Misperception, Media & The Iraq War: Ignorance Is Patriotic!



Click on the following link to view the study completed by the University of Baltimore on October 2, 2003.


The Program On International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) concluded that support for the Bush War policy increases as the level of misperception of facts increase; it decreases with lower misperception of facts.

No surprise is the fact that the highest level of misperception of fact AND support for the Bush war policy is found among audiences who primarily use Fox Cable News as their source for information.

A Note to NeoCons: Duuuuuh!:cof:
I think we can safely say that most major new outlets do tell the truth; it is in commentary and analysis that they differ and lean to one side. I have to tell you that most of the so-called Neocons that I know are far too sophisticated to be persuaded by such. Also keep in mind that Fox News is the highest rated cable news network according to the neilsen reports. Do you know something all these people are missing?
<<I think we can safely say that most major new outlets do tell the truth>>
"The Truth"? Like the 'Daring Rescue of Jessica Lynch'? Yeah. Right.

Earlier this month, someone threw a homemade grenade at the Americans, wounding 13 servicemen... Yet at a press conference the next day, there was no mention of the attack. It was as if the
ambush, and the casualties, had never happened. In Baghdad, official control over the news is getting tighter. Journalists used to walk freely into the city's hospitals and the morgue to keep count of the day's dead and wounded. Now the hospitals have been declared off-limits and morgue officials turn away reporters who aren't accompanied by an Occupation escort.

And it is well known that the Corporate Media agreed to Dr. Rice's "Supportive" Standard--remember? When she told the media that the white House would appreciate the publication of information that was "supportive of the War"? A not-so-subtle directive to the Media Moguls, which they took to heart. All I can say is thank God for the Internet, Agence-France, Reuters and the BBC. Wonder why you only hear about a maimed child when the Military Docs sew a part back ON? Ever wonder why the American media never ran any of the thousands of photos posted before and after of civilian casualties? (over 6,000 Iraqi Civilian Deaths from prosecution of the war)?

"Truth" is only as good as the information that delivers it...

...Oh, by the way...In the Franken Hearing on his use of the phrase "fair and balanced", the judge dismissed the "fact" as relevant that Fox News had a subscribership of 84 Million. The judge asked: "I subscribe to Cable T.V....does that make me a subscriber to Fox (a standard package)?" Answer from Fox lawyer: Yes. The judge chuckled and the Courtroom howled with laughter.

Another example of NeoCon "Truth"?
Where do you get your information from? Are you in Iraq?

Please do not tell me you rely on laughable internet sites !

Give me a break. We all are smart enough to realize that the major news outlets pick and choose the news they report, mostly based on ratings, not on some conspiracy.
Oh for crying out loud! The Ghost of Edward R. Murrow could come to you and tell you that the Bush Administration is operating a mass propoganda campaign with the implicit agreement of Corporate Media and you would still shrug that off as irrelevant.

Truth is a ratings game? You ARE a NeoCon! I rest my case!
Calm down, take a valium. Your getting too excited my friend. First of all I do not label myself as anything other than a person, although my views do happen to be on the conservative side. Call me a Neocon if you like, far better than being a broke ass liberal holding on to conspiracy theories to explain your failure in this society.
Originally posted by eric
Calm down, take a valium. Your getting too excited my friend. First of all I do not label myself as anything other than a person, although my views do happen to be on the conservative side. Call me a Neocon if you like, far better than being a broke ass liberal holding on to conspiracy theories to explain your failure in this society.

Don't forget to blame The Man! It's all his fault!!! LOL
Oh no Jeff, we would not want to forget about him. God these people passionate about their conspiracy theories. You know I think the little green men that reside in Area 51 are in on it too. Maybe they are right though, the other night I could swear I saw subliminal messages while watching the news.

You know if they want to waste their lives on this garbage, more power to them, I for one am too busy enjoying life. LOL
As for conspiracy theories, as for most things lately, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. The person who suspects nothing going on behind the scenes is likely as misguided as those who see vast conspiracies behing 7-11's decision to change slushy flavors...

On the media telling the truth, I'd say that what they report is true for the most part, but not The Truth. This is evidenced by lack of reporting on the opposite angles depending on which way they are biased. Those fixated on showing how bad things are don't present the accomplishments, while those touting the accomplishments tuck some of the nastier bits under the carpet. Makes it much harder to see the big picture.
See now, that is a balanced view to which I agree. It would be naive to think that nothing goes on behind the scenes, but as you stated, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, which these fanatics can not see. They are so hell bent on trying to convince us that all we see, hear, and read is part of some global Corporate/Political plot that they miss the big picture. Look any halfway intelligent person can plainly see that no news organization is completely unbiased, they are run by people with opinions, and they want to convey them to the rest, and to me this is a natural tendency. So of course they are going to pick and choose the stories that fit in with their views, but to say that what they report is a lie, is in my opinion, going too far. Furthermore we are individuals and should make it our business to become informed, from many different sources, so as to make up our own minds, instead of relying on one media outlet.
lol! At least you two agree with each other--I guess we have consensus on 'truth' and 'reality', don't we?

I take it you guys never bought into the Rush Dimbaugh vision of a 'Liberal Media Conspiracy' or the culture war with Hollywood Leftists?

I'm glad to know that you are so fair and balanced ;)
Ah, see you have been secretly watching Fox News all the time. All kidding aside, I never cared much for Rush and his theories, nor can I say that I ever really viewed Hollywood as serious. Just a bunch of overgrown kids on drugs living out their extended childhood. I certainly do not look to them for culture.:rolleyes:
In an ideal world a viewer should be savvy enough to be able to read between the lines on any news report despite whatever political bias may be stapled on to it. Before engaging upon any kind of intelligent discussion, a debator should at least be cognizant of their stance from a number of sources.

Unfortunately, the American lifestyle doesn't grant many people those oppurtunities. The average American live their lives within the ticks of a second, and sometimes the only knowledge we have concerning any given situation comes via small soundbytes from Fox News or CNN. Not everyone has the time or inclination to browse media news sites or read books etc in order to garner a more objective viewpoint.

Few are those that can distinquish between "Truth" and "Honesty" (at least when it comes to fair and balanced reporting) and the shame of it is, is that I think many people would find their political personality greatly altered if they allowed themselves the ability to do their own homework.

Until then, the general public will be forced to identify with whatever conservative/liberal bias the media chooses to puke upon us.
Nice pat on the head, eric.

Brian--I guess politics and current affairs are not everyone's cup of tea. We all have plenty of time to waste, in my opinion, so I don't agree that the busy American lifestyle is the cause of our learning disability.

Caring as much about where we get our news as we do about where we buy our clothes is one step Americans can make; if the clothes don't fit or are poorly made, you are not likely to go back to that store. Same with the news:just listen to NPR/PBS instead of Fox or CBS.


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