Mitt tels the truth. No, really ...

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
William K. Black: Romney Messes Up, Tells the Truth About Austerity

oops ...

OTOH, the Rs seem to think we don't know what austerity has done to other countries or that investing in one's own country is an enormous boost to that economy.

Stupid Rs think we are so stupid that we will believe them when they tell us that giving more money to the one percent will result in jobs. They actually believe the American voter doesn't know that, since corrupt Reagan first made us a debtor nation with his tinkle down theory, NO jobs have been created by taking money from the lower classes and ging it to the wealthy.

Don't worry about Mitts little slip. I'm sure he's right back to lying again.

Those who don't like the source are free to prove that Mittens didn't say it.
William K. Black: Romney Messes Up, Tells the Truth About Austerity

oops ...

OTOH, the Rs seem to think we don't know what austerity has done to other countries or that investing in one's own country is an enormous boost to that economy.

Stupid Rs think we are so stupid that we will believe them when they tell us that giving more money to the one percent will result in jobs. They actually believe the American voter doesn't know that, since corrupt Reagan first made us a debtor nation with his tinkle down theory, NO jobs have been created by taking money from the lower classes and ging it to the wealthy.

Don't worry about Mitts little slip. I'm sure he's right back to lying again.

Those who don't like the source are free to prove that Mittens didn't say it.

They're not trying to convince Democrats, they're trying to convince their own party. Pathetic.

Mitt embelleshes and then he outright lies. You know when his lips are moving and all that..
Funny how the rw's are piling on in the Hate Obama And Tell New Lies About Him but tip toe past The Truth About Romney threads.

As soon as they can think of some lameass excuse for this slip by Mittens, they'll post though. Count on it.
Funny how the rw's are piling on in the Hate Obama And Tell New Lies About Him but tip toe past The Truth About Romney threads.

As soon as they can think of some lameass excuse for this slip by Mittens, they'll post though. Count on it.

Reminds me when the dems were piling on Bush when he was in office. :eusa_whistle:

You really think only Ds were smart enough twaste what an unmitigated disaster that man was and is?

I disagree. I think a lot of Rs finally wised up as well. Hell, it was pretty hard for anyone to mistake him for an actual president.
Funny how the rw's are piling on in the Hate Obama And Tell New Lies About Him but tip toe past The Truth About Romney threads.

As soon as they can think of some lameass excuse for this slip by Mittens, they'll post though. Count on it.

Reminds me when the dems were piling on Bush when he was in office. :eusa_whistle:

You really think only Ds were smart enough twaste what an unmitigated disaster that man was and is?

I disagree. I think a lot of Rs finally wised up as well. Hell, it was pretty hard for anyone to mistake him for an actual president.

You are such a tool :rolleyes:
William K. Black: Romney Messes Up, Tells the Truth About Austerity

oops ...

OTOH, the Rs seem to think we don't know what austerity has done to other countries or that investing in one's own country is an enormous boost to that economy.

Stupid Rs think we are so stupid that we will believe them when they tell us that giving more money to the one percent will result in jobs. They actually believe the American voter doesn't know that, since corrupt Reagan first made us a debtor nation with his tinkle down theory, NO jobs have been created by taking money from the lower classes and ging it to the wealthy.

Don't worry about Mitts little slip. I'm sure he's right back to lying again.

Those who don't like the source are free to prove that Mittens didn't say it.
Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?
William K. Black: Romney Messes Up, Tells the Truth About Austerity

oops ...

OTOH, the Rs seem to think we don't know what austerity has done to other countries or that investing in one's own country is an enormous boost to that economy.

Stupid Rs think we are so stupid that we will believe them when they tell us that giving more money to the one percent will result in jobs. They actually believe the American voter doesn't know that, since corrupt Reagan first made us a debtor nation with his tinkle down theory, NO jobs have been created by taking money from the lower classes and ging it to the wealthy.

Don't worry about Mitts little slip. I'm sure he's right back to lying again.

Those who don't like the source are free to prove that Mittens didn't say it.
Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?

