Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Someone ask me recently what my reason was for leaving the Republican Party. The above post explains it pretty well.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Yeah, an opinion piece from the New Yorker.

That qualifies as legit!

I see we have another poster we can file away into the totally irrelevant bin.

Nothing to see here, folks.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.

Huh, this is an even further stretch than linking Obama to Wright and Black Liberation Theology....but you've now opened that door.:lol:
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I seriously wonder what percentage of Americans are fundamentalist Christians who would willingly return to the dark ages under Michele Bachmann's leadership.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Yeah, an opinion piece from the New Yorker.

That qualifies as legit!

I see we have another poster we can file away into the totally irrelevant bin.

Nothing to see here, folks.

Oh she's nuts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9bvreW08X0]Michele Bachmann Says The Darndest Things - YouTube[/ame]
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Yeah, an opinion piece from the New Yorker.

That qualifies as legit!

I see we have another poster we can file away into the totally irrelevant bin.

Nothing to see here, folks.

Oh she's nuts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9bvreW08X0]Michele Bachmann Says The Darndest Things - YouTube[/ame]

LOL That was great. Thanks.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Someone ask me recently what my reason was for leaving the Republican Party. The above post explains it pretty well.

and you found a home where?
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Yeah, an opinion piece from the New Yorker.

That qualifies as legit!

I see we have another poster we can file away into the totally irrelevant bin.

Nothing to see here, folks.

Oh she's nuts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9bvreW08X0]Michele Bachmann Says The Darndest Things - YouTube[/ame]
So is Joe Biden. But you Obamabots sure as hell didn't blink an eye before putting his crazy ass a death away from the oval office.

And now all of a sudden you're concerned?

Get the fuck outta here!:eusa_hand:
Yeah, an opinion piece from the New Yorker.

That qualifies as legit!

I see we have another poster we can file away into the totally irrelevant bin.

Nothing to see here, folks.

Oh she's nuts.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9bvreW08X0"]Michele Bachmann Says The Darndest Things - YouTube[/ame]
So is Joe Biden. But you Obamabots sure as hell didn't blink an eye before putting his crazy ass a death away from the oval office.

And now all of a sudden you're concerned?

Get the fuck outta here!:eusa_hand:

Dude - comparing Joe Biden to Bachmann???
This is neither liberal nor media ‘spin,’ but statements by Bachmann herself to an interviewer about her ‘Christian based’ philosophy with regard to American law and politics.
Bachmann was also influenced by a student of Schaeffer's named Nancy Pearcey, a well-known creationist and an advocate of Dominionism, the view that Christians are biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns.

"Michele Bachmann has mentioned Pearcey's book [Total Truth] as one that was important to her," he says. "[The book] is in line with the Schaeffer-ite view of taking your Christian faith and making sure that it permeates all parts of your life. The key thing here is Christians should not just be go-to-church-on-Sunday Christians. Their religion should permeate all aspects of life."

In 1979, Bachmann enrolled in the first law school class at Oral Roberts University. Students at Oral Roberts were required to sign a "code of honor" attesting to their Christian beliefs and commitment.

"It's a law school that taught its students biblical law," says Lizza. "[The school said] 'You need to understand the Bible, you need to understand biblical law and that's what the United States Constitution is built upon. And as a legal mind, you should understand when American law is and is not consistent with biblical law.'"

While at Oral Roberts, Bachmann worked as a research assistant for one of the professors, John Eidsmoe. She has brought up his influence on the campaign trail, telling one audience in Iowa this year that he "taught me so many aspects of our godly heritage."

Eidsmoe's 1987 book, Christianity and the Constitution, tells Christians that "they need to get politically active and they need to get involved with the legal system and they need to make sure American law is more biblically based," says Lizza. "That's what the book ends on, a clarion call for his students to get involved. ... Eidsmoe is someone who believes American law should be based on the Bible. He believes that the United States is a Christian nation, should remain a Christian nation and that our politics and our law should be permeated by one's Christian faith."

The Books And Beliefs Shaping Michele Bachmann | weku

Sound familiar?

By her own admission Bachmann is an advocate of the fallacy that the Constitution is based on ‘biblical law.’ In her effort to introduce religion into her charter school and her statement that the Constitutional principle of separation of church and State is a ‘myth,’ for example, Bachmann clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of – or contempt for – the fundamental tenets of the Framers’ original intent.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.

