Military Waste Should Be Priority 1


Dec 7, 2012
I think before we start tearing into social security, medicare, and medicaid, we need to look at the waste in military spending. Until I had this job, I didn't realize there are ten civilians and contract employees behind every person in uniform and only about four of them do any actual work. The software I saw was cumbersome and it took more people to maintain it than any value garnered. Not only that, it was poorly implemented and updates and tweeks were avoided because it cost a million dollars for any small change due to the hoops contractors have to jump through due to military specs. I asked how are we supposed to quickly manufacture weapons when the system is so convoluted to be answered, "oh, we'd just have to drop the system and do it manually". How stupid is that? The idea is to be able to replenish faster than the adversary. We need to clean house asap!
I think before we start tearing into social security, medicare, and medicaid, we need to look at the waste in military spending. Until I had this job, I didn't realize there are ten civilians and contract employees behind every person in uniform and only about four of them do any actual work. The software I saw was cumbersome and it took more people to maintain it than any value garnered. Not only that, it was poorly implemented and updates and tweeks were avoided because it cost a million dollars for any small change due to the hoops contractors have to jump through due to military specs. I asked how are we supposed to quickly manufacture weapons when the system is so convoluted to be answered, "oh, we'd just have to drop the system and do it manually". How stupid is that? The idea is to be able to replenish faster than the adversary. We need to clean house asap!
You think that's something, we pay the Taliban to guard our convoy's out to remote outposts in Afghanistan. I thought these are the guys we're fighting? Now we pay them for security duty? I guess if the check clears, they won't shoot at us.

Hey, here's a good example:

Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear - Washington Times

Just another example of how we shoot ourselves in the fucking foot by sticking our fucking noses in the fucking affairs of other fucking countries.

But I guess that's okay, because we're "exceptional" and all. Now that we've armed them, now that they may be "dangerous", we can go in and blow the living shit out of the place.

Great stuff.

I honestly think the world of those brave soldiers over there, but we need to get the hell out and just find and drone the crazies! We need to rebuild our infrastructure with the money we're spending to try to buy the hearts and minds of people who hate us. It's never worked.

Hey, here's a good example:

Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear - Washington Times

Just another example of how we shoot ourselves in the fucking foot by sticking our fucking noses in the fucking affairs of other fucking countries.

But I guess that's okay, because we're "exceptional" and all. Now that we've armed them, now that they may be "dangerous", we can go in and blow the living shit out of the place.

Great stuff.


Sourcing the Washington basically not such a good idea.

But the overall meme is correct.

Arming the world may be good for the pocketbook..initially.

But it bodes badly for the overall world economy if everyone is shooting at each other.
EVERY taxpayer funded program should be under the microsope... not a doubt in my mind that the federal budget (if we actually had one) could easily be slashed by 20% - 30%.
No need for a military at all......

At least not until AFTER weve been attacked....................Lol
All waste should be targeted.... BUT... The military is something constitutionally charged for the federal government to do... Entitlements should be heavily targeted for elimination BEYOND waste
All waste should be targeted.... BUT... The military is something constitutionally charged for the federal government to do... Entitlements should be heavily targeted for elimination BEYOND waste

Not social security...I consider it and insurance program I've paid into substantially for 40 years. Streamline the redtape, sure...change my policy, no.

Hey, here's a good example:

Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear - Washington Times

Just another example of how we shoot ourselves in the fucking foot by sticking our fucking noses in the fucking affairs of other fucking countries.

But I guess that's okay, because we're "exceptional" and all. Now that we've armed them, now that they may be "dangerous", we can go in and blow the living shit out of the place.

Great stuff.


Sourcing the Washington basically not such a good idea.

But the overall meme is correct.

Arming the world may be good for the pocketbook..initially.

But it bodes badly for the overall world economy if everyone is shooting at each other.

Yes but it keeps the MIC in business.
So idiot....since the total DoD budget only makes up 18% of the Federal much of that is "waste?"