There is no difference to the bottom line between spending and tax cuts and lord, do they want to spend on the billionaires.
William K. Black: Romney Messes Up, Tells the Truth About Austerity

oops ...

OTOH, the Rs seem to think we don't know what austerity has done to other countries or that investing in one's own country is an enormous boost to that economy.

Stupid Rs think we are so stupid that we will believe them when they tell us that giving more money to the one percent will result in jobs. They actually believe the American voter doesn't know that, since corrupt Reagan first made us a debtor nation with his tinkle down theory, NO jobs have been created by taking money from the lower classes and ging it to the wealthy.

Don't worry about Mitts little slip. I'm sure he's right back to lying again.

Those who don't like the source are free to prove that Mittens didn't say it.
Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?

There is no difference to the bottom line between spending and tax cuts and lord, do they want to spend on the billionaires.

Your reply made no sense with regard to My question.

Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?
Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?

There is no difference to the bottom line between spending and tax cuts and lord, do they want to spend on the billionaires.

Your reply made no sense with regard to My question.

Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?

Changing the inheritance tax law alone is like a 100 billion dollar gift to billionaires, keep up, your party wants to push trickle down to its extreme limit.
There is no difference to the bottom line between spending and tax cuts and lord, do they want to spend on the billionaires.

Your reply made no sense with regard to My question.

Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?

Changing the inheritance tax law alone is like a 100 billion dollar gift to billionaires, keep up, your party wants to push trickle down to its extreme limit.
I see the problem. You seem to think that the government is giving them money.

You do understand how the tax system works, right? It is THEIR money to begin with. Government has to take some in order to give it to others. They never give it back because that would imply that they had it to begin with.

You do understand how taxation works, right?
Funny how the rw's are piling on in the Hate Obama And Tell New Lies About Him but tip toe past The Truth About Romney threads.

As soon as they can think of some lameass excuse for this slip by Mittens, they'll post though. Count on it.

Reminds me when the dems were piling on Bush when he was in office. :eusa_whistle:

So are we going to go on and on about past slights, or actually sit down and honestly talk about ways to fix the country?

Republicans are going after Obama because of slights against Bush, and Democrats went after Bush because they were still upset about Clinton's impeachment. And Clinton's impeachment was payback for Watergate. So where does it end, really?

Your reply made no sense with regard to My question.

Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?

Changing the inheritance tax law alone is like a 100 billion dollar gift to billionaires, keep up, your party wants to push trickle down to its extreme limit.
I see the problem. You seem to think that the government is giving them money.

You do understand how the tax system works, right? It is THEIR money to begin with. Government has to take some in order to give it to others. They never give it back because that would imply that they had it to begin with.

You do understand how taxation works, right?

Yes, they take tax money to build up infrastructure and security for people to conduct commerce and sometimes get extremely wealthy.

Your reply made no sense with regard to My question.

Who is talking about giving more money to the 1%?

Changing the inheritance tax law alone is like a 100 billion dollar gift to billionaires, keep up, your party wants to push trickle down to its extreme limit.
I see the problem. You seem to think that the government is giving them money.

You do understand how the tax system works, right? It is THEIR money to begin with. Government has to take some in order to give it to others. They never give it back because that would imply that they had it to begin with.

You do understand how taxation works, right?

Do you?

An inheritance isn't "their money". It was money that belonged to someone who died. And just like any other income, it should be subject to taxation. Otherwise you have all the wealth concentrated in a few hands, and that's really never healthy.

You see, oddly enough, "conservatives" who say they are for smaller government should be for higher taxes. Fastest way to make government unpopular- actually make people pay for it instead of borrowing from China.
Changing the inheritance tax law alone is like a 100 billion dollar gift to billionaires, keep up, your party wants to push trickle down to its extreme limit.
I see the problem. You seem to think that the government is giving them money.

You do understand how the tax system works, right? It is THEIR money to begin with. Government has to take some in order to give it to others. They never give it back because that would imply that they had it to begin with.