Unless a Republican gives empty lip service to religious beliefs and only pretends to hold any themselves like the typical Democrat does these days, the left will always insist that Republican is a religious whacko whose religious beliefs are WAY out of line with Christian doctrine. Look at the all out effort they made trying to portray Bush, a member of one of the most liberal mainstream churches as some kind of "extremist whacko" -and why? Because clearly he holds sincere religious beliefs instead of just faking it as the left prefers.

Let me get this straight -Bachmann's religious views are "extreme" although what is "extreme" about them isn't even mentioned. Oh she opposes abortion -like the majority of Americans AND the majority of women do as well. But Obama attending a black liberation theology church for two decades doesn't prove HE is an extremist even though black liberation theology is viciously anti-American? And you insist Obama is telling the truth when he said he never heard ANY of the anti-American "sermons" from this guy even though he sells CDs of them in his church lobby? And that actually works for you morons? What a vomit-inducing double standard!

There is no such thing as the "Christian right" as if some kind of new and previously unheard of phenomenon! That is just a lying ass myth of the left. Christian conservatives have ALWAYS existed in this country and for most of its existence were the majority. It is the existence of intolerant atheist leftwing extremists who are the new phenomenon. And their intolerance is only growing, their rage is only growing, their hatred is only growing, their dangerousness toward any who refuse to share their political agenda is only growing.

As I said in another post, for the left to claim to be "tolerant" is a sick joke. They are aggressively INTOLERANT and only becoming more so. What they really mean by "tolerant" is that they are tolerant of ONLY the most superficial of differences among us -and just about any social immorality of course. But they have NO tolerance for what is the most important thing and when it actually matters -they are incapable of tolerating differences in THOUGHT. Which is why anti-human being things like "re-education camps" are an invention of the oh-so "tolerant" left. THOUGHT that differs from their own they cannot tolerate and DESPISE. If they could re-make the species to exist as nothing but a fucking ant colony with everyone born with a cookie cutter mentality -they would. They are so incredibly arrogant as to believe THEY are superior to everyone else in every possible way, the only reason anyone would not be a liberal is because they are just plain evil -therefore any difference in thinking they have is also evil. Which is done so they can avoid any legitimate debate on issues -which they know they can't win. Much easier to insist the ideas must be thrown out without any consideration or debate at all, isn't it? And because they believe they are superior to everyone else, they also firmly believe they also have an inherent right to rule, that the ends justifies THEIR means -and they have an inherent right to destroy any who disagree. The body count from leftists around the world in the last 80 years or so says far more about who they really are.

The left has no tolerance for those who don't share their political and non-religious views -while insisting it is those with different views who are the intolerant ones. It would be like me claiming I am tolerant because I can tolerate everyone who shares my own religious beliefs -then turning around and insisting it is those who have different religious beliefs who are actually the intolerant ones. And proving still other comments of mine regarding their lack of critical thinking skills -that kind of mentality actually flies among liberals. I'd rather lose a limb than be a liberal.
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Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.

Unless a Republican gives empty lip service to religious beliefs and only pretends to hold any themselves like the typical Democrat does these days, the left will always insist that Republican is a religious whacko whose religious beliefs are WAY out of line with Christian doctrine. Look at the all out effort they made trying to portray Bush, a member of one of the most liberal mainstream churches as some kind of "extremist whacko" -and why? Because clearly he holds sincere religious beliefs instead of just faking it as the left prefers.

Let me get this straight -Bachmann's religious views are "extreme" although what is "extreme" about them isn't even mentioned. Oh she opposes abortion -like the majority of Americans AND the majority of women do as well. But Obama attending a black liberation theology church for two decades doesn't prove HE is an extremist even though black liberation theology is viciously anti-American? And you insist Obama is telling the truth when he said he never heard ANY of the anti-American "sermons" from this guy even though he sells CDs of them in his church lobby? And that actually works for you morons? What a vomit-inducing double standard!

There is no such thing as the "Christian right" as if some kind of new and previously unheard of phenomenon! That is just a lying ass myth of the left. Christian conservatives have ALWAYS existed in this country and for most of its existence were the majority. It is the existence of intolerant atheist leftwing extremists who are the new phenomenon. And their intolerance is only growing, their rage is only growing, their hatred is only growing, their dangerousness toward any who refuse to share their political agenda is only growing.

