Moderate Liberal here


Jul 10, 2012
Hi, I'm hoping for some good discussions where people are interested in exchanging information and ideas. I've had too much of closed minds that accept only what they already believe to be true. There are two sides to every issue, and I'd like to sort things out and make more informed decisions as a result of what I learn here.

That said, my basic politics are:

help those that cannot help themselves,

lead those who are on the edges of society into becoming more self-reliant,

avoid war in all circumstances except in cases of invasion of our country or imminent danger to innocents, (believing that there is almost always a better way to deal with conflicts)

government can be wasteful and inefficient, but so can individuals and businesses.

Hope to have some enlightening discussions!
You will find both good discussions and everything else, those gems you're mining for will occasionally be buried in the sty. Rhino hide comes in very handy, I suggest sleeping on a bed of nails for a couple of weeks, a crash course on dealing with the insane might serve you well.
The real question will be, are you a real moderate or is it self deception/obfuscation......... :dunno:
Only time will tell.
Good luck and welcome!
You will find both good discussions and everything else, those gems you're mining for will occasionally be buried in the sty. Rhino hide comes in very handy, I suggest sleeping on a bed of nails for a couple of weeks, a crash course on dealing with the insane might serve you well.
The real question will be, are you a real moderate or is it self deception/obfuscation......... :dunno:
Only time will tell.
Good luck and welcome!

This^^ those that cannot help themselves...

Oh goody, another central planner type that's just sure he knows what best for everyone else. Welcome, I suppose.

BTW, half of US households now receive some sort of financial assistance from the federal government. Is half of the country unable to "help themselves"? And if you think private businesses in a free, competitive marketplace are ANYWHERE NEAR as inefficient as government run monopolies, well, there's no hope for you. Good luck with all that...
And, by "those who cannot help themselves," I was referring to people with serious disabilities. I guess I should have said that I'm a special ed teacher, and know that some people are so severely handicapped that they must depend on others for their survival. I'm not a big fan of welfare as we usually think of it. those that cannot help themselves...

half of US households now receive some sort of financial assistance from the federal government.

That number seems very high. Where did you get this information? And what types of assistance does this include? Medicare? Social Security?

Greetings, this board has many more conservatives than moderates or liberals. There are quite a few radical rightists who think only of welfare as government assistance and are obsessed by food stamps, AFDC, and Medicaid. Best to you. I am a moderate though the far right terms anyone to left of David Duke "liberal". those that cannot help themselves...

Oh goody, another central planner type that's just sure he knows what best for everyone else. Welcome, I suppose.

BTW, half of US households now receive some sort of financial assistance from the federal government. Is half of the country unable to "help themselves"? And if you think private businesses in a free, competitive marketplace are ANYWHERE NEAR as inefficient as government run monopolies, well, there's no hope for you. Good luck with all that...

From another who thinks he knows what is best for everyone else :D those that cannot help themselves...

Oh goody, another central planner type that's just sure he knows what best for everyone else. Welcome, I suppose.

BTW, half of US households now receive some sort of financial assistance from the federal government. Is half of the country unable to "help themselves"? And if you think private businesses in a free, competitive marketplace are ANYWHERE NEAR as inefficient as government run monopolies, well, there's no hope for you. Good luck with all that...

From another who thinks he knows what is best for everyone else :D

Is that a joke? Libertarians are the LAST people to tell others what to do.
And, by "those who cannot help themselves," I was referring to people with serious disabilities. I guess I should have said that I'm a special ed teacher, and know that some people are so severely handicapped that they must depend on others for their survival. I'm not a big fan of welfare as we usually think of it.

I'd agree with that.

No able-bodied man should ever receive welfare checks.
Hello and welcome! Nice to meet someone who is a little on the left! I hope to find someone as left wing as me, though...

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