MM Really Doesn't Hate America?

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Making More of Michael
By Dan Carpenter, The Indianapolis Star
December 15, 2004

Of the many raps against Michael Moore, the least supportable has to be hatred of Americans. Yet that canard surfaced again last week in a column by a prominent conservative.

How many of Moore's movies, if any, this expert had seen was not made clear. Many Moore critics proudly declare they've never seen one and never will fatten the fat man's purse by actually finding out for themselves what the talk radio fuss is about.

But they know they speak of the devil, and they crowed in the early hours and days after Nov. 2 that this bulbous Beelzebub, along with his various companion imps that had infested our fighting forces and faith-based families, had been exorcised.

Their icy realization that Moore will get only larger and louder is bringing out the rakes and pitchforks among those to whom his is the bewhiskered face of the Democratic Party.

As echoed in my own reader mail, top-tier conservatives have made a prime post-election target of Moore. Recently, Republican big shots took out a full-page ad in USA Today as a preemptive strike against an Academy Award nomination for "Fahrenheit 9/11." Though the film is the first documentary to be nominated for a People's Choice best-overall award, which is about as mainstream as it gets, a rightwing talk show star warned that an Oscar bid would trigger a "backlash" against Hollywood by middle America.

So where is this middle America, this lunch-pail land of the loyal and the left behind? I suspect Moore's syndicated and televised detractors rarely venture there. I am there by necessity and I deeply appreciate that he is there by choice.

Hate Americans? No one who has open-mindedly watched Moore's three major films would utter such a slur.

In "Fahrenheit 9/11," he took his unblinking camera down to the depths of struggling, screwed-over America, to the seedy strip malls where Marine recruiters trolled for young males without job prospects and to the living room of a family robbed of a son by elective war.

In "Bowling for Columbine," he rode the company bus with a single mom to a crummy night job at a Dick Clark restaurant, then chased down the famous namesake on her behalf.

Grandstanding? Sure. The guy is ham on wry. But who else takes so many of us to the dark places where the spirit of Jacob Riis dwells?

It wasn't even overtly polemical, the Michael Moore scene that's stuck tightest to my memory. It took place in "Roger and Me," his pranksterish take on industrial flight from his native Flint, Mich. A jobless young woman was being evicted, and she was screaming invective at the presiding sheriff as she threw her belongings into garbage bags. She and the sad lawman alike were battling on after the worst defeat a failed economy can inflict: the loss of dignity.

It could have been a Jerry Springer moment -- common people acting ignorant, which we surely can do, as Moore rightly chides us. The difference here was, I didn't want to slap the people; I wanted to slap every General Motors shareholder. That's what Michael Moore does for us, and that is what redeems all the excesses that so bother even some liberals (who actually watch).

He hates exploiters, he hates imperialists, he hates politicians and pundits who wrap their agenda in the flag. But by the evidence of his works, he does not hate Americans. Those who despise him should take a closer look, at his films or in the mirror. Meanwhile, remember: He's loving this.

[email protected]

I am sure Dan would be pleased to receive an e-mail containing your comments about his enlightening article.
I'm sorry, but this is shyte.

Michael Moore cared so much about the families of Columbine victims that he exploited in his film that he invited them all to a special showing of the film...then charged them for it. Michael Moore cares so much about educating Americas youth that he charges over $30,000 per appearance at colleges. Michael Moore cares so much about America that whenever he goes overseas he calls us stupid, arrogant assholes. Michael Moore cares so much about the little man as he sits in one of his two or three luxury townhouses, or as he rides around in his chauffered limo. Michael Moore LOVES the little man...this is true. He LOVES tragedy, a sob story, people in pain...I won't deny this. He LOVES it because he knows he can PROFIT from it.

I don't blame Michael Moore for what he does, he's found a captive audience willing to swallow his bullshit and ask for seconds, bravo to him. He is a brilliant filmmaker, his ability to edit film and distort truth to make anything he wants to appear on the screen is remarkable. But to state that he is doing it all out of his great love for this country, its citizens, or its suffering is simply liberal ass-kissing at its worst.
I think there is truth to both...
In the first post Adam's Apple is ony saying Michael Moore doesn't hate america and that Michael Moore really shows whats wrong in america...What Michael Moore shows is true, it's not made up in anyway. Now if he does charge $30,000 per appearance at colleges and he rides around in his chauffered limo then there is a gap between what he tries to stand for and who he really is. But that was not what Adam's Apple was saying. Being against exploiters, imperialists, politicians and pundits does not in any way mean he's against america (it's people) but against the leaders...
j07950 said:
I think there is truth to both...
In the first post Adam's Apple is ony saying Michael Moore doesn't hate america and that Michael Moore really shows whats wrong in america...What Michael Moore shows is true, it's not made up in anyway. Now if he does charge $30,000 per appearance at colleges and he rides around in his chauffered limo then there is a gap between what he tries to stand for and who he really is. But that was not what Adam's Apple was saying. Being against exploiters, imperialists, politicians and pundits does not in any way mean he's against america (it's people) but against the leaders...

