Michael Brown Civil Rights Icon


May 23, 2014
Ferguson Missouri riots were supported by Obama administration as an expression of black frustration. George Soros jumped on board and financed Black Lives Matter movement to churn out votes for Hillary. Police officer that did his job and shot the criminal Brown lost his job. Police officers in Dallas were assassinated because Hillary wanted votes. What would MLK think of Michael Brown? Not much. Detriment to his cause.
Brown reacted out of frustration because the store owner from Bangladesh “be keepin the black man’s down.”
Typical strong arm vermin Democrats love, as long as they stay in the Hood and don't molest the Burb Brat 'radicalz' and 'social justice' frauds. They get hired to start riots and trash legitimate marches and political assemblies these days. Dems are all about 'jobs', you know ...
Typical strong arm vermin Democrats love, as long as they stay in the Hood and don't molest the Burb Brat 'radicalz' and 'social justice' frauds. They get hired to start riots and trash legitimate marches and political assemblies these days. Dems are all about 'jobs', you know ...
Fucking savages.
Brown reacted out of frustration because the store owner from Bangladesh “be keepin the black man’s down.”

Yes, those convenience stores in Da Hoods make zillions, obviously all those immigrants make millions off of scum like Brown and his fellow 'victims', never mind having to replace their stock 3 times over because of the thefts and shoplifitng. And these gimps wonder why the prices are so high at any business within walking distance of these shitholes.
Brown reacted out of frustration because the store owner from Bangladesh “be keepin the black man’s down.”

Yes, those convenience stores in Da Hoods make zillions, obviously all those immigrants make millions off of scum like Brown and his fellow 'victims', never mind having to replace their stock 3 times over because of the thefts and shoplifitng. And these gimps wonder why the prices are so high at any business within walking distance of these shitholes.
Again, I repeat myself...”fucking savages.”
Brown was just another black thug criminal who fortunately got at a young age what his lifestyle was lining him up for all along.

Even when they're offing each other in record numbers now there are still way too many running around loose. Police can't do their jobs any more, and not nearly enough prisons around any more; we should just build lethally electrified cattle pens and surround them with mine fields to store these vermin in. The horror the elderly shut ins must live through daily with these vermin on the loose must be stupefying. If Sharpton and Oprah and the rest of the social justice frauds don't like it and pretend to be worried about their plight they can come around and toss the scum food and water over the fences. Fat chance any of them would move themselves to do anything for them, though; that's Whitey's job, not theirs, apparently.
Protest against law enforcement only leads to higher crime and allows for the gangs to have total control of neighborhoods. Which is what black leaders and Democrats want. They make $$$ off of the criminal cartels in black communities. MLK would be appalled. If MLK would not have been shot by James Earl Ray...a Black Muslim or gang banger would have done it later. MLK’s star was falling when he got shot. Black radicals like the Panthers and Muslim’s felt him soft.
Protest against law enforcement only leads to higher crime and allows for the gangs to have total control of neighborhoods. Which is what black leaders and Democrats want. They make $$$ off of the criminal cartels in black communities. MLK would be appalled. If MLK would not have been shot by James Earl Ray...a Black Muslim or gang banger would have done it later. MLK’s star was falling when he got shot. Black radicals like the Panthers and Muslim’s felt him soft.

Yes. It's coming out now that 'Community Organizer' Obama was probably setting up dope smuggling ops with Iran and Hezbollah, which is why he was suddenly all about handing them a billion or so bucks of taxpayer money for nothing; wouldn't surprise me, but we know the FBI wouldn't investigate anything like that, too busy trying to peddle fake 'investigations' into Trump that never go anywhere and never will.
Michael Brown is not a civil rights icon by any means, shape or form. Period.
The Democrats are on the side of Criminals, Illegal Aliens and Jihadist.
The Left is working hard to break-down our civilization.
The Democrats are on the side of Criminals, Illegal Aliens and Jihadist.
The Left is working hard to break-down our civilization.

They need to be deported ASAP. Let them go save Africa or somebody who needs their 'attentions', show us all how it's done n stuff and impress us with all the success stories they generate.
Ferguson Missouri riots were supported by Obama administration as an expression of black frustration. George Soros jumped on board and financed Black Lives Matter movement to churn out votes for Hillary. Police officer that did his job and shot the criminal Brown lost his job. Police officers in Dallas were assassinated because Hillary wanted votes. What would MLK think of Michael Brown? Not much. Detriment to his cause.
Maybe we'll get another holiday from this! Rock (or rap) on!
I agree with the OP that Dr. King would NOT have approved of Mr. Brown's conduct.

I do not excuse the behavior of the people who violently supported Mr. Brown, but I can understand: When a person's group is being criticized, it is only natural that other group members circle the wagon.

It takes an unusually brave person to publicly go against his/her group.
Perhaps Brown was upset that blacks were first to land on the moon and not recognized for it. PBS and Ken Burns exposed this forgotten chapter in U.S. History
I agree with the OP that Dr. King would NOT have approved of Mr. Brown's conduct.

I do not excuse the behavior of the people who violently supported Mr. Brown, but I can understand: When a person's group is being criticized, it is only natural that other group members circle the wagon.

What group was that? Not trolling, just curious, and why should we 'understand' it?

It takes an unusually brave person to publicly go against his/her group.

True, which is why there are no Liberals in the Democratic Party any more, just racists, deviants, and kiddie porn addicts.
MBrown is the epitome of a black hero:
1.had a previous felony conviction
2. most thieves [ with HALF a brain and half sane ] want to get in and out fast, and cover their faces
..a. MB takes his time, doesn't care who sees him...thinks ''I'll do whatever I want--FK authority''--insane
....very insane....not thinking rationally....rebels and attacks authority
3.attacks the clerk with a ''I'll do what I want '' attitude
4.walks in the middle of the streeet
..a.I' ''ll do what I want--FK authority'''--insane
5. cop tells them to get out of road--his friend admits they will do it when they want to
..a. ''FK authority--insane
6. ATTACKS A COP for no reason!!!
..a. ''FK authority''--- insane

MB irrational/insane/out of control/lawless/etc = dangerous = NEEDED to be killed.....

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