Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Staff writer @ Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

The professional core of the U.S. military overwhelmingly favors Mitt Romney over President Obama in the upcoming election — but not because of any particular military issues, according to a new poll of more than 3,100 active and reserve troops.

More plus charts at link. One of the reason the Obuma administration is doing everything possible to dilute or even negate the military vote.
Lol...its amusing you actually think this means anything...maybe they voted Romney because they know he will start another war somewhere and that means job security for them...
Lol...its amusing you actually think this means anything...maybe they voted Romney because they know he will start another war somewhere and that means job security for them...

so you're calling our men and women in the military, warmongers?

So you think our military are just there because they like to fight wars??
You couldn't be more wrong....
They just know Obama doesn't know shit about the military, yet he'll take the praise when they
do their job. And yes, i know...Romney wasn't in the military either. But he would let them do their job, and if asked for more support or protection he would give it to them, without question! He wouldn't let our ambassador's be murdered after having asked for help....
The military doesn't think too highly of Obama. Much like we loathed Bill Clinton.
Any Democrap, for that matter. They historically fuck the military over in pay and benefits.
President Romney will make an OUTSTANDING Commander In Chief.
The military doesn't think too highly of Obama. Much like we loathed Bill Clinton.
Any Democrap, for that matter. They historically fuck the military over in pay and benefits.
President Romney will make an OUTSTANDING Commander In Chief.

Senator Coburn wants to cut health care for veterans.

Mitt couldn't be bothered to mention active duty soldiers in his acceptance speech.

McCain got into all kinds of trouble saying if you give solders too many benefits they won't stay in the military.

Bush sent solders to Iraq in old and rusty equipment where some were electrocuted through substandard housing.

The list in endless in the ways Republicans have fucked our military. I bet every one of those saying they support Mitt are white southern.
The military doesn't think too highly of Obama. Much like we loathed Bill Clinton.
Any Democrap, for that matter. They historically fuck the military over in pay and benefits.
President Romney will make an OUTSTANDING Commander In Chief.

Senator Coburn wants to cut health care for veterans.

Mitt couldn't be bothered to mention active duty soldiers in his acceptance speech.

McCain got into all kinds of trouble saying if you give solders too many benefits they won't stay in the military.

Bush sent solders to Iraq in old and rusty equipment where some were electrocuted through substandard housing.

The list in endless in the ways Republicans have fucked our military. I bet every one of those saying they support Mitt are white southern.

ummmhumm, and all we hear from you liberals is we should cut the military so we'd have more for your pet entitlements and Obama wouldn't give our Ambassador the security he needed and got him you need to add yourselves in ways you fucked our military
The military doesn't think too highly of Obama. Much like we loathed Bill Clinton.
Any Democrap, for that matter. They historically fuck the military over in pay and benefits.
President Romney will make an OUTSTANDING Commander In Chief.

Only to stupid scumbags, like yourself, who don't care how many of your comrades die for an idiotic purpose.
Don't worry, Obama's scrambling as fast as he can to make sure those military votes don't make it in.
by Staff writer @ Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

The professional core of the U.S. military overwhelmingly favors Mitt Romney over President Obama in the upcoming election — but not because of any particular military issues, according to a new poll of more than 3,100 active and reserve troops.

More plus charts at link. One of the reason the Obuma administration is doing everything possible to dilute or even negate the military vote.

Do you have any idea how insignificant the military vote is compared to the rest of the nation?

Of course you don't, you're just repeating the same goofy narrative that you've been told on FOX news or some other propaganda outlet.

Seriously kid, go do research about the vote and set yourself free from this constant stream of misinformation you're feeding yourself.

The entire military vote doesn't amount to a hill of beans when it is spread out over 50 states.
The military doesn't think too highly of Obama. Much like we loathed Bill Clinton.
Any Democrap, for that matter. They historically fuck the military over in pay and benefits.
President Romney will make an OUTSTANDING Commander In Chief.

Senator Coburn wants to cut health care for veterans.