As I said in another post, for the left to claim to be "tolerant" is a sick joke. They are aggressively INTOLERANT and only becoming more so. What they really mean by "tolerant" is that they are tolerant of ONLY the most superficial of differences among us -and just about any social immorality of course. But they have NO tolerance for what is the most important thing and when it actually matters -they are incapable of tolerating differences in THOUGHT. Which is why anti-human being things like "re-education camps" are an invention of the oh-so "tolerant" left. THOUGHT that differs from their own they cannot tolerate and DESPISE. If they could re-make the species to exist as nothing but a fucking ant colony with everyone born with a cookie cutter mentality -they would. They are so incredibly arrogant as to believe THEY are superior to everyone else in every possible way, the only reason anyone would not be a liberal is because they are just plain evil -therefore any difference in thinking they have is also evil. Which is done so they can avoid any legitimate debate on issues -which they know they can't win. Much easier to insist the ideas must be thrown out without any consideration or debate at all, isn't it? And because they believe they are superior to everyone else, they also firmly believe they also have an inherent right to rule, that the ends justifies THEIR means -and they have an inherent right to destroy any who disagree. The body count from leftists around the world in the last 80 years or so says far more about who they really are.

The left has no tolerance for those who don't share their political and non-religious views -while insisting it is those with different views who are the intolerant ones. It would be like me claiming I am tolerant because I can tolerate everyone who shares my own religious beliefs -then turning around and insisting it is those who have different religious beliefs who are actually the intolerant ones. And proving still other comments of mine regarding their lack of critical thinking skills -that kind of mentality actually flies among liberals. I'd rather lose a limb than be a liberal.
Lefties for the most part are friggin' whackjobs. Particularly the Obamabot types. Their fervent defense of the man and his obvious failings, too include his failings of them is beyond bizarre. It's like they're cultist zombies, much like those at Jonestown who followed their leader to the abyss.

Don't get me wrong, there are liberals out there who truly understand what true liberalism is, and aren't of the ilk of the zombie like ones who have bastardized their cause years ago and turned it into a god damn freak show. There are several non-zombie like lib's on this board. And then there are the tried true zombie whackjobs who need not be identified. We all know who they are.
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Bachmann's beliefs and words demonstrate her level of crazy far more than any picture of her ever could.
This is neither liberal nor media ‘spin,’ but statements by Bachmann herself to an interviewer about her ‘Christian based’ philosophy with regard to American law and politics.
Bachmann was also influenced by a student of Schaeffer's named Nancy Pearcey, a well-known creationist and an advocate of Dominionism, the view that Christians are biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns.

"Michele Bachmann has mentioned Pearcey's book [Total Truth] as one that was important to her," he says. "[The book] is in line with the Schaeffer-ite view of taking your Christian faith and making sure that it permeates all parts of your life. The key thing here is Christians should not just be go-to-church-on-Sunday Christians. Their religion should permeate all aspects of life."

In 1979, Bachmann enrolled in the first law school class at Oral Roberts University. Students at Oral Roberts were required to sign a "code of honor" attesting to their Christian beliefs and commitment.

"It's a law school that taught its students biblical law," says Lizza. "[The school said] 'You need to understand the Bible, you need to understand biblical law and that's what the United States Constitution is built upon. And as a legal mind, you should understand when American law is and is not consistent with biblical law.'"

While at Oral Roberts, Bachmann worked as a research assistant for one of the professors, John Eidsmoe. She has brought up his influence on the campaign trail, telling one audience in Iowa this year that he "taught me so many aspects of our godly heritage."

Eidsmoe's 1987 book, Christianity and the Constitution, tells Christians that "they need to get politically active and they need to get involved with the legal system and they need to make sure American law is more biblically based," says Lizza. "That's what the book ends on, a clarion call for his students to get involved. ... Eidsmoe is someone who believes American law should be based on the Bible. He believes that the United States is a Christian nation, should remain a Christian nation and that our politics and our law should be permeated by one's Christian faith."

The Books And Beliefs Shaping Michele Bachmann | weku

Sound familiar?

By her own admission Bachmann is an advocate of the fallacy that the Constitution is based on ‘biblical law.’ In her effort to introduce religion into her charter school and her statement that the Constitutional principle of separation of church and State is a ‘myth,’ for example, Bachmann clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of – or contempt for – the fundamental tenets of the Framers’ original intent.

