Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romne


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obozo denies the vote to millions of soldiers while he gives the vote to millions of illegals!!

Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney | The Duffel Blog


WASHINGTON, DC – Sources confirmed today that hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were delivered hours after the deadline for them to be counted, with preliminary counts showing that they would have overturned the vote in several states and brought a victory for Governor Mitt Romney.

Officials say the ballots were delivered late due to problems within the military mail system. Tracking invoices show the ballots sat in a warehouse for a month, then they were accidentally labeled as ammunition and shipped to Afghanistan. At Camp Dwyer, Marine Sergeant John Davis signed for them and was surprised at the contents.

“I told Gunny we got a bunch of ballots instead of ammo,” Davis told investigators earlier today. “He told me to file a report of improper delivery and that the chain of command would take care of it. We didn’t hear anything for three weeks. While we were waiting we came under fire so we dumped a bunch of them in the Hescoes. We didn’t dig those ones back out.”

After military officials realized the initial error, the ballots were then sent back to the U.S. but suffered a series of setbacks.
Oh my god! Even the entire military is now in the bag for Obama!

How deep does the conspiracy go?

The Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization. It is an entertainment website featuring satirical articles reporting on US military news. The blog has more than 18,000 fans on Facebook and about 1,800 Twitter followers

Obama won. Stop making excuses. Excuses just keep us from dealing with reality.
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Oh my god! Even the entire military is now in the bag for Obama!

How deep does the conspiracy go?

The Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization. It is an entertainment website featuring satirical articles reporting on US military news. The blog has more than 18,000 fans on Facebook and about 1,800 Twitter followers


BSBSBS. You liberals always say that. When you're exposed for doing something awful, you claim it was a joke!!! It's not working.
Oh my god! Even the entire military is now in the bag for Obama!

How deep does the conspiracy go?

The Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization. It is an entertainment website featuring satirical articles reporting on US military news. The blog has more than 18,000 fans on Facebook and about 1,800 Twitter followers


BSBSBS. You liberals always say that. When you're exposed for doing something awful, you claim it was a joke!!! It's not working.

Scoreboard bitch.​
Oh my god! Even the entire military is now in the bag for Obama!

How deep does the conspiracy go?

The Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization. It is an entertainment website featuring satirical articles reporting on US military news. The blog has more than 18,000 fans on Facebook and about 1,800 Twitter followers


BSBSBS. You liberals always say that. When you're exposed for doing something awful, you claim it was a joke!!! It's not working.

And what about us conservatives that claim the exact same thing about anything coming out of HuffPuff?

A blog? News? Really?

When a semi-credible news agency starts reporting this maybe I'll give it some thought. Until then, it is just wasted bandwidth.

Obozo denies the vote to millions of soldiers while he gives the vote to millions of illegals!!

Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney | The Duffel Blog


WASHINGTON, DC – Sources confirmed today that hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were delivered hours after the deadline for them to be counted, with preliminary counts showing that they would have overturned the vote in several states and brought a victory for Governor Mitt Romney.

Officials say the ballots were delivered late due to problems within the military mail system. Tracking invoices show the ballots sat in a warehouse for a month, then they were accidentally labeled as ammunition and shipped to Afghanistan. At Camp Dwyer, Marine Sergeant John Davis signed for them and was surprised at the contents.

“I told Gunny we got a bunch of ballots instead of ammo,” Davis told investigators earlier today. “He told me to file a report of improper delivery and that the chain of command would take care of it. We didn’t hear anything for three weeks. While we were waiting we came under fire so we dumped a bunch of them in the Hescoes. We didn’t dig those ones back out.”

After military officials realized the initial error, the ballots were then sent back to the U.S. but suffered a series of setbacks.

Yet another piss drinker falls for this joke today. :lol:

For more hilarity, see here:


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Oh my god! Even the entire military is now in the bag for Obama!

How deep does the conspiracy go?

The Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization. It is an entertainment website featuring satirical articles reporting on US military news. The blog has more than 18,000 fans on Facebook and about 1,800 Twitter followers


BSBSBS. You liberals always say that. When you're exposed for doing something awful, you claim it was a joke!!! It's not working.

I have to bump this for those "across the aisle". Now of all people I am being called a liberal. :lol: I wonder what jillian would think now that I am a liberal like herself? :clap2:
The Duffel Blog is an American military news satire organization. It is an entertainment website featuring satirical articles reporting on US military news. The blog has more than 18,000 fans on Facebook and about 1,800 Twitter followers


BSBSBS. You liberals always say that. When you're exposed for doing something awful, you claim it was a joke!!! It's not working.

I have to bump this for those "across the aisle". Now of all people I am being called a liberal. :lol: I wonder what jillian would think now that I am a liberal like herself? :clap2:
That should teach you a valuable lesson about your CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. It should, but it won't.
Obozo denies the vote to millions of soldiers while he gives the vote to millions of illegals!!

Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney | The Duffel Blog


WASHINGTON, DC – Sources confirmed today that hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were delivered hours after the deadline for them to be counted, with preliminary counts showing that they would have overturned the vote in several states and brought a victory for Governor Mitt Romney.

Officials say the ballots were delivered late due to problems within the military mail system. Tracking invoices show the ballots sat in a warehouse for a month, then they were accidentally labeled as ammunition and shipped to Afghanistan. At Camp Dwyer, Marine Sergeant John Davis signed for them and was surprised at the contents.

“I told Gunny we got a bunch of ballots instead of ammo,” Davis told investigators earlier today. “He told me to file a report of improper delivery and that the chain of command would take care of it. We didn’t hear anything for three weeks. While we were waiting we came under fire so we dumped a bunch of them in the Hescoes. We didn’t dig those ones back out.”

After military officials realized the initial error, the ballots were then sent back to the U.S. but suffered a series of setbacks.

You are an idiot. If EVERY single seviceman and woman voted for Mirrens it still would have made no difference.

"Total Active Duty Troop Levels as of December 31st, 2011 – 1,414,000"

That's ALL of them including here and overseas.

Deployment Facts Historical|How Many Soldiers Are Deployed Overseas
BSBSBS. You liberals always say that. When you're exposed for doing something awful, you claim it was a joke!!! It's not working.

I have to bump this for those "across the aisle". Now of all people I am being called a liberal. :lol: I wonder what jillian would think now that I am a liberal like herself? :clap2:
That should teach you a valuable lesson about your CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. It should, but it won't.

Hey dumbass show me one post where I steadfastly supported Romney. Many times I posted that he was a piss-poor candidate and not my first choice.

Never confuse supporting the lesser of two evils as being indicative of a person's political ideology.

I defy you to show me any post where I indicate that I am a CON$ervoFascist as you put it.

A vote is an indication of a person's preference. No doubt I preferred Romney but I was by no means an avid supporter.

I'll wait. I'll even make it easier for you. Go back one day and show me a post where I demonstrated any sense of loss over the outcome. You will find a post by me where I say that I was not the least bit surprised, asshole.

Think before you type.
I have to bump this for those "across the aisle". Now of all people I am being called a liberal. :lol: I wonder what jillian would think now that I am a liberal like herself? :clap2:
That should teach you a valuable lesson about your CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood. It should, but it won't.

Hey dumbass show me one post where I steadfastly supported Romney. Many times I posted that he was a piss-poor candidate and not my first choice.

Never confuse supporting the lesser of two evils as being indicative of a person's political ideology.

I defy you to show me any post where I indicate that I am a CON$ervoFascist as you put it.

A vote is an indication of a person's preference. No doubt I preferred Romney but I was by no means an avid supporter.

I'll wait. I'll even make it easier for you. Go back one day and show me a post where I demonstrated any sense of loss over the outcome. You will find a post by me where I say that I was not the least bit surprised, asshole.

Think before you type.
It didn't!

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