i think micahel moore should move to a country that has policies that he agrees with so he can be happy...because it sure appears to me that he is eating his stress over a country he clearly does not enjoy being a part
Does freeandfun1 hate America because here he says that the federal govt is doing a bad thing:

I think there is a huge difference between hating your country, and hating the government that represents you. If there wasn't, there were a LOT of Republicans who hated their country when Clinton was in power.

It is one of the great things about living in a free country, one can criticize the government and it's decisions without fear of the repercussions and what's the point of having the power if you don't exercise it? If you look at everything that MM has said, it is always against big business and the government, never against ordinary Americans. The only differences between the people here who hate the Democrats and MM is that he hates the Republicans and he makes a shitload of money saying it in public. It seems to me that publicly hating your government (or at least the "other party") is an extremely North American thing. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just the way we are (we are the same way in Canada only no one really gets rich doing it :) ).

PS Just so the conversation doesn't get sidetracked, do I think MM is biased? Yup, 100% over the top, calling his movies "documentaries" is pushing it to the extreme, I agree with it all so let's not preach to the converted. That really isn't the point since that accusation can be made against both left and right wing proponents.
j07950 said:
...IAdam's Apple is ony saying Michael Moore doesn't hate america and that Michael Moore really shows whats wrong in america...What Michael Moore shows is true, it's not made up in anyway. ...

My friend across the pond, this was a sarcastic post. Michael Moore definitely hates America, and what he says is not true. That's been proven over and over again. In case you missed the rebuttals, get a copy of FahrenHYPE 911 or Celsius 41.11. They give revealing looks at how Michael Moore makes his case.
Micheal Moore definatly does NOT hate america, he does have very strong views and does slant them to fit his needs. But he believes hes helping people. If hes telling lies, then why dont those people simply sue him for libel and public character defamation? Now if we could only get people to hold polaticians as accountable for their actions as we have micheal moore, then we would really have something going.
Polystyrate said:
Micheal Moore definatly does NOT hate america, he does have very strong views and does slant them to fit his needs. But he believes hes helping people. If hes telling lies, then why dont those people simply sue him for libel and public character defamation? Now if we could only get people to hold polaticians as accountable for their actions as we have micheal moore, then we would really have something going.

Because people in the public eye have a higher standard to prove libel and defation.

The fact is Michael Moore makes things up. The lies have been freaking documented and could make books. in fact i think there are several books on refuting his lies.

And anyone who has seen or heard anything Michael Moore says outside of the States knows he HATES America. He is just laughing that there are people out there that actually buy what he says or care about a dang thing about him.
Oh well I think you will all see Karma is a b***h. Moore is being cast out even more. As you all know now Hollywood wants nothing to do with him. For his so called Documentary, where were the facts to the stories he came up with. Though my favorite was the one with Bin Ladens family getting to fly out of the country. I got a good kick out of that one. Anyways Moore wanting whats best for america, ..NOPE!! He wants America to be more like Canada. Sad really I thought GW would of deported him there. He seemed to like it in Bowling for Columbine..And to think I almost bought that movie..good thing I got HBO and they showed it free of charge. Back to the point why want something America isn't about or stands for, if your not standing with us what are you? Well I'll let you make your own mind up on that.
If your not for us your against us? Does that mean 48% of the country is agains the other 52%? If that were trully the case, then why havent the red and blue uniforms been passed out and the guns started firing? Or maybe we should just deport everyone who you dont like? Go Democracy!
Polystyrate said:
Micheal Moore definatly does NOT hate america

Shall I post exact quotes from Mr. Moore while he trashed America when he was in other countries? I believe one of the quotes to the Canadians was "The dumbest person here is smarter than the smartest American."

