Michelle Obama in spotlight's glare


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Republic of Texas
By Robin Abcarian, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
February 21, 2008

COLUMBUS, OHIO -- It is one of Barack Obama's most reliable laugh lines. At the close of his stump speech, he often says, "I am reminded by every day of my life -- if not by events, then by my wife -- that I am not a perfect man."

These days, after catching grief for calling her husband "snore-y and stinky" and speaking about his bad habits in the manner of a loving but exasperated wife, Michelle Obama only sings his praises.

"You go, 'OK, I've got to be careful not to be the story,' " she said during an interview recently aboard her campaign bus. "Because it becomes a distraction to the broader issues."

Unwittingly, Michelle Obama became the story again this week, telling an audience in Wisconsin on Monday that "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."

more ... http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-michelleobama21feb21,0,5061497.story

Nice to know she's only "proud" of the US when she thinks things are going her way. What a freakin' loser.
LOL i liked this part: Americans, she says, have become "cynical" and "mean" and have "broken souls." For regular folks, life is bad and getting worse.

What the hell does she, her husband, or any of these people running have in common with me? How do they know what the "regular folks" really feel or fear? I havent heard this guy really make any good points other then we need change. Well no sh*&!!!!!

Sheep to the slaughter!
"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction." -- Michelle Obama

This slip is telling and important to know….Michelle is her husband's advisor - she's been his advisor ever since he began work at the same law firm where she was assigned to mentor him.

I believe these words are the natural outcome of her liberal training during her African Studies major at the elite liberal school of Princeton which, like most ivy league schools, is rife with anti-American sentiment.

Also, both she and Barack are both Harvard-trained lawyers and know how to read and write. Michelle Obama read that from a written speech she gave - twice I believe - it was not just a slip of the tongue. I do not think she was just talking about the "political process" as Barack has been saying in her defense. I believe it reflects her negative liberal attitude about America.
This slip is telling and important to know….Michelle is her husband's advisor - she's been his advisor ever since he began work at the same law firm where she was assigned to mentor him.

I believe these words are the natural outcome of her liberal training during her African Studies major at the elite liberal school of Princeton which, like most ivy league schools, is rife with anti-American sentiment.

Also, both she and Barack are both Harvard-trained lawyers and know how to read and write. Michelle Obama read that from a written speech she gave - twice I believe - it was not just a slip of the tongue. I do not think she was just talking about the "political process" as Barack has been saying in her defense. I believe it reflects her negative liberal attitude about America.
thanks for your opinion.

interesting that the spotlight seems to have moved on....LOL
thanks for your opinion.

interesting that the spotlight seems to have moved on....LOL

Thanks to the accomodating liberal media....they quickly turned their yellow journalism spotlight on McCain now.

Obama is nothing more than a media creation. He'd be nothing without the media's help.
Righties need to ask Santa for a dictionary for Christmas instead of ammo this year or maybe for their birthday. "Really" is an adverb, an intensifier of the statement. Consider that we have a woman, a biracial man, a war veteran, and topics such as peace, jobs, and healthcare as election issues and everyone should be REALLY proud to be an AMERICAN.
Thanks to the accomodating liberal media....they quickly turned their yellow journalism spotlight on McCain now.

Obama is nothing more than a media creation. He'd be nothing without the media's help.

your opinion. I respect your right to have it. I don't agree with it. I think that Barack Obama has a twenty year track record of working in the public sector helping less fortunate Americans. I believe that he has great intelligence and vision and can bring the majority of both sides of the political divide together.
The party of Bush/Cheney/McCain sent 4,000 soldiers to their deaths, spent upwards of a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, didn't find any WMD, and blundered us into the worst foreign policy disaster in american history...and Bush voters are complaining about grammar and context.
The party of Bush/Cheney/McCain sent 4,000 soldiers to their deaths, spent upwards of a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, didn't find any WMD, and blundered us into the worst foreign policy disaster in american history...and Bush voters are complaining about grammar and context.

Pretty soon the cost will be much more near and dear if Hussein Obama gets elected.
The party of Bush/Cheney/McCain sent 4,000 soldiers to their deaths, spent upwards of a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, didn't find any WMD, and blundered us into the worst foreign policy disaster in american history...and Bush voters are complaining about grammar and context.

Blah, blah blah .... you're a broken record and everything you spew is shit.
If Barack Obama is elected president, will black people finally shut the fuck up about being oppressed? Because if so, I might just vote for him.

You too ... blah, blah, blah ... who gives a shit what color he is? If and when HE plays the race card THEN you'll have an issue.

Seriously ... I got one nimrod on here laying it on thick and wide that "I don't know what it's like to be "poor little Obama cuz I'm not black" and you're on the other side of the coin dogging his ass out for no other reason than he is black.

Both of you need to get a clue.
His wife needs to stay quiet because now she is bringing on the race card!

Did she? When and where?

It's a strike against them that she is running her mouth period. We went through this same shit with Hillary. It was rather hard to distinguish at times whether she was President, or Bill was.

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