Militant Socialism in America


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Militant Socialism in America

By Eileen F. Toplansky


So what does this have to do with Barack Obama? Let's review:

He has been mentored by communist leaders throughout this career.

He consistently uses the Saul Alinksy parameters of controlling the narrative.

Through his many executive orders, he has taken away liberties of the American people.

He shamelessly engages in unconstitutional actions and displays disregard for the rule of American law.

He has indicated his willingness to work with Boris Putin of Russia as well as radical Islamists who front for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and other Islamic militant organizations bent on America's destruction.

Obama has thwarted all attempts to expose Fast and Furious and the Benghazi debacle, thus eliminating all transparency concerning these serious situations.

He has been caught in many prevarications and outright lies.

He is comfortable with destroying capitalism, which he despises, in order to initiate a communist doctrine of spreading the wealth or asset equality. Thus, no American can improve his lot, and the Horatio Alger narrative that boasts of opportunity with hard work is extinguished.

He has capitalized on divisions in the country to redirect attention away from his unilateral and unconstitutional actions.

He has publicly stated that he has no use for the checks and balances so vital in American government.


Read more: Articles: Militant Socialism in America

Read more: Articles: Militant Socialism in America
what liberties exactly has he taken away?

How many times does this have to be explained to brain damaged drones like you?

evidently, you have nothing either to post but insults. carry on

The problem is that when brain damaged righties try explaining anything, it just doesn't make sense. They don't understand that there are intelligent people out there who actually don't buy into their propaganda.
How many times does this have to be explained to brain damaged drones like you?

evidently, you have nothing either to post but insults. carry on

The problem is that when brain damaged righties try explaining anything, it just doesn't make sense. They don't understand that there are intelligent people out there who actually don't buy into their propaganda.

No Propaganda Obama WON,the Loser Pubs,just insult the President as they have for 4 years,face it Guys YOU LOST BIGTIME get back to your kennels,Attack Dogs are RABID STILL.:D
The wingnuts need to STFU and sit down. They are but a small, meaningless minority.

That's right, wingnuts, I said meaningless. The country's moving towards the middle whether you like it or not. You can bitch, you can make unbelievably stupid posts on how the government should be run, you can even tell your silly assed lies about our elected officials. It doesn't matter. The world keeps turning and the country moves ahead without you. Deal.
The wingnuts need to STFU and sit down. They are but a small, meaningless minority.

That's right, wingnuts, I said meaningless. The country's moving towards the middle whether you like it or not. You can bitch, you can make unbelievably stupid posts on how the government should be run, you can even tell your silly assed lies about our elected officials. It doesn't matter. The world keeps turning and the country moves ahead without you. Deal.

You old decrepit bat, Mexicans a blacks are not liberal so you're still a minority...

Try not to get into a rage it's bad for yo heart, Carry on old biddy...:D
Last I checked the only real liberties stolen from We the People was when Bush II signed the Patriot act.

Again GOPers, history did not begin in 2008. Some of you are hopelessly lost.
The wingnuts need to STFU and sit down. They are but a small, meaningless minority.

That's right, wingnuts, I said meaningless. The country's moving towards the middle whether you like it or not. You can bitch, you can make unbelievably stupid posts on how the government should be run, you can even tell your silly assed lies about our elected officials. It doesn't matter. The world keeps turning and the country moves ahead without you. Deal.

You old decrepit bat, Mexicans a blacks are not liberal so you're still a minority...

Try not to get into a rage it's bad for yo heart, Carry on old biddy...:D


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