Mittens as an Etch-a-Sketch, says top advisor......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Seems that Mittens can't win a state election without saying something stupid, or having one of his staff members saying something stupid..........

Mitt Romney’s rivals have seized on comments made by his communications director Eric Fehrnstromon CNN this morning suggesting Romney’s rightward shift during the primary might be “reset” during the general election campaign. Here’s the exchange:

JOHN FUGELSANG (CNN): “Is there a concern that [Rick] Santorum and [Newt] Gingrich might force the governor to tack so far to the right it would hurt him with moderate voters in the general election?”

FEHRNSTROM: “Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch-A-Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all of over again. But I will say, if you look at the exit polling data in Illinois, you’ll see that Mitt Romney is broadly acceptable to most of the factions in the party. You have to do that in order to become the nominee…”

There is no doubt that the tone and issues most on display during the general election will differ from those that were the focus during the GOP primary. And there is no doubt that Romney or whoever is the eventual nominee GOP nominee will have to “pivot” to face president Obama. But Fehrnstrom’s analogy immediately struck a nerve among Democrats and Obama campaign aides on Twitter, who tried to make it sound like Romney would change his positions if he can clinch the nomination.

” One of Governor Romney’s aides today on television said that Gov Romney, after he wins the primaries, will be like an Etch-a-Sketch, You take whatever he said and you can shake it up and it will be gone and he’s going to draw a whole new picture for the general election. Well that should be comforting to all of you who are voting in this primary,” said Rick Santorum in an interview on Fox News Channel later Wednesday morning. “That whoever you are going to vote for is going to be a completely remove all trace of any kind of marks and be able to draw a new picture. Maybe a picture sort of like when he ran for governor of Massachusets, not as a conservative. One thing you can say—even my staunchest critics will say—is what you see is what you get. ”

‘Etch-A-Sketch’: Romney Aide Suggests Campaign Reset After Primary - ABC News

Still think that Mittens can beat Obama in the general?
The difference between Mitt Romney and Etch-O-Sketch?

People like Etch-O-Sketch...


Wish I had come up with that one, but I didn't...
Must be important.... two threads. :lmao: at the desperation of the left.

Except the Dems do exactly the same thing. They run left in the primaries and shift to the center for the general. Obama is an excellent example of that. Remember when he said he would renegotiate NAFTA? And then dispatched Austan Goolsby to Canada to tell them he was just kidding?
Non-event, non-story.
The Left will make an issue of Romney's shoe laces to distract attention from the disaster that is the Obama Administration.
Must be important.... two threads. :lmao: at the desperation of the left.

Except the Dems do exactly the same thing. They run left in the primaries and shift to the center for the general. Obama is an excellent example of that. Remember when he said he would renegotiate NAFTA? And then dispatched Austan Goolsby to Canada to tell them he was just kidding?
Non-event, non-story.
The Left will make an issue of Romney's shoe laces to distract attention from the disaster that is the Obama Administration.

Yes, they will.

The question is, was Mitt Romney really the best the GOP could come up with?

Frankly, a lot of folks are ready to consider voting against Obama. But not for Romney, who comes off as a fake, elitist weirdo with a strange religion.

Romney is barely beating has-beens after outspending them 5-1.
Must be important.... two threads. :lmao: at the desperation of the left.

Except the Dems do exactly the same thing. They run left in the primaries and shift to the center for the general. Obama is an excellent example of that. Remember when he said he would renegotiate NAFTA? And then dispatched Austan Goolsby to Canada to tell them he was just kidding?
Non-event, non-story.
The Left will make an issue of Romney's shoe laces to distract attention from the disaster that is the Obama Administration.

Yes, they will.

The question is, was Mitt Romney really the best the GOP could come up with?

Frankly, a lot of folks are ready to consider voting against Obama. But not for Romney, who comes off as a fake, elitist weirdo with a strange religion.

Romney is barely beating has-beens after outspending them 5-1.

Is Obama the best the Dums could come up with? A freshman senator with no experience in national politics, a cloudy personal history, and associations with very radical leftists? If he were white no one would have voted for him. He is the first affirmative-action president.
Except the Dems do exactly the same thing. They run left in the primaries and shift to the center for the general. Obama is an excellent example of that. Remember when he said he would renegotiate NAFTA? And then dispatched Austan Goolsby to Canada to tell them he was just kidding?
Non-event, non-story.
The Left will make an issue of Romney's shoe laces to distract attention from the disaster that is the Obama Administration.

Yes, they will.

The question is, was Mitt Romney really the best the GOP could come up with?

