Mob attacks South Sudan UN base over jobs


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Angry mob on Monday attacked a UN compound in South Sudan's Upper Nile State, alleging discrimination against the locals in employment.

The unruly mob damaged vehicles, ransacked offices and set some buildings ablaze at the Maban camp.

They complained that most of the aid workers at Maban were from Equatoria, in the south of the country.

An aid worker, who requested to remain anonymous as she is not authorised to speak to the media, said tensions had remained high between the local youths and the aid agencies in the area for a about a week.
Mob attacks South Sudan UN base

Here is the thing. They burned down the MSF tent and destroyed communication devices. So, MSF suspended most of it's services. So, now the "angry mob" can figure out how to establish medical care for 144,000 refugees.
Angry mob on Monday attacked a UN compound in South Sudan's Upper Nile State, alleging discrimination against the locals in employment.

The unruly mob damaged vehicles, ransacked offices and set some buildings ablaze at the Maban camp.

They complained that most of the aid workers at Maban were from Equatoria, in the south of the country.

An aid worker, who requested to remain anonymous as she is not authorised to speak to the media, said tensions had remained high between the local youths and the aid agencies in the area for a about a week.
Mob attacks South Sudan UN base

Here is the thing. They burned down the MSF tent and destroyed communication devices. So, MSF suspended most of it's services. So, now the "angry mob" can figure out how to establish medical care for 144,000 refugees.

south sudan seems to be a far more SERIOUS
problem of HUMANITARIAN CRISIS-----than is
Yemen or Gaza

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