Miss Piggy Doesn’t Care Either

Awesome argument, Trump supporters.

Keep using it. You're winning!

Trump fared particularly poorly with independent women when they were asked if he has the "temperament and personality to serve." Eighty percent of independent female voters said he does not.​

After debate, women think less of Trump and better of Clinton


Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left blog site for their "facts"..
Yeah, the North Korean media say they'll welcome a Trump presidency.

North Korean media praises Donald Trump
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Full Definition of anarchy
a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
a : absence or denial of any authority or established order
b : absence of order : disorder <not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature — Israel Shenker>

RWS, you are the one calling for anarchy. Above is how Miriam Webster defines it.

1. It appears you somehow feel that should Trump be elected he will be "booted out" which will lead to anarchy. It is not going to happen whomever is elected. That is the reason we have a chain of command within government.

2. The "stupid citizens" already realize we need a change as did the "Founders" of this nation when they produced the Constitution. Hence, there is no need for anarchy.

3. You are not happy with the way things are. Many people are not pleased with things as they are. Again, change is underway and an election is being conducted and how the citizens vote will produce change whether you agree with it or not. But, regardless of how you feel, change in one form or another will happen.

4. You are prepared, you say, "to take care of your own". I would not have it any other way. That is part of the problem today, to many people want their every need tended to by government. But do not be surprised when government puts it's boot up your butt for causing problems thru anarchy.

5. You then tout basic survival skills. That sounds as though you are going to get the hell out of Dodge! Hence my "Water World " remark. Running to the hills is no answer as the military and civil authorities sleep there also. So again, "where you gonna go".

6. Finally, I support the Constitution of The United States. It calls for a peaceful change of Government within it's Authority regardless of which writer may have said a little blood letting may be necessary from time to time. Perhaps you should consider that fact before you call for an unlawful act by the people. That is where "my oath" comes into play. Keep it peaceful and hospitable and there will be no problem. On the other hand, if the majority call for change of one sort or another, you may decent, but also learn to live with it until it can be reversed, over time. The American Revolution took over a decade to finalize, it was not overnight. Neither will the march towards socialism be reversed overnight. It will be a long time coming as it already has been in it's current march.

7. "Snot head" looking for a fight! Get real RWS! Then on the other hand I am to old to run so where does that leave us? Survival Mode, I suppose. Calm down and have a nice day.

P.S. I still maintain that were the USA to devolve into anarchy the rest of the world would follow. Why, you ask, most countries and the populations are unhappy with the current forms of government and leadership. The United States is currently the tip of the elephants trunk. There is an entire elephant behind it. Think about it in light of the British affair along with the Mid East and all of Europe not to mention the rest of the Americas. We as a species are sitting on a powder keg with a short fuse. Again, calm down and have a nice day. Thank you for answering.

I am perfectly calm. You are the one that seems agitated by the possibilities. I am trying to get you aware that things may change once Trump is elected, if elected.

And i welcome those changes. I think they will help us going forward. But there will be a period of change. It's not gonna be massive riots, or maybe it will be, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about a radicalization of ideas of how we elect our officials, and how they will serve us going forward.

We will not accept this shit as status quo for the next election. Shit will change as long as Trump gets elected. We will get smarter and have a revolution in our minds of who is and isn't fit to be a candidate.

We need to change the shit as it works now... It's obviously not good for the people. So when stuff is not good for the people for long enough and it takes a bad turn, things sometimes happen to correct that. Based on history. So we need a shift from the spiral we're in to make that happen. Even if it means hitting rock-bottom.

Won't happen if Hillary gets elected. Just same ol' shit... We need Trump to hit bottom.

Vote Trump: "Let's get this shit over with"
Thank you for finally getting to the point of the argument you present. I agree with some of what you state. Without doubt the American public needs to be further involved than simply Republacrat. We do deserve better leadership which which is directed at following the Constitution as opposed to allowing judges rule for them. In my estimation neither candidate is qualified to hold the office. If I read you correctly, you are saying if Clinton is elected she will do some things good for the country and people where if Trump is elected, he will screw up, be removed, and sent packing. Of the two, if I am reading you correctly, you may feel Hillary stands a better chance of surviving which in your opinion will allow injustice to our constitution to continue but will not raise the level of anger to the same level as Trump. With that argument, I agree. I do not believe that either argument will lead to anarchy however. I do feel that as long as both parties enjoy the support of the people, we will remain in the stagnate pond we currently swim. It is time the Supreme Court be threatened with impeachment due to failing the Constitution by not supporting it fully. The only way to lessen the liberal trend is to destroy it's base, starting with the High Court. It is also time for a third major party which embraces the Constitution and follows the same. There is no doubt that a true third party could easily enjoy the will of a majority which would render the Democrat and Republican parties neutral, unless they were to join forces. If I am agitated, which I am not, it is directed at the apparent stupidity of the average American at this point. When liberal professors at university level have the freedom to tell conservative leaning students they are not welcome in the class room, something needs to change. That does upset me. I read that earlier this week and can't recall the conservative writers name, thus no reference. I am getting more and more forgetful. I apologize.
I completely agree with you 100%! That's what we need!

And it won't happen if things continue as they are. We'll just continue being sheep voting Dem or Rep clones, because that's the only choice we have.

With Trump, we have a chance to change how things will work in the future, including serious new parties that can present alternatives to the norm. We have a chance to wake up, and make the possibilities of good candidates a reality.
But during that time, until the next election, we will go through a period of turmoil. How bad that turmoil will be, I have no clue. But we should all be prepared anyway.

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