Now, compare that to Medicare and other entitlements that eat up over 50% of the budget.

So you think going after a piece of the 18% is going to make a dent while the entitlements keep getting bigger and bigger.

Just because you got hired on to clean toilets under some DoD contract doesn't make you an expert on the DoD budget, asswipe.

I think before we start tearing into social security, medicare, and medicaid, we need to look at the waste in military spending. Until I had this job, I didn't realize there are ten civilians and contract employees behind every person in uniform and only about four of them do any actual work. The software I saw was cumbersome and it took more people to maintain it than any value garnered. Not only that, it was poorly implemented and updates and tweeks were avoided because it cost a million dollars for any small change due to the hoops contractors have to jump through due to military specs. I asked how are we supposed to quickly manufacture weapons when the system is so convoluted to be answered, "oh, we'd just have to drop the system and do it manually". How stupid is that? The idea is to be able to replenish faster than the adversary. We need to clean house asap!
All waste should be targeted.... BUT... The military is something constitutionally charged for the federal government to do... Entitlements should be heavily targeted for elimination BEYOND waste

Not social security...I consider it and insurance program I've paid into substantially for 40 years. Streamline the redtape, sure...change my policy, no.

What YOU consider it is irrelevant... it is what it is... an entitlement program that the fed should have never started.. and that the fed has abused and used beyond its original scope for decades

Can you leave those on it high and dry?? No.. but you can start the process for taking care of those while eliminating by letting people opt out and by stopping putting people into it.. start biting the bullet to finally rid ourselves of it
Liberals whine about contractors supporting the DoD, but have no problem with all the scum liberals that rolled into DC to work on the White House staff, Congressional staff and other groups on the taxpayer dime.

These are not poor workers either, most of them are making $60K-$200K per year doing staff work which is really busy work looking busy when not.

Oh, but let's just make up claims the DoD is wasting money all over the place while recent college grads with no experience pull down $100K making sure the POTUS Christmas tree lights up.

The DC housing market hasn't suffered from the recession since these workers are raking in the $$$$.
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So idiot....since the total DoD budget only makes up 18% of the Federal much of that is "waste?"

Now, compare that to Medicare and other entitlements that eat up over 50% of the budget.

So you think going after a piece of the 18% is going to make a dent while the entitlements keep getting bigger and bigger.

Just because you got hired on to clean toilets under some DoD contract doesn't make you an expert on the DoD budget, asswipe.

I think before we start tearing into social security, medicare, and medicaid, we need to look at the waste in military spending. Until I had this job, I didn't realize there are ten civilians and contract employees behind every person in uniform and only about four of them do any actual work. The software I saw was cumbersome and it took more people to maintain it than any value garnered. Not only that, it was poorly implemented and updates and tweeks were avoided because it cost a million dollars for any small change due to the hoops contractors have to jump through due to military specs. I asked how are we supposed to quickly manufacture weapons when the system is so convoluted to be answered, "oh, we'd just have to drop the system and do it manually". How stupid is that? The idea is to be able to replenish faster than the adversary. We need to clean house asap!

Look here you stupid're getting your numbers from the hereitage brown shirts...59% of ourdiscressionalry spending goes to military spending in some shape or form. I was working on software trying to help straighten out their mess of manufacturing system which just died on the vine after millions of government dollars were spent.

What are you an ex-officer who set up a multi-million dollar contract for some bullshit we don't need who's now working for the contractor who got the deal?
Ahhh the hog fucker can't spell normal words but thinks it knows what is really going down inside the DoD.

Get back to fucking your hogs, shitbag.

Oh, the brownshirts...were left-wing and their leaders were shut the fuck up with the brownshirts reference you fucking waste of space.

FYI....I never attended 1 Tea Party rally because many of those people are not well versed in the subject matter like me, but they do have the right ideas. I'd put them above you in IQ....

So idiot....since the total DoD budget only makes up 18% of the Federal much of that is "waste?"

Now, compare that to Medicare and other entitlements that eat up over 50% of the budget.

