Missouri Governor: Obama Abusing Law

The Paperboy

Times Square
Aug 26, 2008
Times Square
Obama and his peons are Chicago thugs.

Give me a break, its MISSOURI and I grew up there and they have some of the dumbest people in the country.

Missouri = backward ass people

St. Louis = one of the worst cities in America

The only thing we can all be mildly happy with when it comes to Missouri is Dick Gephardt

Hell, they voted for Ashcroft who ended up LOSING to a dead guy and they voted for Kit "I'm a racist idiot" Bond 6 times
Give me a break, its MISSOURI and I grew up there and they have some of the dumbest people in the country.
Missouri = backward ass people
St. Louis = one of the worst cities in America
The only thing we can all be mildly happy with when it comes to Missouri is Dick Gephardt
Hell, they voted for Ashcroft who ended up LOSING to a dead guy and they voted for Kit "I'm a racist idiot" Bond 6 times
This is why Liberals lose elections. They think they are so much better than everyone else.
Can't win the argument? Call the other person a racist and a bigot. Problem solved.
first off, Matt Blunt is a giant BITCH who is leaving the office soon to run away from less than ethical behaviour in office. I'm sure he's got a lobby job on the horizon anyway.

Second, These people are just doing their jobs in maintaining laws.. But, it's truly hilarious how it's not the HONESTY you bitches worry about so much as the open season on swiftboating another fucking election. HILARIOUS!
Listen, dude.. If you want to swiftboat a motherfucker then come and see what happens to you in the motherfucking SHOW ME STATE.

Listen, dude.. If you want to swiftboat a motherfucker then come and see what happens to you in the motherfucking SHOW ME STATE.
Obama works with terrorists, uses lawyers to silense dissent, coddles dictators and pays tithes to racists.

Regards from,

Obama works with terrorists, uses lawyers to silense dissent, coddles dictators and pays tithes to racists.

Regards from,


All four of those are untrue.

The 3rd one I find funny though. It's okay how Bush hangs out with his buddies from Saudi Arabia though right? Never mind Putin and Russia.

All four of those are untrue...
Obama worked with Bill Ayers on the board of directors for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

He has threatened FCC licenses and formed "Truth Squads" in an Orwellian bid to silence dissent.

Members of the Obama campaign and Code: Pink recently entreated with Amadinejad.

Obama tithed at Rev Wright's church for over 20 years giving over $22k in one year alone.

Now I could pull out the muslim canard because when he was a child his step-father enrolled him in school as a muslim, but children seldomm know what their religion really is about; I prefer to stick to what L'il 'O has consciously as an adult.

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