Middle East Domino Effect


Sep 6, 2010
Patrick Seale, Valdai Club's expert shares his view on Middle East latest events.

What we are witnessing now in the Middle East is of tremendous importance. This is the Arab peoples’ campaign for freedom after decades of autocratic rule. It is tremendously important because the Arab people have shaken off their fear of the “security state,” therefore it is a very heartening development, which of course all Western countries should welcome with great enthusiasm.

We have already seen this popular movement spread through other countries, notably of course Libya, Yemen and even Bahrain. So there is definitely a domino effect taking place. Young people throughout the Arab world want certain things: they want freedom, they want dignity. They do want democratic government, but in addition they want jobs, better treatment as well as an end to government corruption.

One of the problems across the Arab world is of course the population explosion seen in recent decades; this has left the educational system severely overburdened. As a result, schools and universities are operating at full capacity, producing semi-educated people with no jobs to go to. This is clearly one motif common to the revolutions in many of these countries.

The motivations behind this revolutionary impulse are numerous. On the one hand, there really is a thirst for democracy, a thirst for an end to the states of emergency, an end to police brutality, an end to imprisonment without trial, an end to torture, as well as other different aspects of the Arab security state. That’s certainly one motivation. Another is the desire to see a more equitable distribution of these countries’ resources. At the moment, in a large number of countries, wealth is restricted to a small elite often close to the ruler. Then there is an impoverished middle class, and an even more impoverished working class. In countries like Egypt, some statistics say that as much as 40% of the population is getting by on less than 2 dollars a day. Whether or not this is true, it is certainly the case in a large number of nations. So the motivations are political and economic. People want bread, they want jobs, and they want a better future for their families.

Full version of his article was originally published on valdaiclub.com
Valdai Club "expert" Patric Seale must be blind. There's no Democracy movement going on in the middle east. The new President of Egypt, Omar Suleiman is a CIA construct:
Egypt's New Leader: Omar Suleiman? | PRI.ORG
As the head of Egypt's military and then civilian intelligence services, Suleiman worked closely with officials in the United States. Lang says, "he is a key ally of the United States National Security apparatus, the Department of Defense, the CIA and everything in between." That relationship has been the source of criticism against Suleiman, especially regarding his role in "extraordinary rendition" program by the United States. Egypt assisted the United States in the extrajudicial transfer of prisoners, and Suleiman has been accused of being responsible for torture.
But you may say: "Oh that's just one country. There's freedom breaking out all over the middle east you asshole!"

Ok then let's look at Libya.
The US is enforcing a UN sponsored "No Fly Zone" and bombing targets as well in Libya. Supposedly the US is there to protect "civilians", whoever they are and whatever that means. So it appears that we are on the side of the oppressed civilians and against Quadafi. That may be so but do you know who else is backing the civilian population?
Al Qaeda offers aid to rebels in Libya - Washington Times
Al Qaeda's North Africa affiliate publicly offered its assistance and support to rebels in Libya who are fighting to wrest control of the country from troops still loyal to Col. Moammar Gadhafi.
Rebel forces also seized a military air base while Col. Gadhafiin a speech blamed Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden for the turmoil in the North African state.
U.S. officials (who lie all the time) said they had seen no evidence as of Thursday that the group established a base or joined the fighting. Al Qaeda has endorsed the uprisings in Algeria,Tunisia, Egypt and now Libya.
So whose side are we on here?
Yep, the great march to Islamic Theocracy and Police State.

Lets modify this a little:

First They came... - Pastor Martin Niemoller

First they came for the homosexuals,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a homosexual.

Then they came for the rights activists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a rights activist.

Then they came for the Jews and the Christians,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew or a Christian.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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