Mitt Romney would sign NDAA if he was president! AND GETS BIG BOOOOOOO!


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
[ame=]Mitt Romney would sign NDAA if he was president! AND GETS BIG BOOOOOOO! - YouTube[/ame]

Comment: Romney says, yes I agree with a nazi police state US....and then is surprised with the response. Sadly most Americans haven't heard of what Obama signed in the dead of night.
I didn't care for Romney before, and I care a whole lot less for him now after he said that. I watched that debate and caught it the first time. I would HATE to have to vote for him. But if it comes down to either him or the kenyan, I'll vote AGAINST obama. He HAS to go, period.
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The question is not how successful Romney is. It is who he will he serve if elected. He said who he will serve and it is not us.

Who besides Ron Paul opposes NDAA?
It's funny to see the rights complete surprise that this type of legislation was introduced after their fervent support for indefinte detentions in general. Republicans never think more than one step ahead.

I guess they never thought that the powers they were advocating for GWB could be used by a democrat President. Or maybe they thought a republican would be voted into Office for the rest of eternity.
Mitt Romney would sign NDAA if he was president! AND GETS BIG BOOOOOOO! - YouTube

Comment: Romney says, yes I agree with a nazi police state US....and then is surprised with the response. Sadly most Americans haven't heard of what Obama signed in the dead of night.

If OBAMA stood before a crowd of OWS folks, or for that matter a crowd of loyal DEMS, and the issue of NDAA came up?

Obama would get the SAME RECEPTION from those folks as Romeny got from the Republicans.


The rank and file Rs and Ds aren't quite so far apart as so many of this boards FANATICS would have us believe.
Romney deserved to get booed. So did Santorum.

Ron Paul was the only one who got it 100 percent correct.
Mitt Romney would sign NDAA if he was president! AND GETS BIG BOOOOOOO! - YouTube

Comment: Romney says, yes I agree with a nazi police state US....and then is surprised with the response. Sadly most Americans haven't heard of what Obama signed in the dead of night.

If OBAMA stood before a crowd of OWS folks, or for that matter a crowd of loyal DEMS, and the issue of NDAA came up?

Obama would get the SAME RECEPTION from those folks as Romeny got from the Republicans.


The rank and file Rs and Ds aren't quite so far apart as so many of this boards FANATICS would have us believe.

Sadly they are both controlled by the same

"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies."
Carroll Quigley

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