"Miss Beverly Hills" invokes Leviticus

The issue may be, Lincolnln, that too many seem to dismiss the fact that it is biblical to abide by and obey the laws of the land. It is the deeper things that identify who we are within our spirits but those deeper things cannot necessarily be reflected within the laws of the land. They are more for the homes of believers, of the doers of faith. Why is America so special? Because we are able to observe the deeper things of the biblical precepts without breaking the laws of the land. I would not want that part to be different at all. There is some concern about the laws being too relaxed, but that seems to represent the nation's spiritual state. Hollywood is another representation, as is our politics. Those things should be allowed to develop in the ways they need to to accommodate the individuals in which they serve. It is so much bigger than a little lady running for beauty queen.

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