Miami-Dade Voters Overwhelmingly Choose to Remove Mayor


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
MIAMI -- Mayor Carlos Alvarez was ousted Tuesday by voters angry over a property tax rate increase and salary raise for county employees in a county struggling to recover from the recession.
With 100 percent of precinct votes counted, 88 percent voted to oust the mayor, making Miami-Dade the most populous area, with more than 2.5 million people, ever to recall a local official. Just 12 percent of the 204,500 who cast ballots were in favor of allowing Alvarez to finish his second term, which ends in 2012.

Alvarez said he was confident the county's professional staff will work hard to ensure a smooth transition to a new administration.

"It has been an honor and privilege to serve this community for the past 35 years," Alvarez said in a statement. "The voters have spoken and a time of healing and reconciliation must now begin."

Miami-Dade Voters Overwhelmingly Choose to Remove Mayor -
from what i have just read about him, he seemed like a reasonable guy...a reasonable, clean politician....and yes, I know he is a least that is what i just read....but some of his other positions and the stances he took on them, seemed reasonable....not necessarily the increase in pay for gvt employees
from what i have just read about him, he seemed like a reasonable guy...a reasonable, clean politician....and yes, I know he is a least that is what i just read....but some of his other positions and the stances he took on them, seemed reasonable....not necessarily the increase in pay for gvt employees
An NFL Coach can win the SuperBowl multiple times during his long career. But if he has a losing record this year, he's always in danger of losing his job.

It's the same in politics.
He made two mistakes. in this economy he raised taxes and he raised county workers salaries, bad combination. bad. why didn't he take the increased tax revenue and create a few more jobs?
from what i have just read about him, he seemed like a reasonable guy...a reasonable, clean politician....and yes, I know he is a least that is what i just read....but some of his other positions and the stances he took on them, seemed reasonable....not necessarily the increase in pay for gvt employees
An NFL Coach can win the SuperBowl multiple times during his long career. But if he has a losing record this year, he's always in danger of losing his job.

It's the same in politics.
I see your point...
great analogy!
I am voting out anyone who raises my taxes. As a matter of fact property taxes around the country rose during the housing boom & now they need to come back down to reality. If they don't lower my taxes they are out on their ass.
He made two mistakes. in this economy he raised taxes and he raised county workers salaries, bad combination. bad. why didn't he take the increased tax revenue and create a few more jobs?

Or how about cut taxes and cut spending.
from what i have just read about him, he seemed like a reasonable guy...a reasonable, clean politician....and yes, I know he is a least that is what i just read....but some of his other positions and the stances he took on them, seemed reasonable....not necessarily the increase in pay for gvt employees

I've re read the piece about two times. Would you please point out where it said he was a Republican. I couldn't find the word Republican or Democrat anywhere in the entire article. Thanks in advance.
from what i have just read about him, he seemed like a reasonable guy...a reasonable, clean politician....and yes, I know he is a least that is what i just read....but some of his other positions and the stances he took on them, seemed reasonable....not necessarily the increase in pay for gvt employees

I've re read the piece about two times. Would you please point out where it said he was a Republican. I couldn't find the word Republican or Democrat anywhere in the entire article. Thanks in advance.

I did a google on it...Carlos Alvarez Party affiliation, miami.... and a bunch of links came up....i went in to a couple of them and read about him and found it.
I saw part of his speech. He was extremely nervous and thanked everyone for allowing him to be of service to them. That was classy. Too bad his ideas were not any better than they were.
This is the early stages of a trend.

The WI protests have sent message across the country, and it's not the one they intended.
Sweet justice for sure. He tried to do what a lot of corrupt Politicians do. He tried to punish the Taxpayers for his own incompetence & malfeasance. He completely sunk the city with his ridiculous over-spending. Then he tried to punish and make the Taxpayers pay for it. Many other Politicians are going to attempt this same thing all across this country. It's always the Taxpayers who get screwed. Hopefully more people will stand up and boot inept Politicians like Alvarez. Why should hard-working Taxpayers be punished for the Politicians' crimes? It's just not right. So WTG Miami-Dade! I hope we see more of this around the country.
MIAMI -- Mayor Carlos Alvarez was ousted Tuesday by voters angry over a property tax rate increase and salary raise for county employees in a county struggling to recover from the recession.
With 100 percent of precinct votes counted, 88 percent voted to oust the mayor, making Miami-Dade the most populous area, with more than 2.5 million people, ever to recall a local official. Just 12 percent of the 204,500 who cast ballots were in favor of allowing Alvarez to finish his second term, which ends in 2012.

Alvarez said he was confident the county's professional staff will work hard to ensure a smooth transition to a new administration.

"It has been an honor and privilege to serve this community for the past 35 years," Alvarez said in a statement. "The voters have spoken and a time of healing and reconciliation must now begin."

Miami-Dade Voters Overwhelmingly Choose to Remove Mayor -

Now if we can spread this mentality to the rest of the country? Get rid of the jerks that are never sastisfied with other people's money?

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