Michelle goes after Newt over Freddie Mac $$$

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Bachmann blasts Gingrich over Freddie Mac ties - The Hill's Video
“Fannie [Mae] and Freddie, as you know, have been the epicenter of the financial meltdown in this country, and whether former Speaker Gingrich made $300,000 or whether he made $2 million, the point is he took money to also influence senior Republicans to be favorable toward Fannie and Freddie,” Bachmann said Wednesday after a campaign event in Webster City, Iowa, according to published reports.

Dr. Clueless must have some fascinating threads archived on his profile.....errr.... nope. Seems he's got a grand-total of "4" in the last two years :eusa_eh: :clap2: The definition of a stalker. Keep up the good work puppet ;)
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Bachmans run is done.

Newts leading or tied for the lead in the polls. Of course she will attack him. If it were Cain, Perry or Paul leading she would be attacking them.

Bachman needs to pack her ditti bag and go home. Her run is more than done.
That's why you have to read "Reckless Endangerment" by Gretchen Mortgansen. That's how and why F/F came to be the black holes at the center of the financial meltdown: by buying up the opposition.

Frankly, Newt can go fuck himself
I like Newt. Now that he is on top of the polls, everybody will be gunning for him.

He was a walking-bullseye from the moment he entered the race. Add to that his $1.6- $1.8 million from Freddie Mac :clap2: Hitting him would be akin to hitting a side of a barn. Whats so difficult? :eusa_eh:
NOW they be loving them Bachmann..

my gawd you just can't KEEP up..one day they hate them and call them CRAZY, the next day they are quoting them and I guess CHEERING THEM.

Liberalism IS A MENTAL DISORDER..:lol:
I like Newt. Now that he is on top of the polls, everybody will be gunning for him.

He was a walking-bullseye from the moment he entered the race. Add to that his $1.6- $1.8 million from Freddie Mac :clap2: Hitting him would be akin to hitting a side of a barn. Whats so difficult? :eusa_eh:

You should speak in a more respectful way when you talk about our next President.
I like Newt. Now that he is on top of the polls, everybody will be gunning for him.

He was a walking-bullseye from the moment he entered the race. Add to that his $1.6- $1.8 million from Freddie Mac :clap2: Hitting him would be akin to hitting a side of a barn. Whats so difficult? :eusa_eh:

You should speak in a more respectful way when you talk about our next President.

After the last 4 "flavors of the week/month"? OK. I'll take your word for it. Who's going to be his V.P.?
I love Michelle Bachman.

Her crazy train comments are endlessly entertaining.

But she is dead on with this one.

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