Militia Group to Guard Border Until 'That Wall Is


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The Dims will call this group “lawless white supremacists” and demand they be taken into custody. It will be interesting to see what the Border Patrol and local law enforcement does about them.

A militia group camped out along the United States' border with Mexico plans to keep patrolling for illegal immigrants until the longer border wall is built.

The United Constitutional Patriots (UCP) is based in Flora Vista, New Mexico, which lies in the northwestern corner of the state. But some of its members, who are legally armed, have situated themselves along the Mexican border in Arizona, just to the west of El Paso, Texas. Their self-imposed mission is to keep watch and report any illegal border crossers to the Border Patrol.

According to AFP, around six of the group's members — most of them aging veterans — are staying in tents. They plan to stay until President Donald Trump's wall is finished.

"We're here to assist the Border Patrol because they are so short-handed," the group's leader, a 70-year-old known as "Striker," told AFP.

"We have a good work rapport with them. Our goal was to be here until we're not needed. And when we're not needed is when that wall is up."

More @ Militia Group to Guard Border Until 'That Wall Is Up'

More Border Wall Replacement

I heard there were over 1500 members that have agreed to take time off to go down to the border...

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