Mitt couldn't be bothered to mention active duty soldiers in his acceptance speech.

McCain got into all kinds of trouble saying if you give solders too many benefits they won't stay in the military.

Bush sent solders to Iraq in old and rusty equipment where some were electrocuted through substandard housing.

The list in endless in the ways Republicans have fucked our military. I bet every one of those saying they support Mitt are white southern. kid's from Michigan.
Many of his friends are from the same area.
Back in 2008 my son didn't really care about politics...thought i was a little crazy for what i thought of Obama back then. Since then, he's completely changed his mind. He was here a couple weeks ago and said Obama has to go! By the way he talks, most of the people he works with feel the same way. This is why Obama wants to make it hard for the military to be able to vote....he knows he's lost most of the support he had. If Obama can't even keep ONE Embassy safe and give them the protection THEY ASKED FOR, then he doesn't deserve to be their C in C.
Lol...its amusing you actually think this means anything...maybe they voted Romney because they know he will start another war somewhere and that means job security for them...

so you're calling our men and women in the military, warmongers?

Nope I am calling the idiots in office warmongers because they are. I think the few military members are voting for Romney because he will start another war and that means they have to go fight in it so its job security.

So you think our military are just there because they like to fight wars??
You couldn't be more wrong....
They just know Obama doesn't know shit about the military, yet he'll take the praise when they
do their job. And yes, i know...Romney wasn't in the military either. But he would let them do their job, and if asked for more support or protection he would give it to them, without question! He wouldn't let our ambassador's be murdered after having asked for help....
Romney doesn't know shit about military either he decided to get a deferment and went on vacation to France when he should have been serving. He is no better than Obama.
Lol...its amusing you actually think this means anything...maybe they voted Romney because they know he will start another war somewhere and that means job security for them...

Being that combat arms jobs has the lowest re-enlistment rate in all services in the military, I would call in to question your assertion of "job security."
by Staff writer @ Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

The professional core of the U.S. military overwhelmingly favors Mitt Romney over President Obama in the upcoming election — but not because of any particular military issues, according to a new poll of more than 3,100 active and reserve troops.

More plus charts at link. One of the reason the Obuma administration is doing everything possible to dilute or even negate the military vote.

Do you have any idea how insignificant the military vote is compared to the rest of the nation?

Of course you don't, you're just repeating the same goofy narrative that you've been told on FOX news or some other propaganda outlet.

Seriously kid, go do research about the vote and set yourself free from this constant stream of misinformation you're feeding yourself.

The entire military vote doesn't amount to a hill of beans when it is spread out over 50 states.

That may be, however, it speaks volumes about the opinion of those who see Obama's foreign policy first hand. On second thought, the military consists of over 1.5 million enlisted and commissioned people. I would venture to say that without all the military bases in Florida, Republicans wouldn't stand a chance. Indeed, if they were to open one more major military base in Florida, it could guarantee that state for Republicans for years to come. .
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by Staff writer @ Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

The professional core of the U.S. military overwhelmingly favors Mitt Romney over President Obama in the upcoming election — but not because of any particular military issues, according to a new poll of more than 3,100 active and reserve troops.

More plus charts at link. One of the reason the Obuma administration is doing everything possible to dilute or even negate the military vote.

That poll was almost all old lifers and officers.
I have mine on my made in America car, do you? Vets for Obama Bumper Bumper Sticker by vetsforobama

Our military is quite smart. They know the Enemy Within, Obama.

God bless them for having to serve under the enemy. May his days be short and numbered and may they know that America appreciates their sacrifices and sincere hearts. XOX
During my frequent trips out to the Air Force Base, I have not seen one sign supporting Obama, but quite a few bumper stickers supporting Gov Romney.

We all know the disaster in the White House and the harm that will be done to the military if he is re-elected. Thousands of men and women in uniform will find themselves in the employment lines with no chance of seeking work in the defense industry which King Barry is raping too.

I served with The Peanut Farmer was in the White House. This president is a thousand times worse.

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