Frankly, a lot of folks are ready to consider voting against Obama. But not for Romney, who comes off as a fake, elitist weirdo with a strange religion.

Romney is barely beating has-beens after outspending them 5-1.

Is Obama the best the Dums could come up with? A freshman senator with no experience in national politics, a cloudy personal history, and associations with very radical leftists? If he were white no one would have voted for him. He is the first affirmative-action president.

Yes, he is. And he's already got the job.

The question is, have you come up with a compelling reason for someone who voted for him in 2008 to not vote for him again?

I voted for McCain in 2008, but I sure as hell won't vote for Romney. Mostly because I hate Mormons, but a lot of other good reasons.

But it's not just the McCain voters who won't show up for your guy, you have to get a lot of Obama voters to admit they made a mistake. And you don't do that with a guy whose main argument is, "Well, the delegate math favors me, because I'm winning states that won't go GOP in November, anyway..."
You're a bigot, Joe. You've already told us this. No need to repeat it. It isn't something to be proud of.

Why won't the Left vote for Obama? Don't ask me, ask the leftists. There's plenty of disappointment in that camp.
Remind me what Obama has done for the black community after 3 years. Black teenage unemployment: 40%.
Yes, because any legitimate criticism of Romney is merely envy or desperation on the left's part.

I hate to tell you this...but we're LAUGHING at your clown.
And so is America.

You think in these tough times, America is gonna turn to a corporate raider to lead them?
He wrecks companies for a living. Puts people on unemployment. Likes firing people!
Likes trees that are just the right height!

Only brainwashed low-grade morons would vote for Romney. He's a political hack. Always has been.
Enough with the "I'm in politics because I've gotta impress my dad by doing better than him" candidates already.

When you find someone like Eisenhower that you haven't driven out of your party....give me a shout.
I saw Santorum, with his Etch a Sketch, speaking in Mandeville, LA. He'll pick up lots of votes there. I wonder if he met with David Duke while he was there.
Yes, because any legitimate criticism of Romney is merely envy or desperation on the left's part.

I hate to tell you this...but we're LAUGHING at your clown.
And so is America.

You think in these tough times, America is gonna turn to a corporate raider to lead them?
He wrecks companies for a living. Puts people on unemployment. Likes firing people!
Likes trees that are just the right height!

Only brainwashed low-grade morons would vote for Romney. He's a political hack. Always has been.
Enough with the "I'm in politics because I've gotta impress my dad by doing better than him" candidates already.

When you find someone like Eisenhower that you haven't driven out of your party....give me a shout.

I like firing people too. That's why I want to fire Obama in November.
Must be important.... two threads. :lmao: at the desperation of the left.

Gee, I've never heard of a deliberate shift in mindset after the primaries... :lol:

Boy, all the dembots are atwittah with etch-a-sketch pictures on the internet today! :eusa_clap:
Must be important.... two threads. :lmao: at the desperation of the left.

Gee, I've never heard of a deliberate shift in mindset after the primaries... :lol:

Boy, all the dembots are atwittah with etch-a-sketch pictures on the internet today! :eusa_clap:

Actually, both threads were started around the same time, I think mine was first, but more people signed on to the other one.

Mods? Can I get a merge?

And oh yeah.......because the other thread was bigger, I decided to start posting on that one. So much for being "atwittah".
The dog on the roof of the car, an empty stadium in Michigan, trees at the right height, cheesey grits, and now the Etch a Sketch.....

The Romney campaign has left us with some unforgetable images.....
You're a bigot, Joe. You've already told us this. No need to repeat it. It isn't something to be proud of.

Why won't the Left vote for Obama? Don't ask me, ask the leftists. There's plenty of disappointment in that camp.
Remind me what Obama has done for the black community after 3 years. Black teenage unemployment: 40%.

It's not bigotry to call stupid evil beliefs stupid and evil...

And they don't become less stupid or evil because you slap vestments on them and call them a "religion".

and if you really think that Obama, and not the racism of white employers, is to blame for a 40% unemployment rate amongst black youth, you are delusional. You really think you are going to fool anyone with that shit?
Must be important.... two threads. :lmao: at the desperation of the left.

Gee, I've never heard of a deliberate shift in mindset after the primaries... :lol:

Boy, all the dembots are atwittah with etch-a-sketch pictures on the internet today! :eusa_clap:

Well, yeah, they should be...

The Etch-o-Sketch thing is like when Dukakis said he wouldn't get all upset if his wife was raped and murdered. It just confirms our worst fears about this joker.

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