

"Dirty Jack"
Aug 28, 2003
I don't know about anybody else, but I am tired of turning on the computer and being notified new updates are ready to download. Is there any end to the holes in XP? Soon might have to try Linux. I feel sorry for those on dialup who have to download all the updates.
Funny you mention that, I woke up this morning to new updates myself. I did it and reboot. Seems to be happening quite often now. Wonder if it has something to do with this new virus coming out.
Had to do the updates myself this morning. Seems as if new security fixes are coming out every several weeks.

Nevermind dialup getting the smaller updates, what about service packs? They can be huge sometimes.

What do you do Jackass?
I dont get any updates and I dont do any patches or anything. Never had any problems with ANY of my machines because I didnt put the new patches in. Now that I said that...I will see you all in a week after I get my computer up and running again!! LOL
I think after MSBlaster happened, Microsoft has done a better job at getting the word out about holes in the security. They really are identifying more holes, faster.

Do you think MS has put a whole lot of people to work on fixing XP?
Yes NT they are quick now with fixes, but if I remember when XP came out they bragged about how secure it is. I think McNeely from sun must be writing the viruses that are hitting Microsoft. I have heard that Linux has some holes but if you got the program for nothing you can't complain.

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