He's either an American hater or just a plain 'ol retard.
Polystyrate said:
If your not for us your against us? Does that mean 48% of the country is agains the other 52%? If that were trully the case, then why havent the red and blue uniforms been passed out and the guns started firing? Or maybe we should just deport everyone who you dont like? Go Democracy!
Take a deep breath, try to overcome your hatred and formulate a thought that you would be willing to discuss rationally---just a tip.
Polystyrate said:
If your not for us your against us? Does that mean 48% of the country is agains the other 52%? If that were trully the case, then why havent the red and blue uniforms been passed out and the guns started firing? Or maybe we should just deport everyone who you dont like? Go Democracy!
you need medication for real. do you always slip off the deep end with a conspiracy theory?
Polystyrate said:
If your not for us your against us? Does that mean 48% of the country is agains the other 52%? If that were trully the case, then why havent the red and blue uniforms been passed out and the guns started firing? Or maybe we should just deport everyone who you dont like? Go Democracy!

The biggest thing I loathe about Dems is their overwhelming tendancy to overreact. If a teacher tells her class Merry Christmas it is a Government Conspiracy to convert all our children. If a politician passes a law against partial birth abortion, the repealing of women's right to vote is just around the corner. If we say that someone who repeatedly calls Americans stupid dislikes Americans, we are attacking a great patriot and ready to ship liberals off to Alaskan work camps.

"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or terrorists or "the Enemy". They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow, and they will win"

"WE created the monster known as Osama bin Laden!"


"I like America to an extent."

"One evil empire down, one to go." (And I don't think he's referring to the New York Yankies)

"[Americans are] a nation of idiots"

Oh yeah. I'm just feeln' the love.
Polystyrate said:
If your not for us your against us? Does that mean 48% of the country is agains the other 52%? If that were trully the case, then why havent the red and blue uniforms been passed out and the guns started firing? Or maybe we should just deport everyone who you dont like? Go Democracy!

Would you like to misinterpret anything else? He dislikes the way we carry our selves in general as seen in bowling for columbine. I don't even really care about Fahrenheit 9/11 that movies reputation is losing points as everything he said is being shown to be lie after lie. I'll use an example of how low this man is. He used that boy in the wheelchair to go against a major company(Target). That was simply exploiting him, didn't do any good. I can still go get a M4 Semi-Automatic Assault Riffle and 4000 rounds of ammo in 30 minutes. So taking bullets of targets shelves did nothing, let me say that again NOTHING. So is it exploitation or trying to help. Now I'll again pose the question. Is someone who exploits our country for money then embracing it. For us or against us? You decide.
theim said:
"I like America to an extent."

"One evil empire down, one to go." (And I don't think he's referring to the New York Yankies)

"[Americans are] a nation of idiots"

Oh yeah. I'm just feeln' the love.

Maybe he's hoping for a break up similar to the Soviet Union..
wolvie20m said:
Would you like to misinterpret anything else? He dislikes the way we carry our selves in general as seen in bowling for columbine. I don't even really care about Fahrenheit 9/11 that movies reputation is losing points as everything he said is being shown to be lie after lie. I'll use an example of how low this man is. He used that boy in the wheelchair to go against a major company(Target). That was simply exploiting him, didn't do any good. I can still go get a M4 Semi-Automatic Assault Riffle and 4000 rounds of ammo in 30 minutes. So taking bullets of targets shelves did nothing, let me say that again NOTHING. So is it exploitation or trying to help. Now I'll again pose the question. Is someone who exploits our country for money then embracing it. For us or against us? You decide.

hell if i was in charge of targets id make sure they knew about the ammo sales everyweek so they could come in and buy them out
wolvie20m said:
Would you like to misinterpret anything else? He dislikes the way we carry our selves in general as seen in bowling for columbine. I don't even really care about Fahrenheit 9/11 that movies reputation is losing points as everything he said is being shown to be lie after lie. I'll use an example of how low this man is. He used that boy in the wheelchair to go against a major company(Target). That was simply exploiting him, didn't do any good. I can still go get a M4 Semi-Automatic Assault Riffle and 4000 rounds of ammo in 30 minutes. So taking bullets of targets shelves did nothing, let me say that again NOTHING. So is it exploitation or trying to help. Now I'll again pose the question. Is someone who exploits our country for money then embracing it. For us or against us? You decide.

The company was KMart. Exploiting for money is unfortunately a US passtime in the first degree.

I still get angry every time I think about his "debate" with the Alzheimer patient at the end of the movie. He was clearly so proud that he won the debate, but was debating with somebody that already had announced that he had Alzheimer's disease. What a frickin' loser!

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