Moderate Caucus Chair Urges Cheney's Execution


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Moderate Caucus Chair Urges Cheney's Execution


The Maine Wire

UPDATE: Rep. Kruger returned calls for comment this morning, he is quoted below. Kruger’s Twitter account history has also been blocked from view. Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston), the Democrat chair of the Maine legislature’s Moderate Caucus, used his Twitter account to express his view.

Another version is at the Daily Caller.

How'd this person get elected to public office?

Better yet, what say you?
He's one of the 80 called out by West! So he thought Sadam was a good dude? I bet this guy protested Tookie's execution too, what a pussy white boy. Maybe he thinks Rachael Maddow is the transgendered person he's been seeking his whole life
Doesn't Cheney still get Secret Service protection?

Arrest that asshole that threatened Cheney.
This was reported BY the Maine GOP as a tweet, I believe from Kruger LAST SUMMER:

"Kruger made the statement through his Twitter account this past summer, saying, "Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams," a reference to technology that would allow Kruger to watch the proposed execution of the former Vice President of the United States."

Maine Democrat Liberal State Rep Calls for Execution of Dick Cheney | As Maine Goes

Kind of odd it took the Maine GOP so long to "report" this, isn't it ?
How do I contribute to this guy's campaign?
Not funny, the delay in reporting this from Maine Republicans brings OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE to mind if the STATE rep. actually tweeted this LAST SUMMER.
He's one of the 80 called out by West! So he thought Sadam was a good dude? I bet this guy protested Tookie's execution too, what a pussy white boy. Maybe he thinks Rachael Maddow is the transgendered person he's been seeking his whole life

He isn't IN Congress, of course.
Moderate Caucus Chair Urges Cheney's Execution


The Maine Wire

UPDATE: Rep. Kruger returned calls for comment this morning, he is quoted below. Kruger’s Twitter account history has also been blocked from view. Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston), the Democrat chair of the Maine legislature’s Moderate Caucus, used his Twitter account to express his view.

Another version is at the Daily Caller.

How'd this person get elected to public office?

Better yet, what say you?
Kinda blew their cover as being "moderate" now didn't they?
Moderate Caucus Chair Urges Cheney's Execution


The Maine Wire

UPDATE: Rep. Kruger returned calls for comment this morning, he is quoted below. Kruger’s Twitter account history has also been blocked from view. Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston), the Democrat chair of the Maine legislature’s Moderate Caucus, used his Twitter account to express his view.

Another version is at the Daily Caller.

How'd this person get elected to public office?

Better yet, what say you?
Kinda blew their cover as being "moderate" now didn't they?

Why did Maine Republicans hold this for eight months?
Look at all of these leftist scum in here slobbering all over themselves to jump on board the "Cheney should DIE" train. How low can these bottom feeders go?

The "tolerant" and "diverse" and "freedom of speech" leftists strike again!

As for this IDIOT Maine Democrat politician, you all need to understand that the state of Maine is populated by either backwoods booger-harvesters or leftist Massachusetts carpetbaggers.

'Nuff said.
Shouldn't war criminals be executed?

NOTE: Causing leftist butthurt is not a war crime.

And now you get to answer a question:

Cheney was the VP. As such, he had no authority to order the military to do anything. He formulated no policy.

How could he have committed war crimes?

Just save yourself the effort of sputtering impotently and admit you're a fucking idiot.

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