Military Contractors Accusations Of Ukrainian War Crimes Is A Bold Face Lie!

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Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This former U.S. colonel, Andrew Milburn, who heads a military contracting company that offers training and a small amount of battlefield assistance to foreign countries should permanently retire from this business and this field of work. His company, The Mozart Group, did work for the Ukrainian government over the last year and he said in an interview part of which was posted on Twitter in the last forty-eight hours that Ukrainian soldiers committed atrocities. At first his details for this allegation were that Ukrainian soldiers filmed Russian POWs, not an atrocity not even something worthy of public mention then Mr. Milburn moved to comments which said that Ukrainian soldiers shot Russian soldiers surrendering, if you witnessed that you should be giving sworn testimony to authorities that can prosecute the perpetrators. My suspicion is that Mr. Milburn made up these facts so he could appear to be especially knowledgeable about Ukraine. Mr. Milburne has critical accounting to do here if he witnessed this murder of Russian soldiers he should step forward and cooperate with the appropriate prosecutors and if he didn't he should publicly announce his wrongdoing and his permanent retirement from this industry! Andrew Milburn has done massive national security harm here with his false and reckless comments, Putin poses a growing and imminent threat of a Nato war and Ukraine is now trying to eliminate this threat for the Free World by beating the Russian Army in Ukraine and thereby making a Nato security wall in Ukraine. If Andrew lied here and doesn't permanently retire, the Ukrainian government should sue him for defamation and otherwise bring about the permanent shuttering of his business. Let this be a lesson to these types of contractors don't give such interviews when you-re drinking a lot of bourbon and don't make allegation about criminal wrongdoing of a foreign government's military unless you are prepared to prove it even allegations that a foreign government is corrupt unless you know what you are talking about are prepared to lay out credible evidence and especially especially don't admit a war is a "just" war when that is one hundred percent wrong this Russian invasion of Ukraine is exactly the type of unlawful military aggression that international law is principally focused on stopping!
Thread locked as no link to any supporting article. Cannot tell if it is the work of a poster or totally appropriated from a news story.
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