Mitch McConnell fillibusters his OWN BILL!!!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
It seems that the GOP has finally gone around the bend, because now, they are actually FIGHTING THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) introduced legislation to raise the debt ceiling on Thursday, apparently with the intent of showing that even Democrats would not support such a bill.

However, McConnell’s plan backfired after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) called for a vote on the legislation, which would have given the president the authority to raise the federal debt ceiling on his own. The top Senate Republican was forced to filibuster his own bill.

“What we have here is a case of Republicans here in the Senate once again not taking ‘yes’ for an answer,” Reid said, after McConnell announced his filibuster. “This morning the Republican leader asked consent to have a vote on this proposal, just now I told everyone we were willing to have that vote — up or down vote. Now the Republican leader objects to his own idea. So I guess we have a filibuster of his own bill, so I object.”

Apparently aware the incident would bring media attention, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) expressed astonishment at McConnell’s legislative antics.

“What just transpired deserves a word,” he remarked. “Sen. McConnell came to the floor this morning and offered a change in law that would help us avoid the kind of obstruction and the kind of show downs we’ve had in the past over the debt ceiling.”

Durbin explained “to those who don’t follow the Senate” that by calling for the legislation to be passed by a 60-vote majority, McConnell had filibustered the bill. He said this was probably the first time in history that a senator had filibuster his own proposal.

Reid and other Democrats have called for the Senate’s filibuster rules to be reformed, claiming that Republicans have abused the parliamentary procedure and obstructed lawmaking

Raw Story (Democrats watch in awe as McConnell filibusters himself | The Raw Story)

Democrats watch in awe as McConnell filibusters himself | The Raw Story

There's also a video of him filibustering himself...........................

[ame=]Mitch McConnell Filibuster His Own Bill - YouTube[/ame]
This makes it apparent that if the Dems are for something, the Reps are staunchly against it, even if it was their bill that they proposed in the first place.
This whole thing just stinks and shows how insane that party is.
Old Mitch would love to see us enter another recession so he can get some more teabaggers in 2014.
Maybe he should be made to actually filibuster, rather than just accepting his threat to.
Let's see how long he can stand there and speak for!
Maybe he should be made to actually filibuster, rather than just accepting his threat to.
Let's see how long he can stand there and speak for!

That's one of the first votes Harry Reid is going to bring to the floor on the first day of the new Senate.

He wants it to go back to the old ways a la Mr. Smith goes to Washington style.

Me personally? I think it's a good idea, because not only will they actually have to work for it, but it could also help bring up the ratings of C-SPAN.
Mitchy baby lives right down the road from me here in ky,(well when he graces us with his presence) .He a TOTAL ASSWIPE.
Mitchy baby lives right down the road from me here in ky,(well when he graces us with his presence) .He a TOTAL ASSWIPE.

Yanno...............if he keeps acting like such an asshat, Ms. Judd should throw her hat into the ring and start running against him. Shit.............stuff like this is almost tailor made for an opponent who wants to replace him.

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