Mittens not the only animal torturer

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Did Mitt Romney’s Dog Seek Asylum In Canada? | Politicker

Huckabee and the Boy Scouts Pensito Review

| Dominionist-apologist Bill Frist and animal cruelty

Donald and Eric Trump pictured posing with their 'trophy' carcasses on big African hunt | Mail Online

Its not just that Mittens and the others have tortured animals AND/or raised their children to accept it as normal, its that not one of them has even shown the slightest remorse. And, notice in the Mittens article, that somehow he actually got near a dog.

Also, Bill Frist used to STEAL the neighbors' cats and torture them in the basement.

Check out the photo, near the bottom of the disgusting trophy hunt article, of the proud father and his kids. It really looks like one of Trump's son's real father was Nick Nolte. Maybe that's because they all look alike in the dark.

So are all R politicians crazy animal torturers? Or, is it only the really crazy bible thumpers/dominionists?
It STILL can't come close to the number of children murdered by the democrats! Not even a millimeter. It doesn't even merit an inch to the ideal of the democrats desire to murder of children up to two years old. Nor does it come close to the democrat's imposition of breed restrictions where dogs are rounded up and killed because someone doesn't like their breed. As far as sheer democrat cruelty the death democrats imposed on Terri Schiavo ranks with one of the worst tortures imaginable.

Democrats crave death, as long as it's someone else's.

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