Exactly. Thank you. All anybody needs to do is look (eyes open) and they can see that Bachmann is whack.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

Tea party queen and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is convinced that America is sinking into tyranny. Why? In a remarkable profile of the candidate appearing in the Aug. 15 issue of the New Yorker magazine, the artistic flowering of the Italian Renaissance takes a beating for having done away with the god-fearing Dark Ages.

Bachmann "belongs to a generation of Christian conservatives whose views have been shaped by institutions, tracts, and leaders not commonly known to secular Americans, or even to most Christians," writes Ryan Lizza, who spent four days on the campaign trail talking with the candidate and her husband. He chronicles Bachmann's enthusiasm for the extreme evangelical teachings of the late Presbyterian Pastor Francis Schaeffer, commonly regarded as having sparked the 1970s rise of the Christian Right. Schaeffer loved visiting Florence, Italy, where his idea of Renaissance ruin is on full display.

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Yeah, an opinion piece from the New Yorker.

That qualifies as legit!

I see we have another poster we can file away into the totally irrelevant bin.

Nothing to see here, folks.

And people wonder why we worry about these people voting.
Michele Bachmann is worried about the Renaissance - latimes.com

And people wonder why we worry about her assuming the highest position in the land.
Yeah, an opinion piece from the New Yorker.

That qualifies as legit!

I see we have another poster we can file away into the totally irrelevant bin.

Nothing to see here, folks.

And people wonder why we worry about these people voting.
No shit.

But then, these are the same people who had no problem with Obama attending a racist church, run by a racist preacher for over twenty friggin' years......A racist preacher who Obama considered, "like a father to me".

Now all of a sudden they have a problem with Bachmann's beliefs.......It's friggin' hysterical.
This is neither liberal nor media ‘spin,’ but statements by Bachmann herself to an interviewer about her ‘Christian based’ philosophy with regard to American law and politics.
Bachmann was also influenced by a student of Schaeffer's named Nancy Pearcey, a well-known creationist and an advocate of Dominionism, the view that Christians are biblically mandated to occupy all secular institutions until Christ returns.

"Michele Bachmann has mentioned Pearcey's book [Total Truth] as one that was important to her," he says. "[The book] is in line with the Schaeffer-ite view of taking your Christian faith and making sure that it permeates all parts of your life. The key thing here is Christians should not just be go-to-church-on-Sunday Christians. Their religion should permeate all aspects of life."

In 1979, Bachmann enrolled in the first law school class at Oral Roberts University. Students at Oral Roberts were required to sign a "code of honor" attesting to their Christian beliefs and commitment.

"It's a law school that taught its students biblical law," says Lizza. "[The school said] 'You need to understand the Bible, you need to understand biblical law and that's what the United States Constitution is built upon. And as a legal mind, you should understand when American law is and is not consistent with biblical law.'"

While at Oral Roberts, Bachmann worked as a research assistant for one of the professors, John Eidsmoe. She has brought up his influence on the campaign trail, telling one audience in Iowa this year that he "taught me so many aspects of our godly heritage."

Eidsmoe's 1987 book, Christianity and the Constitution, tells Christians that "they need to get politically active and they need to get involved with the legal system and they need to make sure American law is more biblically based," says Lizza. "That's what the book ends on, a clarion call for his students to get involved. ... Eidsmoe is someone who believes American law should be based on the Bible. He believes that the United States is a Christian nation, should remain a Christian nation and that our politics and our law should be permeated by one's Christian faith."

The Books And Beliefs Shaping Michele Bachmann | weku

Sound familiar?

By her own admission Bachmann is an advocate of the fallacy that the Constitution is based on ‘biblical law.’ In her effort to introduce religion into her charter school and her statement that the Constitutional principle of separation of church and State is a ‘myth,’ for example, Bachmann clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of – or contempt for – the fundamental tenets of the Framers’ original intent.

Exactly. Thank you. All anybody needs to do is look (eyes open) and they can see that Bachmann is whack.
And what's your excuse?

Reading through many of your posts since you've joined, you're obviously not the brightest light on the ol' Xmas tree o' life........As evidenced by threads like this that are nothing more than lame attempts to nail JELLO to the wall........As you can see, that doesn't work so well, now does it?

I have to laugh at liberal women like you.......You absolutely hate conservative women who are far more successful, smarter, and waaaaaaaaaaaay better looking than you. And, it also drives you lib broads crazy that these conservative women actually know who the daddy's are, and can responsibly care for those they responsibly bring into the world.

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