Michigan and old people

Michigan currently charges no income tax on public pensions and exempts up to $45,120 worth of income from private pensions, 401(k)s and IRAs for an individual retiree, with limits of twice that for a retired couple

I mean if you expect goverment services you got to pay in. I believe that a progessive income tax structure is the most viable option but everyone should have to pay in something... And at a time when tax revenues are low and states are struggling to balance bugets those paying no income tax make sense to target.
Well I for one don't think that anyone should have to pay on any income up to the poverty level at the state or fed level. After that then we should all pay at a rate that is sufficient to pay our debt of running a state or a country.
Along with this we should get rid of any unuseful program or any excess that can not be proven to be a asset to the cause of what your doing.
I believe that SS needs change to make sure it will survive, and if that means paying more into it, or raising the limits on income, or holding increases to a different system.
I think that we may have to have a sliding means testing as to benefits.

Medicare should be done also, in a way that it doesn't hurt the people who can less afford it. Along with this we should implement policies that will lower the cost of health care and lower drug cost to our citizens.

If we want to hold middle income people to wage and benefit limits I think maybe it should go over to private sector as their wage and benefits along with the profits to their owners raise the cost of private citizens cost of providing the things they need for their lifes and those of their families.

Were saying the hardship on state tax payers is severe, well so is it on the rest of us from the cost of products that we need to live which we are being gouged by the priviate sector as they pay hugh salaries and bonuses.
Snyder campaigned last year on a promise to replace the complex and unpopular Michigan Business Tax with a 6% corporate income tax, a move that would eliminate $1.7 billion in revenue. But he didn't reveal until last month that he wanted to pay for it by requiring more money from individual taxpayers.

Geewhiz, wonder why he didn't tell the people his buddies who got him elected would get what he told them he would give them 1.7 billion dollar gift, off the backs of those retired people in the state of Mich. LOL and you people actually thought you were bad off before the last election.
What exactly is so bad about creating an environment condusive to businesses? Is there some reason you want businesses to leave the state and country? Do you have a problem with people being employed?

They shouldnt be increasing taxes on anyone. I can't figure out why these politicians are so shortsighted

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