Mexico: Prison guards let killers out, lent guns


Jun 10, 2010
MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Guards and officials at a prison in northern Mexico allegedly let inmates out, lent them guns and sent them off in official vehicles to carry out drug-related killings, including the massacre of 17 people last week, prosecutors said Sunday.

After carrying out the killings the inmates would return to their cells, the Attorney General's Office said in a revelation that was shocking even for a country wearied by years of drug violence and corruption.

"According to witnesses, the inmates were allowed to leave with authorization of the prison director ... to carry out instructions for revenge attacks using official vehicles and using guards' weapons for executions," office spokesman Ricardo Najera said at a news conference.

- Trimmed due to Copyright, Modbert.

News from The Associated Press


Is this event suprizing considering the whole country of Mexico is one big crime ring?

Millions spent to arrest these clowns, millions spent to house them, now millions will be spent to find and arrest them again.

Please Mr. GRINGO....Give us more money!!
Is this event suprizing considering the whole country of Mexico is one big crime ring?

Millions spent to arrest these clowns, millions spent to house them, now millions will be spent to find and arrest them again.

Please Mr. GRINGO....Give us more money!!

Not suprising at all as a matter of fact I think it goes all the way to the top with Calderon willing to do anything to keep his political party in power.
I spent what seemed like a decade one year and a half spearheading my company's attempt to establish business relations with various Mexican companies that operated in our same industry. It wasn't like we were novices at it as we had previously developed such relationships in Italy, Spain, Brazil and other places and ultimately worked with Taiwan, China and many others after just giving up trying to work in Mexico.

There were a whole host of cultural reasons, both business and social, that inhibited our progress but ultimately it was the wide scale umbrella of corruption that permeated all levels of government from local to state to federal that was the deciding factor in us folding our tent and moving on to countries with more hospitable business environments.

At the time to my knowledge there were no drug lords, cartels, etc. operating in the country, or if there was they were in their infancy and thus totally under the radar. But I have no doubt whatsoever that it is the vast underground labyrinth of well established systemic corruption that has nurtured the wide spread and deadly growth of the drug business in Mexico. And I don't believe it will ever get any better and wouldn't go back there if I won a free trip.
All this coming to a niegborhood near you.


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