So you think going after a piece of the 18% is going to make a dent while the entitlements keep getting bigger and bigger.

Just because you got hired on to clean toilets under some DoD contract doesn't make you an expert on the DoD budget, asswipe.

I think before we start tearing into social security, medicare, and medicaid, we need to look at the waste in military spending. Until I had this job, I didn't realize there are ten civilians and contract employees behind every person in uniform and only about four of them do any actual work. The software I saw was cumbersome and it took more people to maintain it than any value garnered. Not only that, it was poorly implemented and updates and tweeks were avoided because it cost a million dollars for any small change due to the hoops contractors have to jump through due to military specs. I asked how are we supposed to quickly manufacture weapons when the system is so convoluted to be answered, "oh, we'd just have to drop the system and do it manually". How stupid is that? The idea is to be able to replenish faster than the adversary. We need to clean house asap!

Look here you stupid're getting your numbers from the hereitage brown shirts...59% of ourdiscressionalry spending goes to military spending in some shape or form. I was working on software trying to help straighten out their mess of manufacturing system which just died on the vine after millions of government dollars were spent.

What are you an ex-officer who set up a multi-million dollar contract for some bullshit we don't need who's now working for the contractor who got the deal?
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So idiot....since the total DoD budget only makes up 18% of the Federal much of that is "waste?"

Now, compare that to Medicare and other entitlements that eat up over 50% of the budget.

So you think going after a piece of the 18% is going to make a dent while the entitlements keep getting bigger and bigger.

Just because you got hired on to clean toilets under some DoD contract doesn't make you an expert on the DoD budget, asswipe.

I think before we start tearing into social security, medicare, and medicaid, we need to look at the waste in military spending. Until I had this job, I didn't realize there are ten civilians and contract employees behind every person in uniform and only about four of them do any actual work. The software I saw was cumbersome and it took more people to maintain it than any value garnered. Not only that, it was poorly implemented and updates and tweeks were avoided because it cost a million dollars for any small change due to the hoops contractors have to jump through due to military specs. I asked how are we supposed to quickly manufacture weapons when the system is so convoluted to be answered, "oh, we'd just have to drop the system and do it manually". How stupid is that? The idea is to be able to replenish faster than the adversary. We need to clean house asap!

Look here you stupid're getting your numbers from the hereitage brown shirts...59% of ourdiscressionalry spending goes to military spending in some shape or form. I was working on software trying to help straighten out their mess of manufacturing system which just died on the vine after millions of government dollars were spent.

What are you an ex-officer who set up a multi-million dollar contract for some bullshit we don't need who's now working for the contractor who got the deal?

The majority of the DoD budget is discretionary, always has been, whereas the majority of most other US agencies and programs is mandatory.

The DoD budget, discretionary and mandatory (meaning ALL dollars the US spends) is ~20% of the total budget.
So idiot....since the total DoD budget only makes up 18% of the Federal much of that is "waste?"

Now, compare that to Medicare and other entitlements that eat up over 50% of the budget.

So you think going after a piece of the 18% is going to make a dent while the entitlements keep getting bigger and bigger.

Just because you got hired on to clean toilets under some DoD contract doesn't make you an expert on the DoD budget, asswipe.

Look here you stupid're getting your numbers from the hereitage brown shirts...59% of ourdiscressionalry spending goes to military spending in some shape or form. I was working on software trying to help straighten out their mess of manufacturing system which just died on the vine after millions of government dollars were spent.

What are you an ex-officer who set up a multi-million dollar contract for some bullshit we don't need who's now working for the contractor who got the deal?

The majority of the DoD budget is discretionary, always has been, whereas the majority of most other US agencies and programs is mandatory.

The DoD budget, discretionary and mandatory (meaning ALL dollars the US spends) is ~20% of the total budget.

Like most libs facts are something they don't want to see, hear or deal with.

There is loads of waste in the DOD and it and every other Govt program should be on the table for spending cuts. All of them. Entitlements included.

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