed fact and not satire. And then mysteriously posts start to get deleted... A mod should at least message the person and explain their actions. There is definitely a lot of partisan decisions being made on this forum.

First off -- there were already about 4 threads merged or started on the topic.

Second -- I deleted some of those posts. And I SENT YOU an alert with each deletion. No mystery. Deletions were explained...

Third -- if you didn't APPEAL THIS to moderators in PM -- that's the proper way to do this so that Mods don't have to embarrass you in open threads with FACTS and stuff you might not know -- or choose to leave out.

Fourth -- EVERYTHING about that story is speculation anyway and too many folks (including most DEGREED Journalists LEAPING into gigantic canyons of conclusions not yet in evidence.

Fifth -- ANYTHING one Mod does is visible to ALL of us. There's no chance of Rogue Partisans making rash decisions...

PM your favorite Mods and we can discuss all this..
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