You do understand how taxation works, right?

Do you?

An inheritance isn't "their money". It was money that belonged to someone who died. And just like any other income, it should be subject to taxation. Otherwise you have all the wealth concentrated in a few hands, and that's really never healthy.

You see, oddly enough, "conservatives" who say they are for smaller government should be for higher taxes. Fastest way to make government unpopular- actually make people pay for it instead of borrowing from China.
Wow, really?

It STILL IS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS money, is it? The government has to confiscate it. On top of all that, you are talking about money that HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED as it was earned. Inheritance should not be taxed at all in My opinion because it was taxed as it entered the family to begin with. This is like saying that a ROTH 401k retirement account should be taxed again after it starts paying out. For those who don't know, a ROTH 401k is a retirement account that is post taxation and therefore is not taxed upon withdraw.
Changing the inheritance tax law alone is like a 100 billion dollar gift to billionaires, keep up, your party wants to push trickle down to its extreme limit.
I see the problem. You seem to think that the government is giving them money.

You do understand how the tax system works, right? It is THEIR money to begin with. Government has to take some in order to give it to others. They never give it back because that would imply that they had it to begin with.

You do understand how taxation works, right?

Yes, they take tax money to build up infrastructure and security for people to conduct commerce and sometimes get extremely wealthy.
So, to say that the government is 'giving them money' is incorrect.
Wow, really?

It STILL IS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS money, is it? The government has to confiscate it. On top of all that, you are talking about money that HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED as it was earned. Inheritance should not be taxed at all in My opinion because it was taxed as it entered the family to begin with. This is like saying that a ROTH 401k retirement account should be taxed again after it starts paying out. For those who don't know, a ROTH 401k is a retirement account that is post taxation and therefore is not taxed upon withdraw.

Taxes were not paid by the heirs...

The heirs never worked for that money or paid a dime on it.

But my guess is, if you are rich, somehow the government benefited you when you were amassing your fortune.

Again, if you guys are really serious about making government smaller, just actually make people pay for it. It'll get smaller really fast, then.
Wow, really?

It STILL IS NOT THE GOVERNMENTS money, is it? The government has to confiscate it. On top of all that, you are talking about money that HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED as it was earned. Inheritance should not be taxed at all in My opinion because it was taxed as it entered the family to begin with. This is like saying that a ROTH 401k retirement account should be taxed again after it starts paying out. For those who don't know, a ROTH 401k is a retirement account that is post taxation and therefore is not taxed upon withdraw.

Taxes were not paid by the heirs...

The heirs never worked for that money or paid a dime on it.

But my guess is, if you are rich, somehow the government benefited you when you were amassing your fortune.

Again, if you guys are really serious about making government smaller, just actually make people pay for it. It'll get smaller really fast, then.
Let me try it this way. We always talk about how much taxes and at what time the government takes these taxes, but we never seem to ask why the government needs to take the taxes to begin with. However, lets address the inheritance tax first.

A man starts a farm and through his life, he has a son and when the son is old enough, he works the farm of his father. As the farm grows larger, so does the family. The son gets married, has a son of his own, and that person also grows and works on the farm.

Now, the labor of the man, his son, and his grandson have been taxed. The equipment has been taxed, the very land they farm has been taxed. Each time the farm increases in size, they are taxed more and more. The product they use to grow their product is taxed. The fuel, fertilizer, even the water if they have to use irrigation.

The man dies.

The ONLY thing that has changed is that the son and his son now have to do the work that the old man won't be doing anymore. Everything else is exactly the same.

You want to, because the old man died, take away half of the farm. Talk about greed! The land and farm have been in the ""FAMILY'" for three generations now, yet somehow; the government hasn't managed to take enough of their life.

Now, let's ask why the government wants all this wealth that has been sweated and worried over for the past three generations....

So, tell Me, why does government need half of what this family has worked for over the past 80 years?

Please don't start talking about roads and fire and police. That is NOT where inheritance tax goes because those are local services provided by the state.

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